COBB MK7 USDM GTI and Golf R Rom Consolidation

COBB MK7 USDM GTI and Golf R Rom Consolidation

COBB MK7 USDM GTI and Golf R Rom Consolidation

Applicable Vehicles:

  • Model
    • 2015-2018 GTI  - Consolidated Rom (5G09c0bb01)
      • 5G0906259A
      • 5G0906259D
      • 5G0906259L
    • 2015-2018 Golf R - Consolidated Rom (8v09c0bb01)
      • 8V0906259E
      • 8V0906259H
      • 8V0906259K
      • 8V0906259P

Benefits of Consolidated Roms:

In an effort to make tuning updates and COBB custom features more easily accessible with a shorter lead time we have now consolidated the USDM MK7 GTI and Golf R roms to a since COBB CCF rom. Benefits of this strategy are:

  • Single Strategy reduces the overhead of having to keep multiple versions of mapping together for separate roms. 
  • Quicker time to market with any new features and updates 
  • Simplified tuning for similar combinations of aftermarket parts for pro-tuners

Consolidated Rom Q&A

Q: If I have an existing protune for the original rom on my car, can I still use it?

A: Yes, you are able to use any existing map you have for the original rom on the car. You can install either a COBB CCF rom or a map for your original rom. 

Q: What rom will be installed to my car when I uninstall the AccessPort?

A: When uninstalling the AccessPort your original rom will be installed. 

Q: What COBB OTS maps should I use on my car?

A: If you had a previously installed AP prior to rom consolidation, you will have older OTS maps available, as well as the newer COBB CCF OTS maps. The COBB CCF maps will have a higher version number than the older OTS map which is specific to the original rom on your car. You will be able to install either map, however all of the latest tune updates and features will only be available on the latest consolidated rom. 

Q: I have a 2019+ USDM Golf R or GTI. Can I use a consolidated rom?

A: No. The ECU in these cars are new, and they are not compatible with the previous years consolidated rom. 

Q: I have a World Market rom, or and MK6. Can I use a consolidated rom?

A: No. The only roms which are currently consolidated at the MK7 GTI and Golf R. 

How to Use a COBB CCF Consolidated ROM (Protuner):

Using the correct (newest) version of the software you will have the ability to select these two roms:

Using the correct rom for the GTI or Golf R, you can make your calibration changes and then upload the map to the AccessPort using AccessPort Manager. Once you have flashed the map to the car using the AP, you will be able to change map, pass through flash and use the AP and ATP features as normal. 


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