Engine & Transmission Monitor List for Ford Vehicles

Engine & Transmission Monitor List for Ford Vehicles

Default Log Lists


  • (C) Map Slot - What map you're currently utilizing
  • Accel. Pedal Pos. – Accelerator pedal position (this is direct pedal input before translations)
  • Actual AFR – Wideband front oxygen sensor reading converted from Lambda to AFR.
  • Airflow Mass – The calculated airflow through the engine and is used for almost all flow based tables.
  • Boost Pressure – Manifold pressure (relative). This is MAP minus Barometric pressure.
  • Charge Air Temp. – Post intercooler temperature as read before the throttle body. (The Focus RS is measured post throttle body in the intake manifold and is combined with the MAP sensor)
  • Comm. EQ Ratio – The EQ Ratio target used during full time closed-loop fueling operation.
  • Coolant Temp. – Engine coolant temperature as measured post radiator.
  • Engine RPM – The current engine speed.
  • ETC Angle Actual – Electronic throttle control actual angle.
  • FRP Actual – Fuel rail pressure actual. This is the high pressure pump.
  • Gear Actual - What Gear You're In
  • Ign Corr. Cyl1 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 1.
  • Ign Timing Cyl1 – Ignition timing after all compensations for Cylinder 1.
  • Load Actual – Engine load actual after all compensations.
  • Load Des. TQ Ctl – The amount of load desired by the torque request calculation from Torque Control.
  • LTFT – Long term fuel trim.
  • Oct Adj Ratio Lrn – Octane adjust ratio learned.  -1.0 is HIGH fuel quality, 1.0 is LOW fuel quality.
  • STFT – Short term fuel trim.
  • VCT-E Angle Act. – Exhaust camshaft retard angle actual.
  • VCT-I Angle Act. – Intake camshaft advance angle actual.
  • WGDC Actual – Final wastegate duty cycle after compensations.


  • (C) Map Slot - What map you're currently utilizing
  • Accel. Pedal Pos. – Accelerator pedal position (this is direct pedal input before translations)
  • Actual AFR – Wideband front oxygen sensor reading converted from Lambda to AFR.
  • Airflow Limit Source - Identifies the source of the driver demand airflow clipping point
  • Ambient Air Temp - Ambient air temperature. Also known as the outdoor temperature.
  • Boost Pressure – Manifold pressure (relative). This is MAP minus Barometric pressure.
  • Charge Air Temp. – Post intercooler temperature as read before the throttle body. (The Focus RS is measured post throttle body in the intake manifold and is combined with the MAP sensor)
  • Comm. EQ Ratio – The EQ Ratio target used during full time closed-loop fueling operation.
  • DD Limit Mode – Driver Demand limit mode, based upon the Airflow Limit Src.
  • Engine RPM – The current engine speed.
  • ETC Angle Actual – Electronic throttle control actual angle.
  • Fuel Source – An enumerated value to indicate the source of the final fueling calculation.1
  • Gear Actual - What Gear You're In
  • HDFX Weight (1-15) - The percentage of weight that Table 01 (through 15) of an HDFX set is using for blending.
  • Ign Corr. Cyl1 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 1.
  • Load Actual – Engine load actual after all compensations.
  • Load Des. TQ Ctl – The amount of load desired by the torque request calculation from Torque Control.
  • LTFT – Long term fuel trim.
  • Max Tq Src (Engine Max)
  • Oct Adj Lrn Axis - The average of ignition corrections over time for use when tuning adaptive knock learning.
  • Oct Adj Ratio Lrn – Octane adjust ratio learned.  -1.0 is HIGH fuel quality, 1.0 is LOW fuel quality.
  • Spark Limit Src – Identifies the source calculation for the absolute spark limit.
  • Spark Source – Identifies the source calculation for the final spark value.
  • STFT – Short term fuel trim.
  • Torque Source – The current Torque Source. Used during transient conditions like decel and tip-in.
  • VCT Mode – Identifies the current mode for VCT targeting.
  • VCT-E Angle Act. – Exhaust camshaft retard angle actual.
  • VCT-I Angle Act. – Intake camshaft advance angle actual.
  • WGDC Actual – Final wastegate duty cycle after compensations.
  • WGDC PID Mode – The current WGDC PID integral term override strategy.


  • (C) Map Slot - What map you're currently utilizing
  • Accel. Pedal Pos. – Accelerator pedal position (this is direct pedal input before translations)
  • Actual AFR – Wideband front oxygen sensor reading converted from Lambda to AFR.
  • Airflow Limit Source - Identifies the source of the driver demand airflow clipping point
  • Ambient Air Temp - Ambient air temperature. Also known as outdoor temperature.
  • Boost Pressure – Manifold pressure (relative). This is MAP minus Barometric pressure.
  • Charge Air Temp. – Post intercooler temperature as read before the throttle body. (The Focus RS is measured post throttle body in the intake manifold and is combined with the MAP sensor)
  • Comm. EQ Ratio – The EQ Ratio target used during full time closed-loop fueling operation.
  • DD Limit Mode – Driver Demand limit mode, based upon the Airflow Limit Src.
  • Engine RPM – Current engine speed.
  • ETC Angle Actual – Electronic throttle control actual angle.
  • Fuel Source – An enumerated value to indicate the source of the final fueling calculation.1
  • Gear Actual - What Gear You're In
  • HDFX Weight (1-15) - The percentage of weight that Table 01 (through 15) of an HDFX set is using for blending.
  • Ign Corr. Cyl1 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 1.
  • Load Actual – Engine load actual after all compensations.
  • Load Des. TQ Ctl – The amount of load desired by the torque request calculation from Torque Control.
  • LTFT – Long term fuel trim.
  • Max Tq Src (Engine Max)
  • Oct Adj Lrn Axis - The average of ignition corrections over time for use when tuning adaptive knock learning.
  • Oct Adj Ratio Lrn – Octane adjust ratio learned.  -1.0 is HIGH fuel quality, 1.0 is LOW fuel quality.
  • Spark Limit Src – Identifies the source calculation for the absolute spark limit.
  • Spark Source – Identifies the source calculation for the final spark value.
  • STFT – Short term fuel trim.
  • Torque Source – The current Torque Source. Used during transient conditions like decel and tip-in.
  • VCT Mode – Identifies the current mode for VCT targeting.
  • VCT-E Angle Act. – Exhaust camshaft retard angle actual.
  • VCT-I Angle Act. – Intake camshaft advance angle actual.
  • WGDC Actual – Final wastegate duty cycle after compensations.
  • WGDC PID Mode – The current WGDC PID integral term override strategy.


  • Accel. Pedal Pos. – Accelerator pedal position (this is direct pedal input before translations)
  • Actual AFR – Wideband front oxygen sensor reading converted from Lambda to AFR.
  • Airflow Mass – The calculated airflow through the engine and is used for almost all flow based tables.
  • Boost Pressure – Manifold pressure (relative). This is MAP minus Barometric pressure.
  • Charge Air Temp. – Post intercooler temperature as read before the throttle body. (The Focus RS is measured post throttle body in the intake manifold and is combined with the MAP sensor)
  • Comm. EQ Ratio – The EQ Ratio target used during full time closed-loop fueling operation.
  • Coolant Temp. – Engine coolant temperature as measured post radiator.
  • Engine RPM – Current engine speed.
  • ETC Angle Actual – Electronic throttle control actual angle.
  • FRP Actual – Fuel rail pressure actual. This is the high pressure pump.
  • Ign Corr. Cyl1 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 1.
  • Ign Timing Cyl1 – Ignition timing after all compensations for Cylinder 1.
  • Load Actual – Engine load actual after all compensations.
  • Load Des. TQ Ctl – The amount of load desired by the torque request calculation from Torque Control.
  • LTFT – Long term fuel trim.
  • Oct Adj Ratio Lrn – Octane adjust ratio learned.  -1.0 is HIGH fuel quality, 1.0 is LOW fuel quality.
  • STFT – Short term fuel trim.
  • VCT-E Angle Act. – Exhaust camshaft retard angle actual.
  • VCT-I Angle Act. – Intake camshaft advance angle actual.
  • WGDC Actual – Final wastegate duty cycle after compensations.


  • Accel. Pedal Pos.
  • Actual AFR (Average)
  • Airflow Limit Src
  • BPV Mode
  • Baro. Pressure
  • Boost Pressure
  • Charge Air Temp.
  • Closed Loop Status
  • Coolant Temp.
  • DFI/PFI Split Actual
  • ETC Angle
  • Engine RPM
  • Fuel Source
  • Gear Current
  • HDFX Table (2nd Highest)
  • HDFX Table (3rd Highest)
  • HDFX Table (Highest)
  • HDFX Weight (2nd Highest)
  • HDFX Weight (3rd Highest)
  • HDFX Weight (Highest)
  • HPFP Command
  • Ignition Timing (Highest)
  • Ignition Timing Corr. (Lowest)
  • Inj Off For Tq Lim
  • Knock Count Total
  • Knock Octane Modifier
  • Lambda Desired w/o Trims
  • Load Actual
  • Load Des. TQ Ctl
  • Lowside FP Actual
  • PD Status
  • Short Term Fuel Trim (Average)
  • Spark Source
  • TIP Actual Abs
  • TIP Desired Abs
  • Torque Source
  • Turbo PID I-term
  • VCT Mode
  • VCT-E Angle Act.
  • VCT-I Angle Act.
  • Vehicle Speed
  • Wastegate Position


  • Accel. Pedal Pos.
  • Actual AFR (Average)
  • Airflow Limit Src
  • BPV Mode
  • Baro. Pressure
  • Boost Pressure
  • Charge Air Temp.
  • Closed Loop Status
  • Coolant Temp.
  • DFI/PFI Split Actual
  • ETC Angle
  • Engine RPM
  • Fuel Source
  • Gear Current
  • HDFX Table (2nd Highest)
  • HDFX Table (3rd Highest)
  • HDFX Table (Highest)
  • HDFX Weight (2nd Highest)
  • HDFX Weight (3rd Highest)
  • HDFX Weight (Highest)
  • HPFP Command
  • Ignition Timing (Highest)
  • Ignition Timing Corr. (Lowest)
  • Inj Off For Tq Lim
  • Knock Count Total
  • Knock Octane Modifier
  • Lambda Desired w/o Trims
  • Load Actual
  • Load Des. TQ Ctl
  • Lowside FP Actual
  • PD Status
  • Short Term Fuel Trim (Average)
  • Spark Source
  • TIP Actual Abs
  • TIP Desired Abs
  • Torque Source
  • Turbo PID I-term
  • VCT Mode
  • VCT-E Angle Act.
  • VCT-I Angle Act.
  • Vehicle Speed
  • Wastegate Position

**Bolded items may indicate an automatically set Accessport default datalog parameter

Accessport Engine Monitors

Bytes -  Monitor Name - Long Description

(2) AAT Sensor V – Ambient air temperature sensor voltage.

(2) AC Press. Sens. V – Air conditioner pressure sensor voltage.

(2) AC Pressure – Air conditioner system pressure.

(1) Accel. Pedal Pos. – Accelerator pedal position (this is direct pedal input before translations)

(4) Actual AFR – Wideband front oxygen sensor reading converted from Lambda to AFR.

(4) Actual AFR (SP) – Wideband front oxygen sensor reading converted from Lambda to a calibrated stoichiometric point AFR.

Actual AFR (Average) - The averaged air/fuel ratio between Bank 1 and Bank 2.

Actual AFR (Leanest) - The leanest air/fuel ratio between Bank 1 and Bank 2.

(1) Adap. Lrn. Status – Adaptive learning status. A reading of 0 for OFF, and 1 for ON.

(4) Air Density Corr. – CAT and Baro. diff from standard atmospheric conditions (560/(CAT+460)) * (Baro/29.875).

(4) Air Filter Press. – The pressure inside of the entire intake tract prior to entering the turbo.

(4) Airflow Limit (EXT) – The currently used load limit from the Exhaust Temperature measurements.

(4) Airflow Limit (INJ) – The currently used load limit from the Injector Duty Cycle measurements.

(4) Airflow Limit (MAF) – The currently used load limit from the MAF measurements.

(4) Airflow Limit (MIN) – The lowest allowed load.

(4) Airflow Limit (WG) – The currently used load limit from the wastegate/turbo measurements.

(1) Airflow Limit Src – Identifies the source of the driver demand airflow clipping point.1

(4) Airflow Mass – The calculated airflow through the engine and is used for almost all flow based tables.

(4) Airflow Mass Des. – The desired airflow mass based upon the final load desired calculation.

(4) Ambient Air Temp. – Ambient air temperature. Also known as the outdoor temperature.

(4) APP Change Rate – This is the delta between pedal positions that is used on AT applications for shifting controls. 3

(1) APP Max Angle Err – This is the maximum error between the pedal position reads.

(2) APP1 Sensor V – Accelerator pedal position sensor 1 voltage.

(2) APP2 Sensor V – Accelerator pedal position sensor 2 voltage.

(4) Axle Ratio – Rear axle ratio as reported by the VID block or as calibrated when certification is disabled.

(2) Baro Press Sens V – Barometric pressure sensor voltage.

(2) Baro. Pressure – Barometric pressure. Used for almost ALL compensations in the ECU.

(2) Battery V – Battery voltage.

(1) Blowthrough Active – If blowthrough logic is active, this flag will be set to 1.

(4) Boost Pressure – Manifold pressure (relative). This is MAP minus Barometric pressure.

(1) BPV Mode – Bypass valve mode. (0=Closed, 1=Open).

(1) Calculated Load – Engine load scaled between 0-100%.

(2) CAT Sensor V – Charge air temperature sensor voltage.

(4) Catalyst Temp. – Inferred catalytic converter temperature.

(2) Charge Air Temp. – Post intercooler temperature as read before the throttle body. (The Focus RS is measured post throttle body in the intake manifold and is combined with the MAP sensor)

(1) Closed Loop PI Mode – Mode indicator for the closed loop fueling PI controller, a value of 0 indicated normal operation.

(1) Closed Loop Status – Status indicator for closed loop fueling, a value of 1 means closed loop is active and open loop is inactive.

(2) Clutch Pedal Pos. – Clutch pedal position percentage.

(4) Comm. EQ Ratio – The EQ Ratio target used during full time closed-loop fueling operation.

(4) Comm. Evap Purge – Commanded evaporative purge percent.

(4) Comp Inlet Temp – Inferred turbocharger inlet temperature.

(4) Comp Outlet Temp – Inferred turbocharger outlet temperature. This is pre-intercooler, also known as hot side.

(2) Coolant Temp. – Engine coolant temperature as measured post radiator.

(1) CPP Mode – Clutch pedal position mode.

(1) CPP Switch – Clutch pedal switch, used by LC and FFS features.

(4) Crankcase Pressure – Pressure loss measured at the back side of the airbox to determine filter efficiency. 3

(1) DD Limit Mode – Driver Demand limit mode, based upon the Airflow Limit Src.1

DFI/PFI Split Actual - The ratio of PFI fuel delivery to total DFI/PFI fuel delivery. 0% = all DFI, 100% = all PFI.

(4) Desired AFR (CL) – Desired Lambda converted to AFR during Closed Loop operation.

(4) Desired AFR (PD) – Desired Lambda converted to AFR during Power Demand operation.

(2) Desired Idle Spd. – Desired idle speed.

(1) DTC Count – A count of all DTC’s present. These may include DTC’s that do not illuminate the CEL.

(2) EGO Bias Applied – Rear oxygen sensor fuel trim (bias) percent.

(1) EGO Heater Duty – Oxygen sensor heater percent.  Only used during warm up.

(2) EGO Voltage Actual – Rear oxygen sensor voltage.

(4) EGO Voltage Desired – Rear oxygen sensor voltage desired.

(4) EGO Voltage Error – Rear oxygen sensor voltage error, measured from desired - actual.

(1) Eng Run Time – The amount of time since the engine has been started.

(4) Engine RPM – Current engine speed.

EOI Actual (Latest) - The latest DFI end of injection of all cylinders.

(4) Est. Horsepower - Current brake horsepower as calculated by the horsepower algorithm

(4) Estimated Torque – Current brake torque as calculated by the torque algorithm.

(2) ETC Angle Actual – Electronic throttle control actual angle.

(2) ETC Angle Desired – Electronic throttle control desired angle.

(1) ETC Angle Source – The source of the current ETC Angle Desired.1

(2) Evap Can. Purge – Evaporative purge percent actual.

(2) Evap PCV Percent – Evaporative PCV percent actual.

(1) Evap Sys. Status – Evaporative system status.

(4) Exh FEGO Temp – Inferred Exhaust Front Oxygen Sensor Temperature.

(4) Exh Flange Temp – Inferred Exhaust Flange Temperature.

(4) Exhaust BP – The inferred measurement of exhaust barometric pressure in the exhaust manifold pre-turbine.

(4) Exhaust MAP – The inferred measurement of exhaust gas backpressure in the exhaust manifold pre-turbine.

(1) Exhaust Valve Mode - 1 - Disabled, 2 - Manual / Output State Control Mode, 3 - Failure Detected, 4 - Initializing/Engine Off, 5 - NVH Exclusion, 6 - Idle/Dashpot, 7 - Non Forward Gear, 8 - Gear Based Operation.

(1) Fan DC Actual – Cooling and A/C fan duty cycle actual percent.

(2) Fan DC Desired – Cooling and A/C fan duty cycle desired percent.

(4) FRP Actual – Fuel rail pressure actual. This is the high pressure pump.

(2) FRP Desired – Fuel rail pressure desired. This is the high pressure pump.

(4) FRP Error – The delta between FRP Desired and FRP Actual. This is the high pressure pump.

(2) FRP Sensor V – Fuel rail pressure sensor voltage.

(4) FRP Y-Factor – Average fuel flow Y-Axis for reference when calibrating Fuel Rail Pressure.

(4) Fuel Level Input – Fuel level expressed as a percent of the tank between 0-100%.

(4) Fuel Mass Des Cyl1 – The currently desired mass of fuel to be injected in Cylinder 1.

(4) Fuel Mass Des Cyl2 – The currently desired mass of fuel to be injected in Cylinder 2.

(4) Fuel Mass Des Cyl3 – The currently desired mass of fuel to be injected in Cylinder 3.

(4) Fuel Mass Des Cyl4 – The currently desired mass of fuel to be injected in Cylinder 4.

(4) Fuel Mass Des Comp – The desired mass of fuel to be injected for the current cylinder during the compression stroke.

(4) Fuel Mass Des Int – The desired mass of fuel to be injected for the current cylinder during the intake stroke.

(4) Fuel Mass Inj Cyl1 – The actual mass of fuel injected in Cylinder 1.

(4) Fuel Mass Inj Cyl2 – The actual mass of fuel injected in Cylinder 2.

(4) Fuel Mass Inj Cyl3 – The actual mass of fuel injected in Cylinder 3.

(4) Fuel Mass Inj Cyl4 – The actual mass of fuel injected in Cylinder 4.

Fuel Mass Injected (DFI) Cyl1 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the direct injector on cylinder 1.

Fuel Mass Injected (DFI) Cyl2 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the direct injector on cylinder 2.

Fuel Mass Injected (DFI) Cyl3 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the direct injector on cylinder 3.

Fuel Mass Injected (DFI) Cyl4 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the direct injector on cylinder 4.

Fuel Mass Injected (DFI) Cyl5 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the direct injector on cylinder 5.

Fuel Mass Injected (DFI) Cyl6 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the direct injector on cylinder 6.

Fuel Mass Injected (PFI) Cyl1 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the port injector on cylinder 1.

Fuel Mass Injected (PFI) Cyl2 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the port injector on cylinder 2.

Fuel Mass Injected (PFI) Cyl3 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the port injector on cylinder 3.

Fuel Mass Injected (PFI) Cyl4 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the port injector on cylinder 4.

Fuel Mass Injected (PFI) Cyl5 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the port injector on cylinder 5.

Fuel Mass Injected (PFI) Cyl6 - The fuel mass injected per cycle from the port injector on cylinder 6.

(4) Fuel Mass Inj Comp – The actual mass of fuel to be injected for the current cylinder during the compression stroke.

(4) Fuel Mass Inj Int – The actual mass of fuel to be injected for the current cylinder during the intake stroke.

(4) Fuel Mass Max Avl – The maximum amount of fuel mass available to inject in current conditions.

Fuel Octane (Inferred) - The current inferred octane, this value is based on calibration values and knock octane modifier.

(2) Fuel Pump Monitor – Fuel pump monitor percent.

(4) Fuel Rail Temp. – Inferred fuel rail temperature.

(1) Fuel Source – An enumerated value to indicate the source of the final fueling calculation.1

(1) Fuel Sys. Status – Fuel system status.

(4) Gauge Press (Vac) – Vacuum pressure similar to a vacuum gauge.

(1) Gear Current – Current gear estimated by the ECU. The vehicle must be moving.

Grill Shutter Command (Radiator) - The current commanded position of the radiator grill shutters.

Grill Shutter Command (Intercooler) - The current commanded position of the intercooler grill shutters.

(1) Grill Shutter Cmd – Commanded grill shutter duty cycle.3

(1) Grill Shutter Inf – Inferred grill shutter duty cycle.3

(1) Grill Shutter Prv – Previous grill shutter duty cycle.3

(4) HDFX Idx Dist – The distance along the “track” for the currently active HDFX VCT mode.

HDFX Table (Highest) - The HDFX table with the highest weight.

HDFX Table (2nd Highest) - The HDFX table with the second highest weight.

HDFX Table (3rd Highest) - The HDFX table with the third highest weight.

HDFX Weight (Highest) - The weight of "HDFX Table (Highest)".

HDFX Weight (2nd Highest) - The weight of "HDFX Table (2nd Highest)".

HDFX Weight (3rd Highest) - The weight of "HDFX Table (3rd Highest)".

(2) HDFX Weight 01 – The percentage of weight that Table 01 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 02 – The percentage of weight that Table 02 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 03 – The percentage of weight that Table 03 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 04 – The percentage of weight that Table 04 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 05 – The percentage of weight that Table 05 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 06 – The percentage of weight that Table 06 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 07 – The percentage of weight that Table 07 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 08 – The percentage of weight that Table 08 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 09 – The percentage of weight that Table 09 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 10 – The percentage of weight that Table 10 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 11 – The percentage of weight that Table 11 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 12 – The percentage of weight that Table 12 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 13 – The percentage of weight that Table 13 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 14 – The percentage of weight that Table 14 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight 15 – The percentage of weight that Table 15 of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HDFX Weight OP – The percentage of weight that the Optimum Power table of an HDFX set is using for blending.

(2) HPFP Command – High pressure fuel pump spill valve duty cycle.

HPFP Command P-Term

HPFP Command I-Term

HPFP Command DP-Term 

HPFP Capacity Utilization

(4) HPFP Command Max  - The maximum available pump command currently available. 

(1) IAC Mode – Idle air control mode.

(2) IAT Sensor V – Intake air temperature sensor voltage.

Ignition Coil Dwell - The current ignition coil dwell time.

(4) Ign Corr. Cyl1 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 1.

(4) Ign Corr. Cyl2 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 2.

(4) Ign Corr. Cyl3 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 3.

(4) Ign Corr. Cyl4 – Ignition timing correction applied to Cylinder 4.

Ignition Timing Corr. (Highest) - The highest ignition correction of all cylinders.

Ignition Timing Corr. (Lowest) - The lowest ignition correction of all cylinders.

(4) Ign Corr. Max – Ignition timing correction maximum adder until a spark limit is achieved.

(4) Ign Max Tq Mod – The maximum available ignition timing available during torque modulation.

(4) Ign Timing Base – Absolute spark limit. Spark is not allowed to advance beyond this limit (before ignition corrections).

(4) Ign Timing Ceil. – Upper clip applied to the final spark to prevent ignition corrections from advancing spark beyond limits.

Ignition Timing (Highest) - The highest ignition timing of all cylinders.

Ignition Timing (Lowest) - The lowest ignition timing of all cylinders.

(4) Ign Timing Cyl1 – Ignition timing after all compensations for Cylinder 1.

(4) Ign Timing Cyl2 – Ignition timing after all compensations for Cylinder 2.

(4) Ign Timing Cyl3 – Ignition timing after all compensations for Cylinder 3.

(4) Ign Timing Cyl4 – Ignition timing after all compensations for Cylinder 4.

(4) Ign Timing Req. – Spark limit provided to torque subsystem for torque spark request calculations.

Injection Angle Clip Status

(4) Inj Angle Max – The maximum injection angle (window) available in current conditions.

Injector Duty Cycle (Combined) - The combined duty cycle of the DFI and PFI injectors. This is defined as (injector open time dfi/pfi)/(max available open time dfi/pfi) and is a value between 0%-100%.

(1) Inj Off For Tq Lim - This status flag indicates when the injectors have been turned off for torque limiting.

(1) Injection Mode – The current desired injection mode.1

Injection Angle (DFI) - The crank degrees of fuel delivery of the DFI injectors.

(1) Injector 1 Status – Injector #1 status.

(1) Injector 2 Status – Injector #2 status.

(1) Injector 3 Status – Injector #3 status.

(1) Injector 4 Status – Injector #4 status.

Injector Duty Cycle (DFI) - The duty cycle of the DFI injectors. This is defined as (injector open time dfi)/(max available open time dfi) and is a value between 0%-100%.

Injector Duty Cycle (PFI) - The duty cycle of the PFI injectors. This is defined as (injector open time pfi)/(max available open time pfi) and is a value between 0%-100%.

(4) Injector Eff PW Int – Injector effective pulse width reference calculation for the intake stroke.

(4) Injector Eff PW Comp – Injector effective pulse width reference calculation for the compression stroke.

(4) Injector PW Cyl1 – Injector pulse width reference calculation for Cylinder 1.

(4) Injector PW Cyl2 – Injector pulse width reference calculation for Cylinder 2.

(4) Injector PW Cyl3 – Injector pulse width reference calculation for Cylinder 3.

(4) Injector PW Cyl4 – Injector pulse width reference calculation for Cylinder 4.

(4) Intake Air Temp. – Intake air temperature.

(1) ISC Mode - The current mode of the idle speed controller. 

(1) Knock Count Cyl1 – The number of knock events detected while in fast advance for Cylinder 1.

(1) Knock Count Cyl2 – The number of knock events detected while in fast advance for Cylinder 2.

(1) Knock Count Cyl3 – The number of knock events detected while in fast advance for Cylinder 3.

(1) Knock Count Cyl4 – The number of knock events detected while in fast advance for Cylinder 4.

Knock Intensity Cyl1 - The knock intensity of cylinder 1.

Knock Intensity Cyl2 - The knock intensity of cylinder 2.

Knock Intensity Cyl3 - The knock intensity of cylinder 3.

Knock Intensity Cyl4 - The knock intensity of cylinder 4.

Knock Intensity Cyl5 - The knock intensity of cylinder 5.

Knock Intensity Cyl6 - The knock intensity of cylinder 6.

Knock Intensity (Highest) - The highest knock intensity of any cylinder.

Knock Octane Modifier - The current knock octane modifier value. This value is similar to the octane adjust ratio except -1 is low octane and +1 is high octane.

(4) Knock PI Det Rate – If preignition is detected this is the rate of intensity of the event.

(2) Knock Sensor 1 – Raw output from Knock Sensor #1.

(2) Knock Sensor 2 – Raw output from Knock Sensor #2.

(4) KS Advance Max – Maximum amount of advance the Knock Sensor feedback is allowed to add.

(4) KS Listening Stat. – Status of the Knock Sensor feedback system.

(4) KS Retard Max – Maximum amount of retard the Knock Sensor feedback is allowed to remove.

(4) Lambda (Raw) – The raw lambda reading from the front oxygen sensor. 

(4) Lambda Desired w/o Trims – The desired lambda before input from closed loop adjustments. 

(4) Load Actual – Engine load actual after all compensations.

(4) Load Des. HDFX – The amount of load desired by the torque request calculation from HDFX.

(4) Load Des. TTL – The amount of load desired by the indicated/requested torque calculations before load limiting.

(4) Load Des. TQ Ctl – The amount of load desired by the torque request calculation from Torque Control.

(4) Load Max Ach. – The maximum achievable load under current conditions.

(4) Load Max LSPI – The maximum load ceiling when utilizing LSPI to limit load.

(4) Load Limit (COMB) Delta – The delta between the combustion stability load limit and the desired load.

(4) Load Limit (COMB) Des – Maximum combustion stability load limit when operating at stoichiometric AFR.

(4) Load Limit (COMB) Final – Maximum combustion stability engine load allowed before throttle closure.

(4) Load Limit (FSC) – The currently used load limit from the Failsafe Cooling measurements.

(4) Load Limit (LSPI) – The currently used load limit from the LSPI measurements.

(4) Load Max Ref. – The maximum load reference based upon current VCT position and RPM.

(4) Load Max WOT OP – The maximum load desired at WOT based upon LSPI mitigation tables.

(4) Longitudinal Acceleration – The measurement from the onboard g-sensor in m/sec^2.

(2) Lowside FP Actual – In tank fuel pump rail pressure actual.

(1) Lowside FP Des. – In tank fuel pump rail pressure desired.

(2) Lowside FP DC – In tank fuel pump duty cycle percent.

(4) Lowside FP Error – The delta between Lowside FP Des. and Lowside FP Actual.

(2) Lowside FP Input V – In tank fuel pump feed voltage.

(2) Lowside FP Sens V – In tank fuel pump pressure sensor voltage.

(4) LTT Torque Base – Engine indicated torque at stoichiometric, MBT and other standard conditions.

(4) LTT Torque Loss – Engine torque loss due to friction with accessories.

(4) LTT Torque Final – Engine brake torque measured by incoming airflow, includes all compensations for torque loss from accessories, friction, etc.

(1) LTFT – Long term fuel trim.

(4) MAP – Manifold absolute pressure. This is post-throttle.

(4) MAP Inferred – Inferred manifold absolute pressure from the speed-density calculations. This is post-throttle.

(2) MAP Sensor V – Manifold absolute pressure sensor voltage.

(4) Max Eng Tq Allow – Maximum engine torque allowed.

(1) Max Tq Src (Airflow Limit) – The source of maximum torque for the current engine speed.1

(1) Max Tq Src (Engine Base) – The source of maximum torque for engine base.1

(1) Max Tq Src (Engine Max) – The source of maximum torque for engine max.1

(1) Max Tq Src (Engine Protect) – The source of maximum torque for engine protection.1

(4) Misfire Count – Number of detected misfires since the last engine start.

Misfire Count Cyl1 - The misfire count since engine start for cylinder 1.

Misfire Count Cyl2 - The misfire count since engine start for cylinder 2.

Misfire Count Cyl3 - The misfire count since engine start for cylinder 3.

Misfire Count Cyl4 - The misfire count since engine start for cylinder 4.

Misfire Count Cyl5 - The misfire count since engine start for cylinder 5.

Misfire Count Cyl6 - The misfire count since engine start for cylinder 6.

(1) Oct Adj List Stat – Octane adjustment learning listening status.

(4) Oct Adj Lrn Axis – The average of ignition corrections over time for use when tuning adaptive knock learning.

(2) Oct Adj Ratio Lrn – Octane adjust ratio learned.  -1.0 is HIGH fuel quality, 1.0 is LOW fuel quality.

(1) Oil Life Left – Oil life remaining percent as calculated from the last reset.

(4) Oil Temperature – Inferred oil temperature as calculated by the ECU algorithm.

(4) Oil Pressure – Oil pressure, only available on vehicles with Performance Pack hardware. 3

(1) Open Loop Failure – Indicator that a failure is present and the vehicle is now fueling in open loop.

(1) Open Loop Status – Status indicator for the open loop fueling, a value of 1 means closed loop is inactive and open loop is active.

(1) Overboost Available – Status indicator for the Overboost feature, a value of 1 means available.

(1) Overboost Counter – The time since Overboost became active, this can count up, or down.

(4) Overboost Counter – The time since Overboost became active (newer applications).

(4) PD Delay Timer – The power demand open loop fueling delay timer. This can count up or down.

PFI Injector Pulsewidth Cyl1 - The injector pulse width of the port fuel injector cylinder 1.

PFI Injector Pulsewidth Cyl2 - The injector pulse width of the port fuel injector cylinder 2.

PFI Injector Pulsewidth Cyl3 - The injector pulse width of the port fuel injector cylinder 3.

PFI Injector Pulsewidth Cyl4 - The injector pulse width of the port fuel injector cylinder 4.

PFI Injector Pulsewidth Cyl5 - The injector pulse width of the port fuel injector cylinder 5.

PFI Injector Pulsewidth Cyl6 - The injector pulse width of the port fuel injector cylinder 6.

(4) PR Compressor – This is the turbo compressor pressure ratio (Inlet Pressure over Baro).

(4) PR TIP/TOP – This is the pressure ratio for the manifold (Inlet Pressure over Outlet Pressure).

(4) Req Tq Mult OSS – Requested torque multiplier to account for gear ratios based on OSS for AT applications.

(4) Requested Torque – Requested engine torque with all compensations applied.

(4) Requested Tq Max – Maximum allowed requested engine torque.

(1) Rev Limiter ESL – This flag indicates when engine speed limiting via torque control (soft limiter).

(4) SD AC Ram Eff Mul – A multiplier applied to VE calculations based upon the air ramming effect.

(4) SD MAP Air ZC – The primary offset (B) of MAP for VE calculations at zero air charge.

(4) SD Quad Term MAP – The quadratic term for inferring MAP used to increase accuracy for VE calculations.

(4) SD Slope MAP BT – The optional slope (M) of MAP vs. air charge for VE calculations in the blowthrough region.

(4) SD Slope MAP vs AC – The primary slope (M) of MAP vs. air charge for VE calculations.

(2) Sensor VREF – Sensor voltage reference for 5V sensors.

(4) SOI Actual Cyl1 – The actual start of injection angle for Cylinder 1.

(4) SOI Actual Cyl2 – The actual start of injection angle for Cylinder 2.

(4) SOI Actual Cyl3 – The actual start of injection angle for Cylinder 3.

(4) SOI Actual Cyl4 – The actual start of injection angle for Cylinder 4.

SOI Actual Max - The earliest DFI start of injection of all cylinders.

(4) SOI Target Cyl1 – The target start of injection angle for Cylinder 1.

(4) SOI Target Cyl2 – The target start of injection angle for Cylinder 2.

(4) SOI Target Cyl3 – The target start of injection angle for Cylinder 3.

(4) SOI Target Cyl4 – The target start of injection angle for Cylinder 4.

(1) Spark Limit Src – Identifies the source calculation for the absolute spark limit.1

(1) Spark Source – Identifies the source calculation for the final spark value.1

(1) STFT – Short term fuel trim.

(4) STFT (Hi-Res) – Short term fuel trim, before conversion to SAE PID.

Short Term Fuel Trim (Average) - The averaged short term fuel trim between Bank 1 and Bank 2.

(1) Sound Symp. DC – Active sound symposer solenoid duty cycle.3

(4) TAC Commanded – Commanded throttle actuator control percent.

(2) Throt. Trim Angle – Learned throttle trim angle. Used for stabilizing idle/cruise.

(2) TIP Actual Abs – Pressure as measured pre-throttle (Absolute).

(4) TIP Actual Rel – Pressure as measured pre-throttle, minus Barometric pressure.

(4) TIP Boost Error – The delta between TIP desired and TIP actual (Absolute).

(4) TIP Des Base Add – Delta pressure added to TIP Desired Base to achieve the final target.

(4) TIP BP Ref – Barometric pressure reference for TIP Desired calculations.

(2) TIP Desired Abs – Pressure as desired post-intercooler (Absolute).

(4) TIP Desired Base – Base TIP pressure desired before compensations (Absolute).

(4) TIP Desired Max – Maximum TIP desired pressure (Absolute).

TIP Desired Max Src - (Focus RS Only)

(4) TIP Desired Min – Minimum TIP desired pressure (Absolute).

(4) TIP Desired Rel – Pressure as desired pre-throttle minus Barometric pressure. (Relative)

(2) TIP Sens. V – TIP pressure sensor voltage.

(4) Tipin Load Trans. – The transient load measured during tip-in conditions.

(4) Tipin Timing Comp – The current amount of timing pulled during tip-in conditions.

(2) Tire Circ. – The calibrated tire circumference in mm.

(2) Tire Revs Per Mi – The tire revolutions per mile as calculated by the current circumference calibration.

(1) Torque Source – The current Torque Source. Used during transient conditions like decel and tip-in.1

(1) Torque Source (Base) - The base value for Torque Source. Best used for diagnosis of torque limitations.

(1) Torque Source (Instant) - The instantaneous value for Torque Source. Best used for diagnosis of torque limitations. 

(4) Torque Maximum (CVC) – The maximum amount of engine torque allowed by the CVC.  This value typically comes out of the High/Med/Low Torque Max. Tables

(4) Turbo Compressor Efficiency Desired –The desired efficiency for the turbo compressor.

(4) Turbo Compressor Efficiency Inferred –The inferred efficiency for the turbo compressor.

(4) Turbo Compressor PR Desired –The desired pressure ratio for the turbo compressor.

(4) Turbo Compressor PR Estimated –The estimated pressure ratio for the turbo compressor.

(4) Turbo MFRACT Desired – The desired fraction of exhaust flow through the turbine.

(4) Turbo MFRACT Est - An estimated fraction of mass flow through the turbine with a dynamics model.

(4) Turbo PID D-Error - Error term for turbo closed loop boost derivative.

(4) Turbo PID D-Gain - Derivative gain for wastegate canister delta pressure from closed loop boost controller.

(4) Turbo PID D-Gain Mult - Derivative gain scheduling for closed loop pressure feedback.

(4) Turbo PID D-Term – Derivative term for wastegate canister delta pressure from closed loop boost controller. 3

(4) Turbo PID FF VMAG - WG Canister Pressure FF table index lookup movement vector.

(4) Turbo PID I-Disintegrator – Value to aid in the disintegration of turbo I term during ramp in/out. 3

(4) Turbo PID I-Error - Turbo TIP error for closed loop pressure feedback, final value.

(4) Turbo PID I-Gain - Integral gain for wastegate duty cycle from closed loop boost controller.

(4) Turbo PID I-Gain Mult - Integral gain scheduling for closed loop pressure feedback. 

(4) Turbo PID I-Term –  Integral term for wastegate canister delta pressure from closed loop boost controller.3

(4) Turbo PID I-Term Max - Closed loop boost controller calculated maximum clip for integral anti-windup. 

(4) Turbo PID I-Term Min – Closed loop boost controller calculated minimum clip for integral anti-windup. 3

(4) Turbo PID KAM – KAM value to add to turbo PID output.3

(1) Turbo PID Learning Status – This will be true when conditions to allow for turbo adaptive KAM learning. 3

(4) Turbo PID P-Gain - Proportional gain for the wastegate duty cycle from closed loop boost controller.

(4) Turbo PID P-Gain Mult - Proportional gain scheduling for closed loop pressure feedback.

(4) Turbo PID P-Term – Proportional term for wastegate canister delta pressure from closed loop boost controller. 3

(4) Turbo PID WG CP Des. – Final desired pressure for wastegate canister from closed loop boost controller.3

(4) Turbo PID WG CP FF Base – Feed forward output from WG Canister Pressure FF table.3

(4) Turbo PID WGDC Base – Output parameter from the WGDC Base table.

(4) Turbo PID WGDC Base Y –  Input to y axis for WGDC Base table.3

(4) Turbo PID WGDC Base X – Input to x axis for WGDC Base table.3

(4) Turbo Speed Desired –The desired turbo shaft speed.

(4) Turbo Speed Error –The error measurement of current turbo shaft speed (Desired - Inferred).

(4) Turbo Speed Inferred –The inferred measurement of current turbo shaft speed.

(4) Turbo TIP Err (Des-Act) - Turbo TIP error for closed loop pressure feedback = Desired TIP - Actual TIP.

(4) Turbo TIP Err (Des-Exp) - Turbo TIP error for closed loop pressure feedback = Desired TIP - Expected TIP.

(4) Turbo TIP Err (Exp-Act) - Turbo TIP error for closed loop pressure feedback = Expected TIP - Actual TIP.

(4) Turbo TIP Expected - Expected TIP value for turbo closed loop boost feedback. 

(4) Turbo Turbine Efficiency (Closed WG) – The turbine efficiency ratio used for closed wastegate turbine power calculations..

(4) Turbo Turbine PR Estimated (Closed WG) – The turbine efficiency pressure ratio used for closed wastegate turbine power calculations (Exhaust BP / Exhaust MAP).

(4) Turbo Turbine Flow Desired – The desired amount of Exhaust Mass flow for turbo efficiency and wastegate calculations.

(4) Turbo Turbine Flow Est – Estimated exhaust mass flow.

(4) Turbo Turbine Power Desired – The desired amount of turbo turbine power (BTU/min).

(4) Turbo Turbine Power Estimated – The estimated amount of turbo turbine power (BTU/min).

(4) Turbo Turbine Power Max (Current) – The maximum achievable amount of turbo turbine power under current conditions (BTU/min).

(4) TTL Torque Base – Base engine indicated torque for used in conversion to the Load/Airflow request.

(4) TTL Torque CLIP – Torque request correction provided by the CLIP/ADD subsystem. This is part of the calculation that goes into the "TTL Torque Base" monitor.

(4) TTL Torque Final – The final engine indicated torque as calculated by using the "TTL Torque Base", divided by the gross torque ratio modifier. On certain applications, this can be logged with the "TR Ratio TTL" monitor. This value will be fed into the Torque To Load table lookup and return "TTL Load Desired".

(1) TP Absolute – Throttle position absolute.

(4) TP Delta Press. – Throttle plate delta pressure.

(1) TP Mode – Throttle position mode.

(1) TP Relative – Throttle position relative.

(2) TP1 Sensor V – Throttle position sensor 1 voltage.

(2) TP2 Sensor V – Throttle position sensor 2 voltage.

(4) TR Act LTT – Torque reduction ratio for indicated torque calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Act Spk Clip – Torque reduction ratio final clip value after all calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Act Spk Exist – Torque reduction ratio from MBT delta spark s-curve fit. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Act TTL – Torque reduction ratio for torque request to airflow/load calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Des Cyl Cut – Torque reduction ratio desired from cylinder cutout calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Des DFSO – Torque reduction ratio desired from tip-out calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Des Lambda – Torque reduction ratio desired from fuel enleanment calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Des Low Spk Clip – Torque reduction ratio desired from lower limit spark calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Des Tq Ctrl – Torque reduction ratio desired from the torque control calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Des Spk Clip – Torque reduction ratio desired from the spark clip calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(4) TR Des Spk Retard – Torque reduction ratio desired from the spark retard calculations. 1.0 = No reductions.

(1) TR Spk Clip Status – Stats of the spark clip torque reduction ratio 0 = No Clip, 1 = Tq Control, 2 = Overriden.

(4) TP Delta Press. – Throttle plate delta pressure.

(1) VCT Mode – Identifies the current mode for VCT targeting.1

(2) VCT-E Angle Act. – Exhaust camshaft retard angle actual.

(2) VCT-E Angle Des. – Exhaust camshaft retard angle desired.

(2) VCT-E Angle Err. – Exhaust camshaft retard angle error (delta of desired and actual).

(2) VCT-E Duty Cycle – Exhaust camshaft solenoid duty cycle.

(4) VCT-E OP Ref. – The current exhaust camshaft reference point for a given RPM for optimum power.

(2) VCT-I Angle Act. – Intake camshaft advance angle actual.

(2) VCT-I Angle Des. – Intake camshaft advance angle desired.

(2) VCT-I Angle Err. – Intake camshaft advance angle error (delta of desired and actual).

(2) VCT-I Duty Cycle – Intake camshaft solenoid duty cycle.

(4) VCT-I OP Ref. – The current intake camshaft reference point for a given RPM for optimum power.

(4) VE Corr. Ratio – The ratio of correction applied to VE calculations for MAP, ECT, CAT, and IAT against the standard temperature and pressure model.

(2) Vehicle Speed – Vehicle speed when moving.

(4) Warmup Blend Ratio – The percentage of blending in use during cold start emissions assistance operation.

Wastegate Position - The commanded wastegate position. 0% = open, 100% = closed.

(1) Wastegate Status – Status of the wastegate solenoid (on/off).

(4) WG TIP Err (Des-Act) – Difference between the desired tip and the actual tip.3

(1) WGDC Override – A signal that conditions have been met to take over wastegate control.

(2) WGDC Actual – Final wastegate duty cycle after compensations.

(4) WGDC I-Gain – Wastegate PID “I” Gain base value from calibration. (Focus/Fusion)

(4) WGDC I-Term – Wastegate PID “I-Term” final. (I-Gain) * (PI-Error) = I-Term. (Airflow/Turbine Efficiency model)

(4) WGDC P-Gain – Wastegate PID “P” Gain base value from calibration.

(4) WGDC P-Term – Wastegate PID “P-term” final.  (P-Gain) * (PI-Error) = P-Term. (Airflow/Turbine Efficiency model)

(4) WGDC PI Error – Wastegate PID “P and I” multiplier.

(1) WGDC PID Mode – The current WGDC PID integral term override strategy.1

(4) WGDC Soak Temp – Heat soak compensation calculated by taking IAT + ((ECT - IAT) * Soak Temp Gain). 3

(4) VSS Accel Rate – The rate of vehicle acceleration measured via deltas between current and previous speeds. 3

(4) VSS Front Average – The average vehicle speed measured between the front wheels.

(4) VSS Front Left – Vehicle speed measured at the front left wheel.

(4) VSS Front Right – Vehicle speed measured at the front right wheel.

(4) VSS Rear Average – The average vehicle speed measured between the rear wheels.

(4) VSS Rear Left – Vehicle speed measured at the rear left wheel.

(4) VSS Rear Right – Vehicle speed measured at the rear right wheel.

COBB Custom Feature Monitors

(4) (C) APP OP Thresh – The minimum throttle position required to activate the “Optimum Power” VCT mode.2,3

(4) (C) APP PD Thresh – The minimum throttle position required to activate power demand fueling.2,3

(1) (C) Burnout Status – Status of the burnout feature. 0=Inactive, 1=Active.2,3

(4) (C) Des WOT AFR – The desired AFR being used during power demand fueling operation.2

(4) (C) EOI Actual - Actual EOI for the current effective intake pulse in degrees BTDC.²

(1) (C) FFS Status – The status indicator for the Rev Limit FFS feature (1=Active).2

(4) (C) Fuel Scalar – The current value in use for the Fuel Scalar Stoich. Setpoint.2

(1) (C) LC Mode – The mode indicator for the On-the-Fly Launch Control feature (0=Fuel Based, 1=Throttle Based).2

(4) (C) Load Error – The calculation of (Load Desired (Tq Ctrl) - Load Actual) for use with WGDC compensations.2

(1) (C) Map Slot – The currently active map switching slot in use.2

(4) (C) Rev Limit – The currently active Primary Rev Limit.2

(4) (C) Rev Limit FFS – The current RPM target for use with the Flat-Foot-Shift feature.2

(4) (C) Rev Limit LC – The current RPM target for use with the Launch Control feature.2

(4) (C) Rev Limit LC-S – The current RPM target for use with the On-the-Fly Launch Control feature.2

(4) (C) Timing Offset – The amount of (global) timing being added to the final ignition calculation.2

(4) (C) TIP Ceiling – The maximum amount of TIP Absolute before the throttle will be limited.

(4) (C) TIP Ceiling Comp – The custom per-gear multiplier applied to the current TIP Ceiling calculation.

(4) (C) WGDC BBG Mult. – The WGDC boost by gear multiplier active when this feature is enabled.2

(4) (C) WGDC Base – The base wastegate duty cycle used before compensations.2

(1) (C) WGDC Comp Mode – The currently active WGDC compensation mode.2

(4) (C) WGDC Final – The final calculation of WGDC after all compensations, before the bounding process. This can also include the WGDC BBG Mult. if enabled.2

(4) (C) WGDC Pre-Final – The WGDC calculation which includes WGDC Base, AAT Comp., and Baro. Comp., before the bounding process. This can also include the WGDC BBG Mult. if enabled.2

COBB Traction Control Monitors

See our Traction Control documentation here: Ford Traction Control 

Automatic Transmission Monitors

(4) AD Alt X IDX – Alternate cases X index for several adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) AD Alt Y IDX – Alternate cases Y index for several adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) AD I-Slip Time Act – Actual initial slip time at the start of a shift for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD I-Slip Time Des – Desired initial slip time at the start of a shift for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD I-Slip Time Err – (Desired – Actual) initial slip time error at the start of a shift for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD O-Slip Time Act – Actual overall slip time for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD O-Slip Time Des – Desired overall slip time for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD O-Slip Time Err –(Desired – Actual) overall slip time error for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD Slip P-Off X IDX – X index for specific power-off adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) AD Slip P-Off Y IDX – Y index for specific power-off adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) AD Slip P-On X IDX – X index for specific power-on adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) AD Slip P-On Y IDX – Y index for specific power-on adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) AD Tq Xfer RPM@SS – Transmission turbine shaft speed captured at the start of a shift.

(4) AD Tq Xfer Time Act – Actual torque transfer time for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD Tq Xfer Time Des – Desired torque transfer time for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD Tq Xfer Time Err – (Desired – Actual) torque transfer time error for closed loop adaptive feedback.

(4) AD Tq Xfer TQ@SS – Transmission torque input captured at the start of a shift.

(4) AD Tq Xfer X IDX – X index for specific torque transfer adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) AD Tq Xfer Y IDX – Y index for specific torque transfer adaptive learning transmission tables.

(4) APP ADC Counts – This is a pedal position converted for use with AT applications for shifting controls. 3

(1) Clutch Element Ofg – Element ID of the secondary clutch (offgoing).

(1) Clutch Element Onc – Element ID of the primary clutch (oncoming).

(1) Clutch Temp E1 – The inferred temperature of clutch element 1.

(1) Clutch Temp E2 – The inferred temperature of clutch element 2.

(1) Clutch Temp E3 – The inferred temperature of clutch element 3.

(1) Clutch Temp E4 – The inferred temperature of clutch element 4.

(1) Clutch Temp E5 – The inferred temperature of clutch element 5.

(1) Gear Commanded – Gear commanded by the ECU, TCM, or output state control.

(2) Gear Ratio Comm. – Gear ratio commanded by the ECU, TCM, or output state control.

(2) Gear Ratio Meas. – Gear ratio measured by the ECU.

(2) Input Shaft Speed – Input shaft speed, unfiltered.

(1) Kickdown Status – This flag indicates if the accelerator pedal has breached the kickdown threshold.

(2) Output Shaft Speed – Output shaft speed, unfiltered.

(1) Power On Status – This flag indicates if the power-on or power-off mode is active.  0=P-Off, 1=P-On.

(1) Shift Order Prv – The previously completed shift order.  For example, 23 would be 2->3.

(2) RPM to VSS Ratio – This ratio is simply engine speed (RPM) over vehicle speed (VSS).

(2) Shift Drop Below – The maximum drop in turbine speed (flare) when changing gears.

(1) Shift ID – This shift ID used to identify the sequence and/or mode for shifting control.1

(4) Shift MPH 12 – The vehicle speed required to upshift to 2nd gear.

(4) Shift MPH 23 – The vehicle speed required to upshift to 3rd gear.

(4) Shift MPH 34 – The vehicle speed required to upshift to 4th gear.

(4) Shift MPH 45 – The vehicle speed required to upshift to 5th gear.

(4) Shift MPH 56 – The vehicle speed required to upshift to 6th gear.

(4) Shift Progress – Percent of completion of the current shift.

(2) Shift Prog. Begin – The time elapsed from 0% to 10% of shift completion.

(2) Shift Prog. End – The time elapsed from 10% to 90% of shift completion.

(2) Shift Rise Above – The maximum rpm rise in turbine speed (flare) when changing gears.

(1) Shift Type – This is another indicator for the occurring shift.1

(1) Shifter Mode – This indicates the shift mode currently active.1

(4) Shift Base Rate – The base percent per second to use during gear ratio changes.

(4) Shift Des Rate – The desired percent per second to use during gear ratio changes.

(4) Shift LP Tq Act – Turbine torque without compensation from torque management, for use with line pressure calculations.

(4) Shift LP Tq Req – Requested torque used for shifting line pressure calculations.

(4) Shift Tq Limit – The torque limit applied during shifts.

(2) Slip Ratio – The ratio of input shaft speed divided by engine speed.

(1) SST Paddle Down – This flag indicates a press of the - button, or the downshift paddle. (0=Pressed, 1=Not pressed)

(1) SST Paddle Up – This flag indicates a press of the + button, or the upshift paddle. (0=Pressed, 1=Not pressed)

(4) Starting Press E1 – The starting pressure for clutch element 1.

(4) Starting Press E2 – The starting pressure for clutch element 2.

(4) Starting Press E3 – The starting pressure for clutch element 3.

(4) Starting Press E4 – The starting pressure for clutch element 4.

(4) Starting Press E5 – The starting pressure for clutch element 5.

(4) Starting Press Ofg – The starting pressure for the current offgoing clutch element.

(4) Starting Press Onc – The starting pressure for the current oncoming clutch element.

(4) Start Tq Cap Red – The starting torque value during the torque capacity reduction phase.

TCC CPC Pressure Delta - This is the commanded pressure applied across the TCC lockup mechanism.

TCC Scheduled Lock Status - This flag indicates that TCC lockup is desired based on the TCC Schedule tables.

TCC Unconditional Unlock Source - When this value is non-zero it means TCC lockup is being delayed by an unconditional unlock source. See the Advanced Monitors section for enum description.

(1) TC Clutch Fault – A failure indicator to know when there has been a fault with the torque converter clutch.

(4) TC Lockup RPM – This is an alternate means to lock the torque converter using OSS when not using VSS.

(1) TC Lockup Status – The simple flag for the torque converter lock-up mode. (0=Unlocked, 1=Lock Requested, 3=Fully Locked)

(4) TC Lockup VSS – The minimum VSS required to begin the torque converter lockup process.

(4) TC Mode – The main torque converter mode state flag.

(1) TC OSC – Output state control status of the torque converter.

TC Ramp Rate – The torque capacity ramp rate for locking the torque converter.

TC Req Tq Capacity – Requested torque capacity for the torque converter.

TC Slip Actual – Slip rpm actual of the torque converter.

TC Slip Desired – Slip rpm desired by the torque converter.

TC Slip Ratio - This is the ratio of output to input speed of the torque converter. (Output / Input)

TC State – Current state of the torque converter.

TC Torque – Estimated engine torque at the flywheel.

TC Unlock VSS – Vehicle speed target required to unlock the torque converter.

TOT Sensor V – Voltage reading of the transmission oil temperature sensor.

Trans. Oil Temp – Temperature of the fluid inside the automatic transmission.

Trans. Range – This is an indicator of the current position of the gear shift selector.1

Turbine Tq Act – The current running turbine torque used for several transmission-related tables.

Turbine Tq DTL Des – Desired turbine torque during the torque transfer phase. Used by the Desired Torque Level tables.

Turbine Tq DTL Y – The turbine torque Y-axis input used for calculating the desired torque from the Desired Torque Level tables.

Turbine Tq DTL Z – The turbine torque target value before compensations as calculated by the Desired Torque Level tables.

(2) VFS Current CPC – Actual current of the clutch converter pressure variable force solenoid.

(2) VFS Current LPC – Actual current of the line pressure control variable force solenoid.

(2) VFS Current PC1 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 1.

(2) VFS Current PC2 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 2.

(2) VFS Current PC3 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 3.

(2) VFS Current PC4 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 4.

(2) VFS Press CPC Act – Torque converter clutch solenoid pressure actual.

(4) VFS Press CPC Des – Torque converter clutch solenoid pressure desired.

(2) VFS Press LPC Act – The actual pressure command for the line pressure variable force solenoid.

(4) VFS Press LPC Des – The desired pressure command for the line pressure variable force solenoid.

(2) VFS Press PC1 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 1.

(2) VFS Press PC2 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 2.

(2) VFS Press PC3 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 3.

(2) VFS Press PC4 – Actual pressure of variable force solenoid 4.

(1) VFS Status PC1 – Status of the first variable force solenoid.

(1) VFS Status PC2 – Status of the second variable force solenoid.

(1) VFS Status PC3 – Status of the third variable force solenoid.

(1) VFS Status PC4 – Status of the fourth variable force solenoid.

(1) VFS Status CPC – Status of the clutch converter pressure variable force solenoid.

(1) VFS Status LPC – Status of the line pressure control variable force solenoid.

Clutch Pressure A - Pressure of clutch element 'A'; estimated based on VFS current

Clutch Pressure B - Pressure of clutch element 'B'; estimated based on VFS current

Clutch Pressure C - Pressure of clutch element 'C'; estimated based on VFS current

Clutch Pressure DPressure of clutch element 'D'; estimated based on VFS current

Clutch Pressure EPressure of clutch element 'E'; estimated based on VFS current

Clutch Pressure FPressure of clutch element 'F'; estimated based on VFS current

Engine Speed - Engine RPM, as reported by the TCM

Est Slip Speed Clutch A - Estimated slip RPM of clutch element 'A'

Est Slip Speed Clutch B - Estimated slip RPM of clutch element 'B'

Est Slip Speed Clutch C - Estimated slip RPM of clutch element 'C'

Est Slip Speed Clutch D - Estimated slip RPM of clutch element 'D'

Est Slip Speed Clutch E - Estimated slip RPM of clutch element 'E'

Est Slip Speed Clutch F - Estimated slip RPM of clutch element 'F'

Gear Current - Current engaged gear

Gear Commanded - Current commanded gear

Line Pressure Target - Commanded line pressure target

Output Shaft Speed - RPM of the transmission output shaft

Shift End Gear - The gear that the transmission enters after the last shift event

Shift Start Gear - The gear that the transmission was in prior to the last shift event

Speed Ratio Eng/OSS - RPM ratio between engine crankshaft and trans. output shaft

Speed Ratio Turbine/Eng - RPM ratio between engine crankshaft and trans. input shaft (converter turbine)

TCC Desired Slip - RPM slip target for the torque converter clutch

TCC Line Pressure - Pressure of converter clutch element; estimated based on VFS current

TCC Slip - RPM slip actual for the torque converter clutch

TCC Speed Ratio - RPM ratio between the converter pump and turbine

Transmission Oil Temp - Trans. fluid temperature

Turbine Speed - RPM of trans. input shaft (converter turbine)

Turbine Tq Estimated - Estimated torque at the trans. input shaft (converter turbine)

Indicates an enumerated monitor with more information available in the Advanced Monitors Section.
2 Indicates a monitor only available with COBB custom feature enabled calibrations.
3 Indicates a monitor that may not be available on all vehicles.

Advanced Monitors

There are many monitors that contain helpful information via enumeration. Below you will find a brief description of these to aid in understanding and tuning various systems of operation on the vehicle.

Airflow Limit Src

0 No Clip Applied

1 Injector Clip - 

2 Wastegate / Turbo Clip - Airflow Limit (Turbo), Airflow Limit (Turbo) Baro. Comp.

3 Exhaust Temperature Clip - Load Max. (EFT)

4 MAF (Unused)

5 Low Speed Pre-Ignition Clip - LSPI Load Limit (High)/(Mid)/(Low)

6 Part Throttle Clip - Load Max. (Partial Throttle), Load Max. Ceiling (Throttle Closed)

7 Failsafe Cooling Clip

DD Limit Mode

0 No Limits                                        1 Rate Limited

2 Unused                                           3 Transmission (Unused)

4 Tip-in Torque Limited                     5 Insufficient Fuel Flow

6 Wastegate / Turbo Clip                  7 A/F Enrichment (Exhaust Temp Control)

8 MAF (Unused)                               9 LSPI/Preignition Limit

10 Part Throttle                                 11 Failsafe Cooling

ETC Angle Source

0 Normal                                           1 Key On Engine Off

2 Cranking                                        3 Idle

4 Speed Control                               5 Tq Reduction is < Driver Demand

6 Torque Control                              7 Computer Controlled Shutdown

Fuel Source

0 Stoichiometric                               1 Torque Control (Injectors Off)

2 Catalyst Warmup                          3 Torque Control (Injectors On)

4 Cold Operation                              5 Power Demand Fueling

6 Failure Mode                                 7 Exhaust Gas Oxygen Monitor

8 Key On Engine Running                9 Reactionary

12 Secondary Air                             13 Override Active

15 Cranking                                      255 Default

Injection Mode

0 Disabled                                         3 Single Spray

4 Cold After Start Mode                    5 Low Speed High Load (LSHL)

6 Cold Start Emissions Reduction

Max Tq Src (Engine Max / Airflow Limit) - Older Applications

0 Predictive                                       1 PreIgnition

2 Low Speed PreIgnition                   3 Optimum Power WOT Load

4 Launch                                           5 Wastegate Failure

6 Injector Clip                                    7 Partial Throttle

8 Failsafe Cooling                             9 Turbo Speed Limit

Max Tq Src (Engine (all))

0 Predictive

2 Turbo Speed Limit

4 MAF Saturation

6 Combustion Stability

8 Turbo Failure

10 LSPI/HSPI Failure

12 CSL

14 Low ECT PI Protection

Newer Applications

1 Maximum Injector Duty Cycle

3 Exhaust Temperature

5 Low Speed Preignition (LSPI)

7 Int/Exh Manifold Temperature

9 Optimum Power WOT


13 Supercharger PTLP

15 IMRC Failure

Max Tq Src (Airflow Limit)

0 Driver Demand / No Limit

2 Combustion Stability

4 LSPI Limit

6 Knock/PI Failure (Low Speed)

8 Failsafe Cooling

14 Low ECT PI Protection

Newer Applications

1 Turbo Airflow

3 Optimum Power WOT Load


7 LSPI Mitigation Failure (High Speed)

9 Turbo Speed Limit

15 IMRC Failure

Spark Limit Src

1 MBT                                                 2 Borderline

3 Pre-Ignition                                      4 Cylinder Pressure

Spark Source

0 Cranking                                        1 Base

2 Borderline                                      3 Torque Control

4 Pre-ignition                                    5 Cylinder Pressure

6 Stable Low Load                           7 Cold Low Load

8 Idle Feedback at Min Clip             9 Idle Feedback

10 Key On Engine Running             15 Output State Control

16 Borderline Clip                            18 Closed Throttle Deceleration

Torque Source (and Torque Source ETC)

0 Driver Demand                             1 Transmission

2 Traction/Stability Control              3 Vehicle Speed Limit

4 Engine Speed Limit                      5 Tip-in Management

6 Decel Fuel Cut                             7 Decreased for Shift (AT)

8 Engine Oil Overtemp                    9 Stability Control Targeted RPM

12 Anti-Theft                                   13 Output State Control / Takeoff Assist Retard

14 Cruise Control                            15 Low Range (AT)

16 Dashpot                                     17 Variable Displacement Engine

22 Idle Speed Control                     27 Wheel Torque Limit

24 Torque Steer

VCT Mode

1 Manual Mode                                2 Base

3 Computer Controlled Shutdown    4 Disabled

5 Optimum Power                            6 Emissions Reduction

9 Optimum Stability                         10 Best Drivability                                       

11 Best Fuel Efficiency                   12 Transient Performance

WGDC PID Mode (Wastegate Canister Pressure Model)

0 Final Dynamics > All                    1 Full Negative Clip

2 Full Positive Clip                           3 Wastegate Considered Open

4 Wastegate Considered Closed     5 Dynamic Negative Clip

6 Dynamic Positive Clip                   7 Airflow Conditions Not Met for Dynamics                                

10 Cold Start < 3sec                        11 BPV Open

21 Spool Mode Ramp Up                22 Spool Mode Ramp Down

WGDC PID Mode (Airflow and Turbine Efficiency Model)

0 No Override                                   1 Cranking

2 Minimum Clip Ramp Up                 3 Maximum Clip Ramp Down

4 Spool Mode Ramp Up                   5 Spool Mode Ramp Down

6 Re-Spool Mode                             7 Wastegate Considered Closed

8 Wastegate Considered Open        9 BPV Open

TCC Unconditional Unlock Source

0 - No active delay in the process

1 - Mechanical failure

2 - Non forward gear

3 - ETC Shutdown

4 - Traction Control

5 - TCC Solenoid Failure

6 - Speed Ratio Low

7 - Speed Ratio High

8 - Speed Ratio High with Open TCC 

9 - Decel

10 - Low Vehicle Speed

11 - Low ECT

12 - Engine Speed Targetting Active

13 - Tip-In

14 - Tip-Out

15 - Brake

16 - Idle

17 - Gear Shift

18 - Gear Shift

19 - ABS

20 - Engine Brake Gear Shift

21 - TCC Lock to Unlock

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