Volkswagen & Audi (Universal-ish) Shift Knob

Volkswagen & Audi (Universal-ish) Shift Knob








2V1360 - Short Weighted Knob
2V1370 - Tall Weighted Knob

Congratulations on your purchase of the COBB Tuning COBB Knob! The following instructions will assist you through the installation process. Please read them BEFORE beginning the install to familiarize yourself with the steps and tools needed. If you feel you cannot properly perform this installation, we HIGHLY recommend you take the vehicle to a qualified and experienced automotive technician.



Parts List


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The whole reason you’re here. Comes in white, black, short, tall and short unweighted.



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These come in the packages with the trim rings



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Tools Needed

Hand Tools

  • 2.5mm Allen Key (Included)

  • 7mm Nut Driver

  • Trim removal tool

  • Side Cutters, Wire Cutters or Dremel


Stock Knob Removal

  1. To begin the removal of the stock shift knob, first remove the boot. Use a trim tool (or a flathead screwdriver if you’re a monster and don’t care about marring the interior plastic. At least put some blue painters tape on the plastic trim) to gently pry open the trim lining the base of the boot. Once the boot is detached, be sure not to break a clip while removing. Also double check the holes to see if any of the trim clips came off of the boot side.

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  2. To remove the whole thing off of the shifter shaft, you can stick a screwdriver in between the crimped portion of the ear/oetiker clamp and twist the screwdriver to spread it out. Or cut it using shears or side cutters.

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  3. For some vehicles you’ll be able to just remove the insert from the shift boot. For others (like the MK8 boot shown) you’ll need to trim through the white plastic retaining ring. You can use a dremel, side cutters or very carefully use a razor blade. Hypothetically you can lift the four tabs holding it on to the knob, but it’s very tight and we found cutting it to be easier. Once it was cut most of the way through we found we were able to just pop it off.

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  4. The knob should now pop out the other end and you’ll be left with the boot by itself.


Pre-Installation Prep

  1. Using the provided allen key and 4 threaded set screws, get them started in the four holes around the shift knob adapter and screw them in until just before you can see them pop out on the inside.

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  2. Lightly lubricate one of the provided o-rings with the included silicon grease, then slip it over the stainless steel base of the shifter and install it into the o-ring groove.

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  3. Now gently slide on either the black or red collar.

  4. With all that done, test fit the knob on the threaded shift knob adapter then slip it over the shifter. Get a feel for how high you want it to fit on the shaft, Keep in mind that the less shifter is in the knob, the less support there will be. Mark the bottom of where you want the knob to sit with tape or permanent marker, then take the knob off of the threaded adapter.

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  5. Stick the bottom end of the threaded shifter adapter into the top of the shift boot until it’s most of the way down. It doesn’t need to go all the way through the hole.

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  6. Get it relatively centered with the hole, then feel for where the lower portion of the adapter is, there should be a channel there about the appropriate size for a ziptie to sit in.

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  7. Now run the zip tie around this inset portion of the adapter and the shift boot to hold them both together. The raised portion on either side should keep the zip tie from falling off. Tighten the zip tie down and cut it flush.

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  8. Next right side out the shift boot, then slip it over the shifter and get it rotated correctly to fit back into place on the center console. Placing a hand around the shifter at your marking point to keep the shifter adapter at the correct level.

  9. Using the provided Allen key, tighten down the 4 set screws to hold the shifter in place. I’ll typically go 1/2 turn at a time on each one to make sure it tightens up evenly but it’s not critical for it to be centered.

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  10. now snap the shift boot back into the center console and screw the knob back on. You’re all done! Go out and enjoy!

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CARB Sticker Application

(Where Applicable)

  1. Apply the supplied CARB sticker in a clear, easy to find location.  Typically underhood, or on the radiator core support.

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