VA WRX Undertray Removal

VA WRX Undertray Removal


Undertray Removal

  1. Inspect the new components included with the COBB kit. If anything appears out of place, please contact COBB immediately and do not proceed with the installation.

  2. Begin by placing the car on the lift and raising it to where you can now access the bottom of the vehicle.

  3. Next, remove the plastic under tray by using the flathead screwdriver to remove the pushpins and the 12mm socket to remove the two bolts holding the under tray to the car.  Recommended: Take pictures of where each pushpin is for your future reference. 


  4. Once the under tray is uninstalled, remove the skid plate by using a 12mm socket to loosen the bolts fastening it to the car. 

  5. With the under tray and skid plate removed, you should now be looking at an open bottom side of the car!


COBB Product Install Instructions for Subaru Vehicles 

Main Installation Instruction Repository for Subaru Parts

Calibration Map Notes for Subaru Vehicles

Link to Subaru Map Notes to see what map you should be on given the parts you've added

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