EWG-Fitting UpgradeKit – EBCS 1/4' EWG Fitting Kit

EWG-Fitting UpgradeKit – EBCS 1/4' EWG Fitting Kit

EWG-Fitting UpgradeKit – EBCS 1/4" EWG Fitting Kit

Congratulations on your purchase of the COBB Tuning EBCS Fitting Upgrade Kit! The following instructions will assist you through the installation process. Please read them BEFORE beginning the install to familiarize yourself with the steps and tools needed. If you feel you cannot properly perform this installation, we HIGHLY recommend you take the vehicle to a qualified and experienced automotive technician.

Table of Contents

Parts List

  • Straight Fitting
  • (3) 90 Degree Fittings
  • 36" Silicone Vacuum Line
  • (6) 4" Zip Ties

Tools Needed

  • 7/16" Combination wrench

  • Needlenose pliers

  • Scissors
  • Blue Loctite

Installation of EWG Fitting Kit

  1. Using the 7/16" Open End Wrench, remove the current 1/8" fittings from the COBB EBCS.

  2. The kit comes with 3 90 degree fittings and one straight fitting, determine which ones will best suit your application.

  3. With your fittings selected, apply blue loctite to the threads and carefully tighten them down until snug (there will likely be thread still showing) and oriented in the proper direction.

  4. Reinstall to your car, and replace existing vacuum lines with the new larger diameter line included in the kit!

External Wastegate Installation

  1. Port 1 gets Teed into the bottom port of the external wastegate (not on the top) and the compressor housing (boost pressure source)

  2. Port 2 get's routed to the top port of the external wastegate.

  3. Port 3 is routed to the intake.

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