COBB Custom Features: EcoBoost Transmission Brake and Bump Box

COBB Custom Features: EcoBoost Transmission Brake and Bump Box

Accessport Model Compatibility

  • APv3 

    • AP3-FOR-003: or greater

    • AP3-FOR-012: or greater

Map Compatibility/Requirement

  • COBB OTS Mapping, v200+ (Mustang)

  • COBB OTS Mapping, v103+ (Explorer)

  • Protunes (must be enabled)

Applicable Model/Year

  • Mustang EcoBoost 15-23, AT (automatic transmission) only

  • Explorer ST 20-24

Warning - Transmission Braking and Bump Box features are abusive to the engine, clutch, transmission, axles, tires, and differential. The user accepts all risks and responsibilities when using this feature.

Things To Look Out For

Threshold Requirements for Use of These Features

Conditional requirements for this feature to be used

Engine Coolant Temperature


Transmission Temperature


Maximum Alloted Time for it to be active

10 seconds at wide open throttle

OEM Stability Control

Both bump box and creep can be used with factory cruise control enabled, however for optimal benefit we recommend disabling that system before using.

  • Disabling Traction Control Only

    • Press the Traction Control button once (looks like a car leaving tire marks on the road). If successful, you should see the Traction Control light illuminate on the dash.

  • Disabling Traction Control & AdvanceTrac

    • Hold the traction control button for ~6 seconds to disable both Traction Control and Advancetrac.


How To Enable Transmission Braking

To enable transmission braking, navigate through the following menus, starting at the main menu:

  1. Select Tune.


  2. Select “Adjustments”


  3. Select “Enable Transbrake” and/or “Transbrake 2-Step” a value of 1 will have the system activated, a value of 0 will be off.


To enable transmission braking, navigate through the following menus, starting at the main menu:

  1. Select Tune.


  2. Select “Adjustments”


  3. Select "Transbrake Enable" a value of 1 will have the system activated, a value of 0 will be off.


How to Use Transmission Creep and Bump Box

Steps to Use Transmission Creep

  1. Come to a complete stop.

  2. Hold the left (downshift) paddle and press down the Accelerator (moving it quickly downwards over the activation limit which at default is 40%)

  3. If you want to creep forward.  Continue holding the throttle and left paddle, hold down the right paddle to allow the car to slowly move forward, release when you want to stop moving.

  4. Let go of the left paddle in order to launch!

Steps to Use Bump Box

  1. Come to a complete stop.

  2. Hold the left (downshift) paddle and press down the Accelerator (moving it quickly downwards over the activation limit which at default is 40%)

  3. If you want to bump forward.  Continue holding the throttle and left paddle and tap the right paddle (Upshift) to allow the car to bump forward on the transmission.

  4. Let go of the left paddle in order to launch!

Available Adjustments and How to Make Them

Adjustments to transmission braking and bump box feature are configurable on the APv3.

  1. Adjust transmission braking settings by going to the "Tune" menu.



  2. Select “Adjustments”



The following adjustments are available:


Change Transbrake 2-step RPM (15-17 only)


RPM limiter the system will try to hold the car at. (Default Transbrake RPM must be configured within Accesstuner)


Using the limiter helps to build boost and can prevent the torque converter from going beyond the intended stall speed.






Change Transbrake Bump Delay (15-17 only)


Changes the current Transbrake Bump Box delay.

This feature creates an amount of time where the transbrake system is disabled allowing the car to roll forward under power. We've found that a delay between "12-15" works well for a car on street tires. For cars with stickier tires a higher value may be needed in order to bump the car adequately, while a value too high could just cause the car to launch despite the brake application.




Creep Mode Slip Target


This is the target slip RPM for the reverse clutch pack while creep mode is active.  Increasing slip RPM will create a faster creep, decreasing slip RPM will create a slower creep.









Transbrake Bump Time


Changes the amount of time the car is "bumped" - meaning to roll forward under power. Higher bump times mean the car will roll forward longer, while lower bump times mean the car will roll forward for a shorter period of time.








Transbrake Creep Pressure


Changes the target transmission pressure when using the creep system. You can lower the pressure to allow for more clutch slip, and increase pressure to allow less clutch slip.








Transbrake Load Target


We have created a custom transbrake-specific load targeting system to offer ultimate launching control without influencing power available while driving.









Transbrake RPM Limit


This adjustments changes the RPM limit that the Transbrake system will attempt to hold the car at. Using the limiter helps to build boost and can prevent the torque converter from going beyond the intended stall speed.








Transbrake Staging Mode


This adjustment allows you to swap between Transbrake Creep - which allows the car to slowly roll forward - and Transbrake Bump - which lurches or “bumps” the car slightly forward.

0 = Creep | 1=Bump

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