Subaru Custom Monitor List

Subaru Custom Monitor List


Subaru Custom Monitor Descriptions For Accesstuner And V3 Accessport


This document provides the unique Accesstuner and Accessport names of our custom data monitors, followed by their descriptions. These monitors are available to view and log in current Accesstuner software and V3 Accessport firmware for applicable Subaru vehicles. Please keep in mind the following:

  • Custom monitors are not available if the ECU is flashed with a "MAF-only" calibration.

  • Some of these monitors are not available with some vehicles due to differences in vehicle hardware or where feature implementation has been limited to specific vehicle types.

  • Some monitors are only available in the latest versions of the COBB Custom Features (CCF) ECU types and not earlier CCF or SD versions.

  • Some monitors require specific vehicle hardware (sold separately) and appropriate calibration changes in the map in order to be functional:
    • Flex fuel hardware for ethanol related monitors.
    • Fuel pressure sensor hardware for fuel pressure related monitors.
    • MAP sensor with appropriate extended range for extended boost related monitors.
    • Additional compatible sensor hardware for "sensor input" monitors.

Glossary of Acronyms

    • CCF = Cobb Custom Features (generally referring to the CCF ECU type which contains custom features not otherwise available on the factory ECU)

    • DIT = Subaru's "Direct Injection Turbo" motor (14-18 FXT, 15+ WRX)

    • DIT Gen2 = A second generation CCF ECU for DIT vehicle types that adds additional features over the Gen1 DIT CCF type. 

    • ECT = Engine Coolant Temperature

    • ECU = Engine Control Unit

    • EJ 2.0L = Subaru's port-injected EJ 2.0L motor (02-05 WRX)

    • EJ 2.5L = Subaru's port-injected EJ 2.5L motor (04-13 FXT, 05-12 LGT, 05-09 OBXT, 04+ STi, 06-14 WRX)
    • FP = Fuel Pressure
    • IAT = Intake Air Temperature

    • MAF = Mass Airflow
    • MAP = Manifold Absolute Pressure
    • RPM = Revolutions Per Minute (referring to engine speed)

    • SD = Speed Density (One of Cobb's custom features)

    • TGV = Tumble Generator Valve
    • TPS = Throttle Position Sensor (or more generically referring to throttle position)

    • VE = Volumetric Efficiency

    • WGDC = Wastegate Duty Cycle

Monitor Descriptions (in ATP monitor alphabetical order)

Notes: Accesstuner name shown first; Accessport name shown second in parentheses.

Calculated Load MAF SENSOR BASED (Calc Load MAF) [EJ 2.0L CCF]
This is the calculated load based on the MAF sensor with all compensations applied. This value will always be calculated regardless of the current mode.

Ethanol Concentration FINAL (Ethanol Final) [DIT CCF, EJ 2.5L CCF]
Fuel ethanol content % calculated from flex fuel kit module output voltage and calibration values set in the Accesstuner calibration file, after smoothing, when hold last known good and ethanol % override functions are not currently active. This final value is used in all Flex Fuel blending calculations. 

Ethanol Concentration RAW (Ethanol Raw) [DIT CCF, EJ 2.5L CCF]
Fuel ethanol content % calculated from flex fuel kit module output voltage and calibration values set in the Accesstuner calibration file, before smoothing. 

Ethanol Smoothing Factor (Eth SM Factor) [DIT CCF]
This is the smoothing factor (based on the fuel mass injected current) involved in determining the final ethanol concentration. Higher values result in less smoothing (faster movement to current sensor value), while lower values result in more smoothing (slower movement to current sensor value).

Ethanol Transition Delta (Eth Trans Delta) [DIT CCF]
The difference in Ethanol Concentration (Raw or Final depending on your settings) between the most recent and previous sample. The length of the sample period is based on the frequency set in the Ethanol Transition Ethanol Delta Calculation Rate table.

Ethanol Transition Fuel Mass Injected Current (Eth Trans Fuel Inj) [DIT CCF]
The approximate grams of fuel injected over the last sample period. The length of the sample period is based on the frequency set in Ethanol Sensor Calibration Sampling Rate table.

Ethanol Transition Fuel Mass Injected Sum (Eth Trans Fuel Inj Sum) [DIT CCF]
The sum of the Ethanol Transition Fuel Mass Injected Current (Eth Trans Fuel Inj) values. This will only increment when ECDS has activated, before it exits (while Ethanol Final is locked).

Fuel Economy Display Correction FINAL (Fuel Econ Corr) [DIT CCF, EJ 2.5L CCF]
Correction factor applied to fuel economy display based on Accesstuner calibration of manual and/or automatic display correction. For more details, see: Subaru Fuel Mileage Display Correction

Fuel Injector Scale FINAL (Fuel Inj Scale) [EJ 2.5L CCF]
The current fuel injector scale value being applied to fuel injector pulse-width calculations. When flex fuel and/or differential fuel pressure custom features are active, those systems dynamically update this value to achieve calibrator requested compensations.

Fuel Pressure FINAL (Fuel Press Final) [EJ 2.5L CCF]
Relative fuel pressure calculated from sensor voltage and the sensor calibration values set in the Accesstuner calibration file, after smoothing.

Fuel Pressure RAW (Fuel Press. Raw) [EJ 2.5L CCF]
Relative fuel pressure calculated from sensor voltage and the sensor calibration values set in the Accesstuner calibration file, before smoothing.

Fuel Pressure Differential Actual (FP Diff Actual) [EJ 2.5L CCF]
Fuel Pressure FINAL minus smoothed manifold relative pressure (Fuel Pressure Differential Boost).

Fuel Pressure Differential Boost (FP Diff Boost) [EJ 2.5L CCF]
Smoothed manifold relative pressure.

Fuel Pressure Differential Comp (FP Diff Comp) [EJ 2.5L CCF]
% compensation applied to fuel injector scale based on calculated target error (Fuel Pressure Differential Error) and user-calibrated compensation table (Fuel Pressure Differential Injector Scale Compensation).

Fuel Pressure Differential Error (FP Diff Error) [EJ 2.5L CCF]
% error Fuel Pressure Differential target vs. Actual (Fuel Pressure Differential Target table / Fuel Pressure Differential Actual)

MAF Simple to OEM Airflow Ratio (MAF Simple Ratio) [DIT CCF GEN2]
The MAF Simple vs. OEM ratio which ranges from 0 (MAF Simple not applied) to 1 (MAF Simple fully applied). This ratio is used to determine the Mass Airflow Corrected FINAL value as follows: (Mass Airflow Corrected OEM * (1.0 - ratio)) + (Mass Airflow Corrected SIMPLE * ratio).

Manifold Abs Pressure Extended BOOST CONTROL (Man Abs Press BC) [DIT CCF GEN2]
Extended manifold pressure (absolute) based on the manifold absolute pressure sensor and used only in boost control (i.e. boost targeting). This value uses distinct smoothing that can be configured without impacting functions outside of boost control.

Manifold Abs Pressure Extended OTHER (Man Abs Press Other) [DIT CCF GEN2]
Extended manifold pressure (absolute) based on the manifold absolute pressure sensor as used by ECU functions OTHER than boost control and COBB Speed Density (primarily boost limits fuel cut, LC/FFS, and rev limits).

Manifold Abs Pressure Extended RAW (Man Abs Press RAW) [DIT CCF GEN2]
Extended manifold pressure (absolute) based on the manifold absolute pressure sensor WITHOUT any smoothing or other filtering. This monitor is useful for verifying aftermarket MAP sensor calibrations along with the OEM Manifold Abs Pressure Sensor Voltage monitor.

Manifold Abs Pressure Extended SD (Man Abs Press SD) [DIT CCF GEN2]
Extended manifold pressure (absolute) based on the manifold absolute pressure sensor and used only in the COBB Speed Density feature. This monitor uses distinct smoothing that can be configured without impacting functions outside of Speed Density.

Manifold Rel Pressure Extended (Boost Extended) [DIT CCF GEN2]
Manifold pressure (relative) for boost control calculated as follows: Manifold Abs Pressure Extended BOOST CONTROL - Barometric Pressure.

Mass Airflow Corrected FINAL (MAF Corr Final) [DIT CCF GEN2]
This is the final airflow to be used by the ECU. This could be MAF sensor-based airflow, MAF simple-based airflow, SD-based airflow, or a blend of two or more modes during a transition. In SD mode, this value will be the same as the Mass Airflow Corrected SD monitor. In MAF mode, this value will be the same as the Mass Airflow Corrected OEM monitor or the Mass Airflow Corrected SIMPLE monitor (if MAF simple feature is active). When transitioning between SD and MAF (or vice versa) in hybrid mode or MAF OEM and MAF simple, this value will show the blended value during that transition.

Mass Airflow Corrected OEM (MAF Corr OEM) [DIT CCF GEN2]
This is the final MAF-based factory airflow which is the output from the MAF Calibration table with the factory airflow modeling applied. This value is always calculated regardless of the current mode.

Mass Airflow Corrected SD (MAF Corr SD) [DIT CCF GEN2]
This is the final SD airflow (SD Airflow POST COMP) with SD smoothing applied (as determined by the SD Airflow Corrected Smoothing Factor table). This value is always calculated regardless of the current mode.

Mass Airflow Corrected SIMPLE (MAF Corr Simple) [DIT CCF GEN2]
This is the final smoothed MAF Simple airflow value which is based on the MAF Calibration table and the MAF Simple Mode Airflow Corrected Smoothing Factor table. This value is calculated regardless of mode (even if MAF Simple is not currently active).

Mass Airflow TABLE (MAF Table) [EJ 2.0L/2.5L CCF/SD, DIT CCF GEN2]
This is the mass airflow from the MAF Calibration table without any limits, compensations, or airflow modeling applied. This value will always be calculated regardless of the current mode.

Per Gear Boost Target Comp (Per Gear Boost) [DIT CCF, EJ 2.5L CCF]
% compensation (relative) applied to absolute boost target based on current gear (estimated), RPM and user-calibrated compensation tables (Boost Targets Compensation (Per Gear)...).

Per Gear Wastegate Duty Comp (Per Gear WGDC) [DIT CCF, EJ 2.5L CCF]
% compensation (relative) applied to WGDC based on current gear (estimated), RPM and user-calibrated compensation tables (Wastegate Compensation (Per Gear)...).

SD Airflow POST COMP (SD Post Airflow) [DIT CCF GEN2 AND EJ 2.5L CCF/SD]
This is the final SD airflow after the IAT, ECT, and barometric compensations (as described in this document) have been applied to the base SD reference airflow. This value is always calculated regardless of the current mode.

SD Airflow PRE COMP (SD Pre Airflow) [DIT CCF GEN2 AND EJ 2.5L CCF/SD]
This is the SD reference airflow which is calculated based on the ideal gas law using the reference temperature of 86 deg. F. That is, this is the SD airflow before the IAT, ECT, and barometric compensations have been applied. This value is always calculated regardless of the current mode.

SD Engine Displacement (SD Eng Disp) [EJ 2.0L CCF]
This is the value from the SD Engine Displacement table in the map reflashed to the car.

SD Load POST COMP (SD Post Load) [EJ 2.0L CCF]
This is the final SD load after the IAT, ECT, and barometric compensations have been applied to the base SD reference load. This value is always calculated regardless of the current mode.

SD Load PRE COMP (SD Pre Load) [EJ 2.0L CCF]
This is the SD reference load which is calculated based on the ideal gas law using the reference temperature of 86 deg. F. That is, this is the SD load before the IAT, ECT, and barometric compensations have been applied. This value is always calculated regardless of the current mode.

This monitor shows which SD mode is being used to determine the final airflow. This will tell you if SD-based or MAF sensor-based airflow is being used or a blend of both during a hybrid transition. In the Accesstuner software, this monitor will display/log one of the following strings (Accessport value show in brackets):

MAF [0] – Mode is MAF and MAF sensor-based airflow is being used.

SD [1] – Mode is SD and SD-based airflow is being used.

MAF-H [2] – Mode is hybrid and MAF sensor-based airflow is being used.

SD-H [3] – Mode is hybrid and SD-based airflow is being used.

BLEND [4] – Mode is hybrid and transition is taking place where SD-based airflow and MAF sensor-based airflow are blended.

MAF-E OR ERR [5 or greater] – An error has occurred and the mode has defaulted to MAF. Contact COBB customer service if this appears.

SD Mode LOAD (SD Mode Load) [EJ 2.0L CCF]
This monitor shows which SD mode is being used to determine the final load. This will tell you if SD-based or MAF sensor-based load is being used or a blend of both during a hybrid transition. See SD Mode AIRFLOW description for details.

SD VE Adder Map Ratio (SD VE Adder Ratio) [DIT CCF GEN2]
SD VE Adder map ratio multiplier that determines the switching (and blending) between no adder applied to VE (ratio = 0) and full adder applied to VE (ratio = 1). The final SD VE value is calculated as follows: (SD Volumetric Efficiency (Adder) (Stratified Fuel Mode) table * map ratio + final VE table).

This is the commanded volumetric efficiency (%) as determined by the SD Volumetric Efficiency table (EJ 2.0L/2.5L) or the final volumetric efficiency for DIT (determined based on the switching of the three SD Volumetric Efficiency... tables and SD VE (Adder)). This value is always calculated regardless of the current mode.

SD VE B to A Map Ratio (SD VE B to A Ratio) [DIT CCF GEN2]
Map ratio multiplier that determines the switching (and blending) between the SD Volumetric Efficiency A table (ratio = 0) and the SD Volumetric Efficiency B table (ratio = 1). The final A/B table value is calculated as follows: (A table * (1.0 - map ratio)) + (B table * map ratio).

SD VE C to A B Map Ratio (SD VE C to A B Ratio) [DIT CCF GEN2]
Map ratio multiplier that determines the switching (and blending) between the SD Volumetric Efficiency final A/B table (ratio = 0) and the SD Volumetric Efficiency C (Post-Start AVCS Disabled) table (ratio = 1). The final SD VE value is calculated as follows: (A/B table * (1.0 - map ratio)) + (C table * map ratio).

SD VE Estimated MAF (SD VE Est MAF) [DIT CCF GEN2 AND EJ 2.0L/2.5L CCF/SD]
If the vehicle is still equipped with a MAF sensor that is installed and calibrated correctly, this monitor allows for an estimate of volumetric efficiency based on MAF, MAP, RPM, IAT and the map's (reflashed) engine displacement value. Keep in mind that specific conditions can skew some of the inputs, resulting in a VE estimate that is not reliable. This value is always calculated regardless of mode.

SD to MAF Hybrid Ratio (SD to MAF Hybrid Ratio) [DIT CCF GEN2 AND EJ 2.0L/2.5L CCF/SD]
Map ratio multiplier which determines the switching (and blending) between the MAF sensor-based airflow (ratio = 0) and the SD-based airflow (ratio = 1). This value is only calculated in hybrid mode. The final airflow blend is determined as follows: (MAF * (1.0 - map ratio)) + (SD Airflow * map ratio).

SD Hybrid Thresh Flag (SD Hybrid Thresh Flag) [DIT CCF GEN2 AND EJ 2.0L/2.5L CCF/SD]
This monitor will indicate which of the hybrid thresholds (RPM, MAP, TPS, MAFv) have been exceeded and which have not. This is useful to verify the hybrid thresholds you've tuned are achieving the desired effect. This value is only calculated in hybrid mode. For the Accesstuner software, this monitor will be shown as a series of letters indicating which thresholds have been exceeded as follows:

MAF voltage = "V"

TPS = "T"

MAP = "P"

RPM = "R"

For example, if TPS, RPM, and MAP are exceeded, but MAFv is not, then "TPR" will be displayed. If none of the thresholds are exceeded, then the monitor will be blank.

For the Accessport, this monitor is displayed as a bit-encoded byte. To determine the thresholds exceeded, you'll want to first convert the decimal value shown to a binary number. The status of each threshold is given as follows:

(0 = not exceeded, 1 = exceeded)

(EJ 2.0L/2.5L only):

Bit 0 = Mass Airflow Voltage

Bit 1 = Throttle

Bit 2 = Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)

Bit 3 = RPM

(Bit 0 is the last digit in the binary representation of the number, bit 1 is the second to last digit, and so on)

For example, a logged value of 9 (binary = 1001), would indicate MAF voltage and RPM thresholds have been exceeded. A value of 0 means none of the thresholds have been exceeded.

(DIT Gen2 only):

Bit 0 = RPM

Bit 1 = Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP)

Bit 2 = Throttle

Bit 3 = Mass Airflow Voltage

(Bit 0 is the last digit in the binary representation of the number, bit 1 is the second to last digit, and so on)

For example, a logged value of 9 (binary = 1001), would indicate RPM and MAF voltage thresholds have been exceeded. A value of 0 means none of the thresholds have been exceeded.

SD MAF Pre Final Airflow (SD MAF Airflow) [EJ 2.0L/2.5L CCF/SD]
This is the final airflow to be used by the ECU (before any factory compensations/limits are applied). This could be MAF sensor-based airflow, SD-based airflow, or a blend of both (when ramping in hybrid mode). In SD mode, this value will be the same as the SD Airflow POST COMP monitor (or derived from SD Load POST COMP and RPM for EJ 2.0L). In MAF mode, this value will be the same as the Mass Airflow TABLE monitor. When transitioning between SD and MAF (or vice versa) in hybrid mode, this value will show the blended value during that transition.

SD MAF Pre Final Load (SD Pre Load) [EJ 2.0L CCF]
This is the final load to be used by the ECU (before any factory compensations/limits are applied). This could be MAF sensor-based load, SD-based load, or a blend of both (when ramping in hybrid mode). In SD mode, this value will be the same as the SD Load POST COMP monitor. In MAF mode, this value will be the same as the Calculated Load MAF SENSOR BASED
 monitor. When transitioning between SD and MAF (or vice versa) in hybrid mode, this value will show the blended value during that transition.

SD MAF Load Smoothing Factor (SD MAF LoadSm) [EJ 2.0L/2.5L CCF/SD]
This is the current load smoothing factor being used by the ECU, which is dependent on the current airflow mode. 

Sensor Input Monitor Only REAR O2 (Sns Only Rear O2) [DIT CCF AND EJ 2.5L CFF]
This value is determined from the Rear O2 voltage input and the Custom Sensor Input (Rear O2) Calibration... table with smoothing applied (Custom Sensor Input (Rear O2) Smoothing Factor... table).

Sensor Input Monitor Only TGV LEFT (Sns Only TGV L) [DIT CCF AND EJ 2.5L CFF]
This value is determined from the TGV Left voltage input and the Custom Sensor Input (TGV Left) Calibration... table with smoothing applied (Custom Sensor Input (TGV Left) Smoothing Factor... table).

Sensor Input Monitor Only TGV RIGHT (Sns Only TGV R) [DIT CCF AND EJ 2.5L CFF]
This value is determined from the TGV Right voltage input and the Custom Sensor Input (TGV Right) Calibration... table with smoothing applied (Custom Sensor Input (TGV Right) Smoothing Factor... table).

Sensor Input Voltage REAR O2 (Sns Volts Rear O2) [DIT CCF AND EJ 2.5L CFF]
The raw voltage input to the ECU from the Rear O2 sensor circuit.

Sensor Input Voltage TGV LEFT (Sns Volts TGV L) [DIT CCF AND EJ 2.5L CFF]
The raw voltage input to the ECU from the TGV Left sensor circuit.

Sensor Input Voltage TGV RIGHT (Sns Volts TGV R) [DIT CCF AND EJ 2.5L CFF]
The raw voltage input to the ECU from the TGV Right sensor circuit.

This series of monitors are occasionally used by COBB staff to aid in diagnosis. Should support require their use, COBB will specify which monitors to log.

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