Map Notes for VA WRX (USDM)

Map Notes for VA WRX (USDM)

Supported Vehicles:

  • Model year 2015-2021 WRX 6MT, CVT USDM Vehicles

*To confirm your model year, you can refer to the tenth value in the VIN number on the vehicle. For model year 2001-2009, the 10th value in the VIN will be the last digit of the model year. For model year 2010-2019, the 10th value in the VIN will be A-K, starting with 2010, ending with 2019.


Current Map Revision:

North American 2015-2021 WRX 6MT

North American 2015-2021 WRX CVT

North American 2015-2021 WRX 6MT

North American 2015-2021 WRX CVT

  • Stage1 v400

  • Stage1+SF v400

  • Stage1+BigSF v400

  • Stage1+Redline v400

  • NexGen Stage2+Redline v401

  • NexGen Stage2+SF v401

  • Stage1 v400

  • Stage1+SF v400

  • Stage1+BigSF v400

  • Stage1+Redline v400

  • NexGen Stage2+Redline v401

  • NexGen Stage2+SF v401

  • NexGen Stage2+FlexFuel

    • HWG (High Wastegate)

    • LWG (Low Wastegate)


Accessport Firmware: 

  • AP3-SUB-004:

Fuel Requirements:

Each map lists the minimum required octane. A higher octane fuel can be used safely on a map designed for lower octane. DO NOT use maps designed for higher octane with lower octane fuels. Top Tier gasoline should be used where available.

  • Maps designated with "91 OCT or 95 RON " are for use with 91 and 92 octane/95 RON fuel or better.

  • Maps designated with "93 OCT or 98 RON" are for use with 93 octane/98 RON fuel or better.

    • 94 octane with 0% Ethanol should run the ACN91 Map.


Running 0% Ethanol Fuels

These maps are designed for E10 fuel (fuel with 10% ethanol content). For those who only have access to E0 fuel (fuel with 0% ethanol) it is recommended to use the "91" and "ACN91" octane versions of the maps and datalog the car to ensure your fuel is performing to the necessary level. This is especially important for those using Canadian 94 octane E0 fuel. 

Peak Increase compares the highest value present for each run regardless of RPM

Max HP/TQ is the largest difference when comparing stock vs tuned at a single RPM point

Average HP/TQ refers to the average value present over the entire RPM range

Power Gains

Stage1, Stage1+, NexGen Stage2


Hard parts Requirements

NexGen Stage2+Flex Fuel







NexGen Stage2+Flex Fuel release


Stage2+ NexGen release


This map was updated to eliminate unnecessary DTC Supression or update versions for parity with other maps/vehicles within the platform


Adjusted fuel based protection system that operates at low DAM. No impact on normal operation.


All VA WRX calibrations updated with new CCF2 ROM family and improvements noted in v350 (previously only for 2020 WRX), plus the following:

  • Normal, LWG, and HWG calibration options for all stages

  • Incorporated OEM Battery life improvements to applicable models (15-17)


Improved high load driveability.


Maps have been updated to eliminate unnecessary DTC suppression.

2020 WRX OTS utilized new CCF2 ROM family for improved driveability.  Some of the changes include:

  • Improved closed-loop fueling and learning, improved airflow calculation and fuel targets.

  • Improved charge temperature based boost target and control, and ignition compensation.

  • Per gear timing and boost control, improved knock learning.

  • "Soft" boost limit (via throttle), smoothed boost control input, reduced boost reduction at low air temperatures.

  • Improved Anti-theft map (no start), improved Valet map (more restrictions i.e. 70 MPH speed limit)

  • Additional groundwork to help Protuners 


  • 2018 ADM WRX: Fixed bug where the "Intake Temperature Pre-Turbo" monitor could sometimes show a value of -58F for a brief period of time after engine start. ECU did not use the erroneous value so this is a monitor issue only.

  • Added 2019 ADM WRX support.


2017 USDM WRX CVT/MT: Fixed an issue where real-time tuning and real-time map switching was disabled for the "MAF Calibration" table which caused the ECU to always use the reflashed values only for this table. 

  • Note: Please REFLASH a v302 map to address this.


  • Fixed bugs associated with v300 maps preventing real-time and launch control feature changes from working.

  • Addressed issue causing check engine light from being thrown for Stage2 maps


Supports the latest Subaru ECU revision. Merged Subaru calibration for the latest injector timing changes.


  • Fixed bug causing Realtime map switching to not work.

  • Added 2016 USDM WRX 6MT support.

  • Added COBB BigSF Intake support.


  • Realtime tuning/map change feature added to v200 and later OTS maps (also requires latest Accessport firmware update to expose real-time map change function).

  • Launch control (AP and cruise control adjustable) feature added to v200 and later OTS maps (also requires latest Accessport firmware update to expose launch RPM adjustment menu).

  • Flat foot shifting (AP adjustable) feature added to v200 and later OTS maps (also requires the latest Accessport firmware update to expose flat-foot shift RPM adjustment menu).

  • Merged Subaru calibration update for injector timing and other changes.

  • Includes Subaru pre-ignition updates.


  • Renamed Stage1+TBE maps to Stage2

  • Revised IAT vs. WGDC compensation to reduce underboosting between 32 F / 0 C and -40 F / -40 C

  • Disabled Global A/F Learning #1 adjustment

  • Slight revision to reduce DAM adjustment sensitivity at low loads

  • Corrected issue with OL Enrichment vs. DAM fueling adjustment table


Addresses an infrequent brief interruption of torque/power delivery introduced in the v113 maps.


  • Adds support for newest factory ECU/ROM update

  • Reduced "rev hang" behavior when changing gears

  • Optimized higher load ignition timing

  • Revised how IAT vs. Ignition Timing compensations are applied at low load and RPM

  • Changed long-term fuel trim behaviors at higher load values

  • Improved AVCS and Requested Torque settings to improve power past 6000 RPM

  • Revised Boost Target and WGDC vs. Baro. Comps to increase boost at high elevations

  • Altered Per-Gear Ignition Timing compensations for 4/5/6th gears at high RPM for better resistance to detonation

  • Slightly richer target AFR at high load and RPM


  • Revised low load/RPM timing to reduce knock corrections

  • Smoothed Boost vs. IAT compensations for more predictable boost targeting

  • Reduced Boost Target at higher RPM to raise knock threshold

  • Adjusted Boost Target and WGDC Compensations for high elevations to address underboosting

  • Added "High Waste Gate" secondary option mapping for cars experiencing persistent underboosting conditions

  • Revised throttle mapping to increase sensitivity at partial accelerator pedal positions based on feedback from Airboy and others

  • Richer target AFR at high load for increased detonation resistance


  • Revised ignition timing, primary fueling, camshaft timing, closed / open loop transition thresholds and boost levels for performance and safety.

  • Optimized throttle mapping for improved take-off and more linear response across accelerator pedal range.

  • Factory fueling and timing strategies streamlined for ease-of-calibration and consistency following a key-off and restart sequence.

  • Per-Gear Timing Compensations revised for safety and enabled for 6th gear (OEM logic only allows for compensating gears 1-5).


Initial Release






Stage+ NexGen release


This map was updated to eliminate unnecessary DTC Supression or update versions for parity with other maps/vehicles within the platform


Adjusted fuel based protection system that operates at low DAM. No impact on normal operation.


Updated all CVT WRX vehicles to CCF2 ROM Family maps.  Among those changes.

  • Improved closed-loop fueling and learning

  • IAT boost target compensation.


  • 2020 USDM WRX CVT initial support release

  • Utilized new CCF2 ROM family for improved driveability.  Among those changes.

    • Improved closed-loop fueling and learning

    • IAT boost target compensation.


2017 USDM WRX CVT/MT: Fixed an issue where real-time tuning and real-time map switching was disabled for the "MAF Calibration" table which caused the ECU to always use the reflashed values only for this table. 

  • Note: Please REFLASH a v302 map to address this.


Fixed bugs associated with v300 maps preventing real-time and launch control feature changes from working.


Supports latest Subaru ECU revision.


  • Fixed bug causing Realtime map switching to not work.

  • Added 2016 USDM WRX CVT support.

  • Added COBB BigSF Intake support.


  • Realtime tuning now available.

  • Merged Subaru calibration update for injector timing and other changes.


Corrected issue where Launch Mode was not able to be activated on certain Stage1 v116 maps.


  • Original mapping for 2015 WRX CVT. 

  • Revised ignition timing, primary fueling, camshaft timing, closed / open loop transition thresholds and boost levels for performance and safety.

  • Factory fueling and timing strategies streamlined for ease-of-calibration and consistency following a key-off and restart sequence.

  • Set speed limiters to maximum allowed value

  • Per-Gear Timing Compensations revised for safety and enabled for 6th - 8th gear in S# Mode (OEM logic only allows for compensating gears 1-5). 

  • Launch Mode feature added to all performance maps.

  • Includes Subaru pre-ignition update changes.



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