842650 - Subaru Turbo Blanket (FA Engines)

842650 - Subaru Turbo Blanket (FA Engines)

842650 - Subaru Turbo Blanket (FA Engines)

Subaru WRX 2014 - 2021

Congratulations on your purchase of the COBB Tuning Turbo Blanket! The following instructions will assist you through the installation process. Please read them BEFORE beginning the install to familiarize yourself with the steps and tools needed. If you feel you cannot properly perform this installation, we HIGHLY recommend you take the vehicle to a qualified and experienced automotive technician.

While not flammable on their own, if any sort of flammable chemical gets into the fiber of the turbo blanket, it may be possible for a fire to occur.  It is recommended to replace the turbo blanket if ANY flammable chemicals, liquids, or materials get on the blanket.

Table of Contents

Stock Component Removal

  1. Remove the trim clips holding the plastic skid tray in place.  There should be 9 clips holding the center in place, then the two in each wheel well.


  2. Remove the four 12mm bolts on the skid tray.


  3. Unplug the front O2 sensor and unclip the harness from the heat shield.


  4. Using a 22mm oxygen sensor wrench, remove the o2 sensor and leave it somewhere safe.

  5. Unplug the rear o2 sensor, removing the sensor isn't needed.

  6. Remove the four 14mm nuts holding the jpipe on to the turbo.


  7. From the bottom, remove the 2 12mm bolts holding the heat shield onto the downpipe bracket.


  8. Remove the bolt going vertically into that same bracket  from the top.


  9. Remove the other bolt towards the driver's side in order to remove the jpipe heatshield.


  10. Now remove the heatshield and bracket from the car.


  11. Remove the rear jpipe bolts and remove the jpipe from the car.

  12. Moving to the exhaust manifold remove the 5 10mm bolts from the heatshield, there should be one in each corner and one in the center.


  13. Moving over to the intake side of the turbo, remove the turbo inlet hose using an 8mm socket on the hose clamps.

  14. Either remove the electrical connector from the blowby sensor or push up on the sensor itself (in white( until it comes free of the intake tube.


  15. Remove the vacuum lines going to the EBCS from the turbo, as well as the electrical connection going to the EBCS

  16. Undo the two 10mm bolts hodling the inlet housing to the turbo.

  17. Squeeze the hose clamp going to the BPV and pull down on the housing in order to pull it free from the car.


  18. Remove the two 19mm bolts holding the BPV assembly to the turbo.

  19. Position a drain pan of some so under the turbo, then disconnect the oil line from the oil scavenge tank by gently squeezing the factory spring clamp.

  20. Once the drip stops, zip tie the line up and out of the way.

  21. Undo the spring clip and remove the coolant line going to the turbo at the bottom.  (If you have a hose clamp tool using it can minimize leaks.)

  22. Now go up and remove the top line going in to the turbo.

  23. Remove the 10mm from the center of the heat shields on the front of the turbo.

  24. Slowly remove the two 10mm bolts holding the oil tank in place.  Zip tie it out of place.  Make sure to catch the gasket if it comes off.


  25. Zip tie the tank out of the way.

  26. Remove the oil feed line using a 17mm line.

  27. Loosen the six 14mm bolts holding the exhaust manifold and turbo assembly in place, and remove it from the car.


  28. Remove the two 10mm bolts holding the heatshield at the rear and remove the heat shield in order to gain better access to the turbo.


Turbo Blanket Installation

  1. Take the L shaped end of the blanket and poke it through the larger gap near the wastegate actuator arm.  This should allow you to get the wiring rivet to the other side of the arm more easily.


  2. Wrap the rest of the blanket around the turbo making sure to keep it clear of the oil mounting point.


  3. Use your safety wire through the gap near the flange to connect the center section side of the blanket together.  Twist to get the points secure but not tight yet.


  4. Now wire the other side, making sure it doesn't go over the exhaust flange which will cause issues when you go to refit the jpipe


  5. Reinstall the heatshield back in place.  It may require some squishing to get it to fit down on top of the turbo blanket.


  6. Bolt the manifold back into the vehicle.


  7. Making sure your gasket is back in place on the oil tank, bolt it in loosely, making sure to have the bolt removed from the heat shields so they can slide over eachother (The upper should be on top(.


  8. Slowly tighten down the bolts to get the heatshield further up.

  9. Once the oil tank is tightened, supporting the bottom of the turbo with a jack, pull down on the heat shield in order to get the bolt holes to line up.  (This part can be a huge pain, stay patient!)


  10. Once you've got that in place, reinstall the rest of the components in the reverse order of removal leaving off both the plastic and alumnium underbody panels for now.

  11. When you're happy that everything is reinstalled and tight, remove the brown fuse found between the blue fuse and the black relay.  This should be for your fuel injector driver.  (This may vary, so make sure to check the bottom side of your fuse cover to verify relay position)


  12. Crank the car 3 times for a few seconds each in order to ensure oil is reaching the turbo.  Now replace the relay.

  13. Hop on your Accessport and clear the check engine light your car likely now has from the missing relay (It may not come on until after the vehicle was started the first time).

  14. Start things up and check for any leaks either from the oil, coolant, or exhaust.  Make sure if the car makes any odd sounds or rattles to turn it off and double check everything.  It will idle funky if the code for the fuel injector relay being missing is active so make sure to clear it!

  15. In some cases you may want to bleed the cooling system, follow appropriate safety precuations when doing so to the factory specification.

  16. Double-check your fluid levels with the car hot (Never open the cooling system with the car hot or running!!!!)

Important Notes

While not flammable on their own, if any sort of flammable chemical gets into the fiber of the turbo blanket, it may be possible for a fire to occur.  It is recommended to replace the turbo blanket if ANY flammable chemicals, liquids, or materials get on the blanket.


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