COBB Custom CAN Gateway DTC List
COBB Custom CAN Gateway DTC List
ECU DTC's - From Gateway-Supported ECU
DTC | Name of DTC | Meaning | Troubleshooting/ Description for AP |
E1000 | COBB Internal DTC Data Error | DTC Error | Call support |
E1010 | Analog Fuel Pressure Low Input | Voltage from sensor is lower than calibratable minimum, also a warning, engages fuel pressure safety, turns off differential fuel pressure comp. | Voltage from fuel pressure sensor is under the calibratable minimum. Check sensor for correct operation and compatibility with gateway |
E1011 | Analog Fuel Pressure High Input | Voltage from sensor is higher than calibratable minimum, also a warning, engages fuel pressure safety, turns off differential fuel pressure comp. | Voltage from fuel pressure sensor is over the calibratable maximum. Check sensor for correct operation and compatibility with gateway |
E10E0 | Configuration Error | Call support | |
E10E1 | Configuration Error | Call support | |
E10E2 | Configuration Error | Call support | |
E10F0 | COBB Gateway Incorrect FW Version | Gateway FW is out of date or newer than requested by the map | Gateway firmware (FW) is either too old, or too new, compared to the engine calibration. 1) Update Accessport firmware, reflash vehicle. 2) If code persists, update engine calibration, reflash vehicle. 3) If code persists, update Gateway firmware. |
E10F1 | COBB Gateway Intermittent Activity | Not connected at startup, connected, then disconnected again. (connection Issues) | Connection issue with gateway, check cables. Confirm vehicle battery voltage and charging system operation, check battery terminal connections. |
E10F2 | COBB CAN Gateway Inconsistent Sensor ID | Issue with the harness or the sensor itself (Sensor may be incorrect for application) | Potential issue with cable, contact customer support |
E10F3 | COBB CAN Gateway Module Temp Out of Range | gateway temperature is out of range for sensor | Gateway module temperature is out of the expected range, Allow it to come to a less extreme temperature if in a hot or cold environment. If DTC Persists after temperature normalization contact Cobb support. |
E10F4 | COBB CAN Gateway Module High Temperature | gateway module is too hot. | Gateway module is too hot - allow to cool down and/ or re-locate the Gateway to avoid internal failure |
E10F5 | COBB CAN Gateway Excessive Boot Time | Gateway took too long to start up. | Gateway took too long to boot. This can be caused by intermittant connection issues. If you're certain everything is attached correctly contact support. |
E10F6 | COBB CAN Gateway Data Requested Module Inactive | Map is setup for the gateway but the gateway is not responding or is inactive | Gateway not responding or inactive, check connections and fuses. If everything works fine after 30 seconds, this board may have skipped the QA test, and should be returned to Cobb |
E1100 | Ethanol Sensor Configured But Not Detected | ECS is configured in the gateway but the harness and sensor are not detected | Ethanol content sensor and harness not detected, check all connection points. |
E1101 | ECS Fuel Error | Code provided from the ethanol sensor, should drop WGDC to zero. | Ethanol Sensor Fuel Type Error. Fuel may be contaminated, or the sensor may be clogged or damaged. |
E1102 | ECS Sensor Error | Code provided from the ethanol sensor, should drop WGDC to zero. | Ethanol sensor may be damaged, contact customer support. |
E1103 | ECS Fuel or Sensor Error | Code provided from the ethanol sensor, should drop WGDC to zero. | Ethanol sensor fuel type error. Fuel may be contaminated, or the sensor may be clogged or damaged. |
E1104 | ECS sensor data out of range | Code provided from the ethanol sensor, should drop WGDC to zero. | Ethanol sensor fuel type error. Fuel may be contaminated, or the sensor may be clogged or damaged. |
E1105 | Ethanol Sensor Unplugged | ECS configured and the harness is present but the sensor is likely unplugged. | Ethanol content sensor harness detected but no sensor found, check connection to sensor |
E1106 | ECS Fuel Temp Sensor configured but not detected | ECS is configured in the gateway but the harness and sensor are not detected | Ethanol content sensor and harness not detected, check all connection points. |
E1107 | ECS Fuel Temp Sensor out of range | Fuel temperature is out of range for sensor | Fuel temperature is out of the expected range - contact Cobb support and check for other Gateway DTC's. |
E1108 | ECS Fuel Temp Sensor Unplugged | ECS configured and the harness is present but the sensor is likely unplugged. | Ethanol content sensor harness detected but no sensor found, check connection to sensor |
E1109 | Fuel Pressure Sensor Configured But Not Detected | Fuel pressure sensor is configured in the gateway but the harness and sensor are not detected | Fuel pressure sensor and harness not detected, check all connection points. |
E110A | Fuel Pressure Sensor High Input V | input voltage from fuel pressure sensor is too high, may happen if using the incorrect sensor | Fuel pressure sensor input value too high, make sure you are using a gateway compatible sensor |
E110B | Fuel Pressure Sensor Low Input V | input voltage from fuel pressure sensor is too low, may happen if using the incorrect sensor | Fuel pressure sensor input value too low, make sure you are using a gateway compatible sensor |
E110C | Fuel Pressure Sensor Unplugged | Fuel pressure sensor configured and the harness is present but the sensor is likely unplugged. | Check connections with fuel pressure sensor or that fuel pressure sensor is operating properly. |
Gateway DTC's - From Gateway Module
DTC | Name of DTC | Meaning | Troubleshooting/ Description for AP |
G2000 | Error with DTC System | DTC Error | Contact Support |
G2100 | Potential Short In Connection | One of the cables has a potential short circuit | One of the cables has a potential short circuit or bad connection, check all wires and fuses |
G2101 | Cable Disconnected from Gateway | The cable is unplugged from the gateway | Gateway not registering sensor harness, check all gateway connections |
G2200 | No Signal from Input Sensor | Cable is unplugged from the sensor | Harness detected but no sensor found. Check connection to sensor |
G2201 | Ethanol Sensor Signal Intermittent | ECS not returning enough data per second only a sign of an issue if it happens when driving for less than an hour. | Ethanol content losing connection intermittently. This is a running total so it is likely to occur over long drives even when working properly |
G2202 | Ethanol Sensor Signal Noise | ECS returning too much data per second | There are more signals than expected from the fuel sensor. Check harness/ connection to sensor. |
G2300 | Gateway Module Too Hot | Board temperature is too hot | Gateway is too hot, allow it to cool down before continuing |
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