745120 - VA DIT WRX SF Intake

745120 - VA DIT WRX SF Intake

745120 - VA DIT WRX SF Intake

Subaru WRX 2015 - 2021

Congratulations on your purchase of the COBB Tuning SF Intake! The following instructions will assist you through the installation process. Please read them BEFORE beginning the install to familiarize yourself with the steps and tools needed. If you feel you cannot properly perform this installation, we HIGHLY recommend you take the vehicle to a qualified and experienced automotive technician.

This product requires an appropriate calibration to be flashed to your vehicle in order for it to be run safely.  In order to find which map you should be installed to refer to the Map Notes for VA WRX 

Table of Contents

Parts List









10 vs 12mm m6 bolts


10 vs 12mm m6 bolts



Tools Needed



  • 3/8" ratchet

  • 3/8" 12" extension

  • 3/8" 6" extension

  • 3/8" 10mm socket

  • 3/8" 12mm socket 

Hand Tools

  • Phillips head screwdriver

  • Flathead screwdriver

  • 7mm Nut Driver

  • 8mm Nut Driver

  • M3 Metric Hex Key (Included)

  • M4 Ball End Metric Hex Key (Included)

  • Trim removal tool

  • Pick


Stock Intake Removal

Intake Pre-Assembly


  1. Cut some of the provided edgetrim 1011 (The thinner stuff that is smaller but not rounded). And fit it to the opening in the side of the airbox, we usually cut the ends at a 45 degree angle in order to make it look somewhat seamless. Try not to cut yourself.




  2. Next trim up some of the Trimseal 1501 (has a long flap coming out from one side) to fit over the bottom edge of the airbox where the hold down flap is, setting it up to curve back under the airbox. If you want to get creative you can leave some of the back in place to keep it in one piece and make it around the corner. This is wire reinforced so you’ll need to use some wire cutters to cut it part of the way.




  3. Now cut some of the Trimseal 6126 to fit over the “wing” sticking out of the airbox on the same end as you installed it on the last piece. Again curving towards the under side of the airbox.


  4. Take some of the short round Edgetrim 1003 and add it to fit the top of the airbox fender block off plate.



  5. Install the two grommets into the holes on the bottom of the airbox fender blockoff





Intake Assembly and Installation

For most vehicles you can assemble this ahead of time on the bench, if your vehicle has the adaptive headlights you may need to do this assembly in the car in order for it to fit in easily around the headlight motors etc.


  1. Slide the velocity stack/MAF housing component through the MAF mountaing bracket with the curved large end on the same size as the two pins sticking out.

    The back side with the longer end and the MAF opening should be on the same side that there are two flat tabs sticking up.



  2. You can bolt this in place using 3 of the smaller m6 allen bolts (m6x1.0x10mm). Tightening it down with the provided m4 hex key.

    12mm long on left, 10mm long on right

  3. That plate can now get bolted into the airbox with the remaining 3 shorter m6 bolts. The tab going upwards should be opposite the side of the airbox with the large flat. You should be able to get the tight one near the MAF housing with the provided ball end allen key.


  4. Install the MAF Extension harness to the MAF Sensor plug and route the wire down and towards the outside of the car.


  5. You can now go ahead and drop the whole assembly into the engine bay. Your goal is to get the frame rail bolt tab to line up as well as the one on the inside of the fender.

    Make sure not to pinch the wiring harness against the fender or wheel liner.

  6. Install the air filter tightening down the hose clamp with an 8mm socket/nutdriver or a flat blade screwdriver.

  7. Slide in the airbox fender panel slipping it over the pins on the bottom of the airbox


  8. Take the first of your m6 x 1.0 x 16mm flanged head bolts and add one of the stainless washers to it before loosely installing it through the blockoff plate and airbox into the side of the fender.

  9. Reinstall the silver intake support bracket from the stock intake.

    Secure it to the fender with the stock hardware, then use the provided flange nut on the inside and flanged bolt and fender washer combination on the outside to loosely bolt it to the airbox.



  10. Use the remaining flanged bolt and washer to bolt it down to the frame rail.

  11. With all three of those flanged bolts installed you can tighten them down using your 10mm socket and wrench.

  12. You can now install the airbox lid using the 5 provided M6 x 1.0 x 12mm allen head bolts along with the plastic washers. Loosely install them first to get everything lined up, then tighten down with the provided allen key.



  13. You can go ahead and reinstall the stock snorkel before moving underneath the car to complete the installation.

  14. Underneath the car now, Take the smaller coupler and slip it over the maf housing with two hose clamps.  The coupler is a slight angle and you want the angle to be going towards the front of the car. Essentially the COBB logo should be on the top side and towards the outside of the car. Leave the two hose clamps loose for now, you'll want to be able to rotate them somewhat freely once the intake is installed so you can get things positioned where it's easy to tighten.

  15. Take the 90 degree aluminum bend and the zig-zag coupler and secure it in the fashion showed using a hose clamp at either end.  The COBB logo should be at the end away from the pipe and it should continue the bend in an arc.  Leave the clamps loose for now.

  16. Install the pipe end into the coupler coming off of the intake, then slip the silicon coupler over the turbo inlet.  If things seem a little stretched or kinked, try slightly turning the couplers in one direction or ther other to see if that relaxes things a bit more.



  17. At this point swing your wheel liner back up, make sure it can make it all the way up without the intake stopping it. If not wiggle some of the couplers around, turning the angled coupler at the MAF housing and the zig zag at the inlet should allow the piping to get high enough to fit properly. Once you’re happy with the fit go ahead and tighten down the hose clamps.

  18. Plug the MAF sensor extension into the MAF sensor.

  19. You should now be good to re-install the wheel liner, and undertray of the car as well as anything else you removed to do the install.

  20. You’re all done! Go out and enjoy!


Map Notes for VA WRX

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