GT-R Data Monitor Support
Accessport & Accesstuner Data Monitors
GT-R Engine Control Module (ECM) Data Monitors
Supported Applications:
- WM 2008-2016 (UDSM 2009-2017)
**Bolded Monitors indicate default data log parameter for Accessport.
Units: (standard, metric)
- A/C System Pressure - (MPa) A/C system pressure.
- A/F ALPHA (Avg. Learning) B1 - (%) – Average learned fuel correction bank 1.
- A/F ALPHA (Avg. Learning) B2 - (%) – Average learned fuel correction bank 2.
- A/F Ratio B1 - (AFR, Lambda) – Internal wide-band oxygen sensor bank 1. Actual AFR/Lambda reported by the ECU.
- A/F Ratio B2 - (AFR, Lambda) – Internal wide-band oxygen sensor bank 2. Actual AFR/Lambda reported by the ECU.
- Air Fuel B1 CMD – AFR/Lambda final request before compensations.
- Air Fuel B2 CMD – AFR/Lambda final request before compensations.
- Active Map Slot – (#) -Real time switchable map currently in use by the ECU (0-8)
- Accelerator pedal Pos. – (%) Input from the driver.
- Accelerator pedal Pos. Hijack – (%) Debug monitor for engine safety and rolling boost system. This is used to verify the throttle request during an engine safety event or rolling boost.
- Barometric Pressure - A measure of atmospheric pressure
- Battery Voltage – (V)
- Clutch Torque - (nm, ft/lbs) - Output value from the clutch torque table, sent to the transmission control unit and affects clutch lock-up.
- Coolant Temp - (deg. F, deg. C) – Engine coolant temperature.
- Differential Fuel Pressure - (psig) - Fuel pressure minus manifold relative pressure (sea level), this is the effective pressure used for injector flow determination.
- Differential Fuel Pressure Compensation - (%) - The amount of compensation applied by the differential fuel pressure compensation table.
- Differential Fuel Pressure Error (PSI) - (psi error) - The amount of differential fuel pressure error in PSI as referenced against the base fuel pressure table.
- Differential Fuel Pressure Error (Percent) - (% error) - The amount of differential fuel pressure error in % as referenced against the base fuel pressure table.
- Dynamic Advance (DBA) - ( deg.) – monitor used for DBA ignition timing only. Degrees of advance added or subtracted due to current engine noise or detonation
- End of injection Timing - (deg.) – Timing for end on injection in rotational degrees after top dead center.
- Engine Oil Temp. – (Deg. F, Deg. C) – Engine oil temperature.
- Engine Speed – (RPM) – Engine speed in revolutions per minute.
- Ethanol % - (%) – Custom monitor for COBB Flex fuel. Reports ethanol content when fitted with appropriate hardware and enabled in map.
- Enabled BOTL – (0-1) Custom monitor for COBB Boost off the line. When enabled this monitor will display a value of 1. If the system is not engaged it will display a value of 0.
- Enabled ROLL – (0-1) Custom monitor for COBB Rolling Boost. When enabled and active this monitor will display a value of 1. If the system is not engaged it will display a value of 0.
- Enabled SAFETY – (0-1) Custom monitor for COBB Engine Safety. When active (an active fault/failure state) this monitor will display a value of 1. If the system is not engaged it will display a value of 0.
- Fuel Temp – (Deg. F, Deg. C) in tank Fuel Temperature.
Fuel Cut Flags - (raw) - These values represent any active cylinder fuel cuts. In the case of multiple simultaneous injection cuts, the values get added together. How to Read Compound Monitors
Value Description: 1 Cylinder 1 2 Cylinder 2 4 Cylinder 3 8 Cylinder 4 16 Cylinder 5 32 Cylinder 6
Add Multiple Cylinders - Fuel Pressure – (P.S.I., k.P.a.) Custom monitor for COBB Engine Safety/Fuel pressure. If an external senor is equipped, activated and calibrated, this will display current fuel pressure.
- Fuel Pump (Sub) Status - (0-1) - The current active status of the oem secondary fuel pump.
- Fuel Temperature Compensation - (%) - The amount of compensation applied by the fuel temperature compensation table.
- Gear – Current active gear.
- High Det. Flag (ON/OFF) – monitor that reports normal low detonation (0) or high detonation (1) conditions. Requires key cycle event to clear out high det. mode events.
- Idle Speed Target - (RPM) Target idle speed
- Ignition Timing – (deg.) – Ignition timing in degrees before top dead center. This is the final commanded ignition timing after all correction and adjustments.
- Inj. Duty Cycle – (%) – Total injector pulse width as a percentage of available injector open time. If staged injection is active, this value will indicate the duty cycle the primary injectors would be at if the secondary injectors were not active.
- Inj. Duty Cycle (Staged) - (%) - Total injector pulse width as a percentage of available injector open time. If staged injection is active, this value will indicate the current duty cycle that both the primary and secondary injectors are operating at.
- Inj. Pulse Width Cyl 1-6 – (ms) – Total open time of fuel injector.
- Inj. Pulse Width Cyl. 1-6 (Effective) - (ms) - Total injector open time minus latency, this is the effective time the injector is actually flowing fuel.
- Inj. Pulse Width 1-6 Final (Post Compensation) - (ms) Final Inj. pulse width after all compensations.
- Inj. Pulsewidth Latency - (ms) - The current injector latency as calculated from the oem multiplier/offset tables or from the 3D Latency table when enabled.
- Intake Air Temp. – (deg. F, deg. C) – Sensor value intake air temperature.
- Intake Valve Timing (B1 and B2) – (deg.) – Position in degrees of variable intake camshaft.
- ISC Accessory Load Airflow Compensation - (L/min) Additional airflow added to base airflow based off of power steering, A/C, and alternator loads.
- ISC Airflow Learning - (L/min) ISC airflow long term learned value. This value is initialized after reset to the value stored to eprom during a bank airflow learning procedure.
- ISC A/C Airflow Compensation - (L/min) Additional airflow added to base airflow when A/C compressor is active.
- ISC Base Airflow - (L/min) Current base airflow calculation based on target idle speed.
- ISC Dashpot Airflow Compensation - (L/min) Additional airflow compensation applied immediately upon entering idle mode and decayed by dashpot airflow decay rate value.
- ISC Final Airflow - (L/min) Final idle speed control airflow request.
- ISC Integral Feedback Airflow - (L/min) Integral feedback airflow compensation. This is the primary feedback for idle airflow control.
- ISC Opening Area - (cm²) Calculated opening area based on ISC final airflow. This value will be added to requested opening area from requested torque.
- ISC Power Steering Airflow Compensation - (L/min) Additional airflow added to base airflow proportional to power steering sensor voltage.
- ISC Proportional Feedback Airflow - (L/min) Proportional feedback airflow compensation. This is only active when below idle speed target.
- Knock Cy 1-6 – (raw) - raw knock value from each cylinder
- Knock Filter 1-6 – (raw) - knock sensitivity threshold level for each cylinder
- Knock Sums (CBA) - (raw) – A monitor that reports active ignition timing adjustment in response to engine noise – an increment of 300 is equivalent to 1 degree of ignition removed. Used ONLY in CBA ignition strategy cars
- Launch Control Fuel Compensation - (%) - The amount of fueling compensation applied by the launch control fuel compensation table while in launch mode.
- Launch Control RPM Error - (RPM) - The amount of launch control engine speed target error.
- Launch Control Status - (0-1) - The current active status of the launch control system.
Limp Status (Safety) – Custom monitor for COBB Engine Safety. This is currently a compound monitor, allowing you to see all failure state causes in a single monitor.How to Read Compound Monitors
Code Description: 00 OK 01 Fuel Pressure Failure 02 STFT Failure 04 Oil Temp Failure 08 Coolant Temp Failure 16 Knock Failure - LTFT (KBLRC) B1 – (%) - Long-Term Fuel Trim Bank 1. This long-term fuel trim indicates an average learned fuel correction needed to maintain the closed loop target for Bank 1.
- LTFT (KBLRC) B2 – (%) - Long-Term Fuel Trim Bank 2. This long-term fuel trim indicates an average learned fuel correction needed to maintain the closed loop target for Bank 2.
- MAF Bank 1 – Mass air flow sensor output in g/s for Bank 1.
- MAF Bank 2 – Mass air flow sensor output in g/s for Bank 2.
- MAF Total – Total airflow in grams per second for bank A and B (A+B/2)
- MAF V Bank 1 – (V) - Mass air flow sensor output voltage for Bank 1.
- MAF V Bank 2 – (V) - Mass air flow sensor output voltage for Bank 2.
- MAP – (PSI, kPa) -Manifold Absolute Pressure (reported as negative values in vacuum and positive values in boost) – logged from pressure sensor in the intake manifold.
- MAP Driver Pre Voltage – (V) - Voltage reading for the pre-throttle body boost pressure sensor. Alternately, shows the voltage reading for fuel pressure sensor if vehicle is outfitted with aftermarket fuel pressure sensor (Used for fuel pressure sensor debugging) – logged from the driver's side (left) pre-throttle body pressure sensor. Use "Turbo Boost Pressure Left" for sensor pressure readings.
- MAP Pass Pre Voltage – (V) - Voltage reading for the pre-throttle body boost pressure sensor. Alternately, shows the voltage reading for fuel pressure sensor if vehicle is outfitted with aftermarket fuel pressure sensor (Used for fuel pressure sensor debugging) – logged from the passenger side (right) pre-throttle body pressure sensor. Use "Turbo Boost Pressure Right" for sensor pressure readings.
- Max negative dynamic advance (DBA) – (deg.) – largest negative DA currently recorded in ECU memory
- Non Linear Pulsewidth Compensation - (%) - The amount of compensation applied by the non-linear pulsewidth compensation table.
- Per Cylinder Injector 1-6 Compensation - (%) - The amount of compensation applied by the corresponding per cylinder injector compensation table.
- Power Steering Pressure Sensor Volts - (V) Voltage reported from power steering pressure sensor.
- STFT (ALPHA) B1 – (%) - Active short-term fuel trim for bank 1 needed for the ECU to meet fuel targets in fuel table A.
- STFT (ALPHA) B2 – (%) - Active short-term fuel trim for bank 2 needed for the ECU to meet fuel targets in fuel table A.
- Staged Injection Airmass Ratio - (%) - Percentage of airmass being combusted by fuel injected from the secondary injectors.
- Staged Injection Corrected Lambda - (AFR/Lambda) - When multi-fuel is enabled, this value will represent the final closed loop target lambda based on standard commanded lambda and staged injection secondary commanded lambda.
- Staged Injection Cycle Counter - (Engine Cycles) - Number of engine cycles that have taken place since the staged injection system has activated or deactivated.
- Staged Injection Secondaries Active Status - (0-1) - Current active status of the secondary injectors.
- Staged Injection Secondary Injection Latency - (ms) - The current secondary injector latency as calculated from the Secondary Injector Latency table.
- Staged Injection Secondary Lambda - (AFR/Lambda) - When multi-fuel is enabled, this represents the commanded lambda used by the secondary injector fueling calculations as looked up in the Secondary Fuel Commanded Lambda (Multi-Fuel) table.
- Staged Injection Staged Pulsewidth - (ms) - Injector pulsewidth as it would be when secondary injectors are active, this value is calculated whether secondary injection is active or not.
Staged Injection Threshold Flags - (raw) - Current status of all staged injection activation thresholds, when multiple thresholds have been exceeded their values are added together.How to Read Compound Monitors
Value Description: 01 Engine Speed Threshold 02 Boost Threshold 04 Engine Load Threshold 08 Injector Duty Cycle Threshold 16 Minimum Staged Inj. Pulsewidth Add Multiple Thresholds - Staged Injection Transition Compensation - (%) - Fuel compensation currently being applied by the staged injection transition compensation system, this value is pulled from either the Transition Compensation (Staging) or (De-staging) table.
- Start of injection Timing – (deg. ) - Timing for end on injection in rotational degrees after top dead center.
- Theoretical Pulse Width - (ms) – Load calculation based upon theoretical injector open time. This is used as load axis scaling for several critical tables throughout the ECU.
- Throttle Angle B1 (Actual) - (deg.) Degrees of opening angle for bank 1 throttle body.
- Throttle Angle B1 (Target) - (deg.) Degrees of opening angle targeted for bank 1 throttle body.
- Throttle Angle B2 (Actual) - (deg.) Degrees of opening angle for bank 2 throttle body.
- Throttle Angle B2 (Target) - (deg.) Degrees of opening angle targeted for bank 2 throttle body.
- Throttle Opening Airflow Factor - (Factor) - Value used as an x-axis lookup for the wall film adhesion factor table.
- Throttle Opening Area - (cm2) - Opening area per throttle body, includes requested torque opening area added to idle speed control opening area.
- Throttle Position B1 – (%) – throttle plate opening 0 to 100%
- Throttle Position and B2 – (%) – throttle plate opening 0 to 100%
- TPS Volts B1 (Main Sensor) - (V) Throttle position sensor voltage Bank 1 (main sensor)
- TPS Volts B1 (Sub. Sensor) - (V) Throttle position sensor voltage Bank 1 (main sensor error checking)
- TPS Volts B2 (Main Sensor) - (V) Throttle position sensor voltage Bank 2 (main sensor)
- TPS Volts B2 (Sub. Sensor) - (V) Throttle position sensor voltage Bank 2 (main sensor error checking)
- Trans. Req Tq1 – (raw)
- Trans. Req. Tq2 – (raw)
- Turbo Boost Pressure Left - (PSI, kPa) – Boost pressure on left side of motor - sensor located in front of left throttle body.
- Turbo Boost Pressure Right – (PSI, kPa) – Boost pressure on right side of motor - sensor located in front of right throttle body.
- Vehicle speed – (mph, kph) - Speed calculated by vehicle speed sensor.
- Wall Film Adhesion Factor - (Factor) - Final wall film adhesion factor value after being compensated by the wall film adhesion compensation (RPM) table output.
- Wastegate Duty – (%) - Percentage of boost control wastegate solenoid duty cycle % (0 to 100).
- Wheel Speed (FL, FR, RL, RR) – (MPH, KPH) Individual wheel speeds. (Front Left, Front Right, Right Left, Right Rear)
GT-R Transmission Control Module (TCM) Data Monitors
Note: TCM Logging is only available on the V3 Accessport
Supported TCM Applications:
- Gen 1 - LC3
- Gen 1 - LC4
- Gen 1 - LC5
- Gen 2 – LC1
- Gen 2 – LC2
- 1-R Position Sensor 1 – (mV) - Sensor Voltage Measurement
- 1-R Position Sensor 2 – (mV) - Sensor Voltage Measurement
- 2-4 Position Sensor - (mV) - Sensor Voltage Measurement
- 3-5 Position Sensor - (mV) - Sensor Voltage Measurement
- 6-N Position Sensor - (mV) - Sensor Voltage Measurement
- ACC/TPS Switch - ACC/TPS full throttle flag
- Acceleration Estimate - RAW Value - unk
- Accelerator Pedal Position 1 – (%) - Driver pedal position
- Accelerator Pedal Position 2 – (%) - Driver pedal position
- Axis A Pressure Target – (bar) - Axis A feed pressure target
- Axis B Pressure Target – (bar) - Axis A feed pressure target
- Battery Voltage TCM - (V) - Actual supply voltage available at transmission/TCM
- Brake Switch - brake pedal related
- Braking Force – (raw) - Braking force is directly proportional to brake pedal position or brake pressure from ABS
- Clutch A Flags - Clutch A status flags
- Clutch A Pressure – (bar) - Actual pressure applied to clutch A
- Clutch A Pressure Sensor – (mV) - Clutch A pressure sensor voltage measurement
- Clutch A Pressure Target – (bar) - Clutch A pressure target
- Clutch A Rest Pressure - (bar) - Pressure in clutch when not active
- Clutch A Slip - RPM - Clutch slip as measured
- Clutch A Speed - (RPM) - Current RPM of clutch pack
- Clutch A Target Pressure Learned Adj - (bar) - Learned pressure offset for intended clutch operation
- Clutch A Temp – (deg. C) - (estimated) - This is a number derived from software modelling to simulate the actual clutch temperature
- Clutch A Torque Input - (Nm) - Torque applied to clutch A
- Clutch A Torque Loss - (Nm) - Torque Lost at clutch A
- Clutch A Torque Output - (Nm) - Total torque output from clutch A after losses and slippage
- Clutch A Touch Pressure - (bar) - Related to touch points??
- Clutch B Flags - Clutch B status flags
- Clutch B Pressure - (bar) - Actual pressure applied to clutch B
- Clutch B Pressure Sensor - (mV) - Clutch B pressure sensor voltage measurement
- Clutch B Pressure Target - (bar) - Clutch B pressure target
- Clutch B Rest Pressure - (bar) - Pressure in clutch when not active
- Clutch B Slip - (RPM) - Clutch slip as measured
- Clutch B Speed - (RPM) - Current RPM of clutch pack
- Clutch B Target Pressure Learned Adj - (bar) - Learned pressure offset for intended clutch operation
- Clutch B Temp – (deg.C) - (estimated) - This is a number derived from software modelling to simulate the actual clutch temperature
- Clutch B Torque Input - (Nm) - Torque applied to clutch B
- Clutch B Torque Loss - (Nm) - Torque lost at clutch B
- Clutch B Torque Output - (Nm) - Total torque output from clutch A after losses and slippage
- Clutch B Touch Pressure – (bar) - Related to touch points??
- Clutch Speed Active - (RPM) - Actual clutch speed of the currently active clutch pack
- Clutch Speed Passive - (RPM) - Actual clutch speed of the inactive clutch pack
- Comm Axis A S/V – (%) - Axis A feed pressure solenoid valve
- Comm Axis B S/V- (%) - Axis B feed pressure solenoid valve
- Comm Clutch A S/V - (%) - Clutch A solenoid valve duty cycle
- Comm Clutch B S/V - (%) - Clutch B solenoid valve duty cycle
- Comm Line Press S/V - (%) - Line pressure solenoid valve duty cycle
- Comm Lube S/V - (%) - Lubrication pressure solenoid valve duty cycle
- Comm S/V Flags - Solenoid valve status indication flags
- Cornering Force - Lateral Gravitational Force Equivalent
- ECM TQ Limit(Ignition) Request - (Nm) - Torque reduction request from ECM using ignition timing
- ECM TQ Limit(Throttle) Request - (Nm) - Torque reduction request from ECM using Throttle
- Engaged Clutch Speed - (RPM) - Actual Engaged clutch speed (A or B)
- Engine Idle Speed - (RPM) - Engine idle speed set point from ECM
- Engine RPM 02 - RPM - Matches engine rpm
- Engine Torque Output - Torque output from motor
- Fluid Temp – (deg. C) - Transmission fluid temperature
- Fluid Temp Sensor - (mV) - Transmission fluid temperature sensor voltage
- Gear Pos - (0-Declutched at rest 1-1st Gear 2-2nd Gear 3-3rd Gear 4-4th Gear 5-5th Gear 6-6th Gear 9-Reverse 10-Neutral)
- Gear Pos Indication 0 - (1-1st Gear 2-2nd Gear 3-3rd Gear 4-4th Gear 5-5th Gear 6-6th)
- Gear Pos Indication 1 - (0-Declutched at rest 1-1st Gear 2-2nd Gear 3-3rd Gear 4-4th Gear 5-5th Gear 6-6th Gear 9-Reverse 10-Neutral)
- Gear Pos Offset - Gear position offset
- Gear Pos Previous - Gear transmission was previously in
- Gear Pos Target - Next target gear
- Launch/Park/Paddle Flags - Status flags related to driver input
- Line Pressure - (bar) - Transmission line pressure
- Line Pressure Sensor - (mV) - Transmission line pressure sensor voltage
- Line Pressure Target - (bar) - Target transmission line pressure
- Lube Pressure Target - (bar) - Target transmission lube pressure
- Mode - Driver Mode Selection (0-Normal 1-Snow 2-Automatic Sport 3-Manual Sport 4-Manual Circuit)
- Mon Axis A S/V - (%) - Axis A feed pressure solenoid valve duty cycle
- Mon Axis B S/V - (%) - Axis B feed pressure solenoid valve duty cycle
- Mon Clutch A S/V - (%) - Clutch A pressure regulation solenoid valve duty cycle
- Mon Clutch B S/V - (%) - Clutch B pressure regulation solenoid valve duty cycle
- Mon Line Press S/V - (%) - Line pressure solenoid valve duty cycle
- Mon Lube S/V - (%) - Lube pressure solenoid valve duty cycle
- Mon S/V Flags - Solenoid valve operation flags
- Output Shaft Speed- (RPM) - Speed of transmission output shaft
- Paddle Flags 0 – Driver Paddle Flags
- Paddle Flags 1 - Shift paddle flags (8, normal 4, upshift 0, downshift)
- Paddle Flags 2 – Driver Paddle Flags
- Paddle Input - Driver shift paddle input (up or down)
- Paddle Input Up/Down - Driver Paddle input
- R/S Mode Lamps - Unknown
- Range - (3-M Range 4-D Range 5-N Range 6-R Range 7-P Range)
- Reverse Lamps - Reverse Lamp Operation status
- Shift Solenoid Flags - Shift solenoid status flags
- Sleeve A1 position - (mm) - Position of sleeve A1 in millimeters
- Sleeve A2 position - (mm) - Position of sleeve A2 in millimeters
- Sleeve B1 Sensor 1 Position - (mm) - Position of sleeve B1 sensor 1 in millimeters
- Sleeve B1 Sensor 2 Position - (mm) - Position of sleeve B1 sensor 2 in millimeters
- Sleeve B2 Position - (mm) - Position of sleeve B2 in millimeters
- Start Relays/Ign Sw Flags - Ignition switch, backup relay, starter and neutral switch flag indicator
- Stop Lamps - Stop lamp switch flag
- Target Engaged Clutch Speed – (RPM) - Expected Engaged clutch speed (changes when gear shift is requested)
- TR Sensor A/M - Automatic/Manual transmission mode indicator
- Torque Available - (Nm) - Engine Torque Available (calculated)
- Torque Demanded- (Nm) - Engine Torque Requested
- Torque Raw - (Nm) - Engine Torque Unknown
- Torque Reduction Reason - Reason for torque reduction flags
- Torque Supplied - (Nm) - Actual torque applied to transmission
- Transmission Torque - (Nm) - Unknown
- Vehicle RPM TCM 0 - (RPM) - Value from CAN-BUS
- Vehicle RPM TCM 1 - (RPM) - Physical signal measurement
- Vehicle Speed 0 (km/h) Value from CAN-BUS
- Vehicle Speed 1 (km/h) Physical signal measurement
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