How To Get Out Of Recovery Mode

How To Get Out Of Recovery Mode


How To: Avoid Recovery Mode and How It Can Be Utilized.

Applicable Model/Year: 

This is a process which can occur on all vehicles supported by the Accessport.


What is Recovery Mode?:

Recovery mode is a state which the Accessport will enter if it detects that it was interrupted during the vehicle install/uninstall/reflashing process.  Because of that interruption the flash to your vehicle may be incomplete and prevent the vehicle from starting or running properly.  Recovery mode is the state in which the Accessport is working to remove and reflash the incomplete map that was put on the vehicle to restore driveability and start over from a clean baseline.


When Will This Happen?:

Typically your Accessport will go into recovery mode when it's attempting to go through the flashing process and is interrupted.  This interruption can be caused by things like unplugging the cable, inconsistent battery voltage, having climate control, or lights on, opening/closing the doors, or having aftermarket electronics which interact with the electrical system even when the vehicle isn't running.  This can also happen if a proper battery charger is not present on the vehicle when installing.


How to Avoid It:

The simplest way to avoid putting your Accessport into recovery mode is prevention.

  • Follow all on-screen steps and prompts during your install/uninstall flashing including the fact that you want to have a battery charger hooked up to the vehicle (at 10-12 amps) even if your battery and charging system are in good condition.  This is because the install process can oftentimes be quite lenghty and if the vehicle runs low on power it could disable the Accessport from flashing the car.
  • Make sure and disable any alarm systems, immobilizers, or gauge systems which pull power or interact with the vehicles computer system.
  • Aftermarket amplifiers and stereos (in addition to capcitors) can cause voltage fluctuation even when the vehicle is off so make sure they are unhooked from their power source.
  • Make sure the cable is seated properly both in the Accessport and OBD II port and do not wiggle around the cable ends during the install process.
  • Make sure your unit is on the newest firmware by updating it using Accessport Manager


Steps to Recognize/Use:

When your Accessport is in Recovery mode you will typically only have two options, Uninstall (or recover depending on vehicle family) and troubleshooting.  Once you follow the instructions to make sure your vehicle is properly prepped to be flashed, select Uninstall and follow the on-screen prompts.  Once the ECU has been recovered you are free to begin the install process again.  If your vehicle does not recover at this time, double-check that all of your accessories are disabled and that the vehicle is in the on position but not running, and that your charger is powered on.  If it still fails at this time contact Cobb Support support@cobbtuning.com for additional tips.


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