Subaru Table List


Subaru Accesstuner Factory Table Descriptions

 July 2024


This document provides descriptions of each of the factory (OEM) tables available to tune in the current Accesstuner software. Not all tables are available for all vehicles due to differences in vehicle hardware and/or engine control unit (ECU) capabilities. Some tables are only available in the latest ECU version (strategy) for a given vehicle. For help with tables specific to the COBB Custom Features, please see the separate tuning guide(s) where applicable.

Glossary of Acronyms

    • A/F = Air/Fuel

    • AT = Automatic Transmission

    • AVCS = Subaru's Active Valve Control System (i.e. variable valve timing)

    • CL = Closed Loop fueling

    • CVT = Continuously Variable Transmission

    • DAM = Dynamic Advance Multiplier

    • DIT = Subaru's "Direct Injection Turbo" motor

    • EQ Ratio = Equivalence Ratio

    • ECU = Engine Control Unit

    • FXT = Forester XT model

    • LGT = Legacy GT model

    • MAF = Mass Airflow

    • MT = Manual Transmission

    • OL = Open Loop fueling

    • RPM = Revolutions Per Minute (referring to engine speed)

    • TGV = Tumble Generator Valve

    • TPS = Throttle Position Sensor (or more generically referring to throttle position)

    • VDC = Vehicle Dynamics Control

    • VSS = Vehicle Speed Sensor (or more generically referring to vehicle speed)

Table Descriptions (in alphabetical order)


A/F Correction #3 Adder (Decrease) A -> This is an adder to A/F Correction #3 when conditions, based on rear o2 sensor input, dictate that the correction should decrease. This correction is applied directly to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Adder (Decrease) B -> This is an adder to A/F Correction #3 when conditions, based on rear o2 sensor input, dictate that the correction should decrease. This correction is applied directly to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Adder (Increase) A -> This is an adder to A/F Correction #3 when conditions, based on rear o2 sensor input, dictate that the correction should increase. This correction is applied directly to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Adder (Increase) B -> This is an adder to A/F Correction #3 when conditions, based on rear o2 sensor input, dictate that the correction should increase. This correction is applied directly to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Limit (Max) -> This is the maximum limit for A/F Correction #3, a rear oxygen sensor based short-term correction to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Limit (Max) A -> This is the maximum limit for A/F Correction #3, a rear oxygen sensor based short-term correction to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Limit (Max) B -> This is the maximum limit for A/F Correction #3, a rear oxygen sensor based short-term correction to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Limit (Min) -> This is the minimum limit for A/F Correction #3, a rear oxygen sensor based short-term correction to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Limit (Min) A -> This is the minimum limit for A/F Correction #3, a rear oxygen sensor based short-term correction to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Limit (Min) B -> This is the minimum limit for A/F Correction #3, a rear oxygen sensor based short-term correction to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Correction #3 Limits (Max/Min) -> These values are the minimum and maximum limits for A/F Correction #3, a rear oxygen sensor based short-term correction to the closed loop fueling target.

A/F Learning #1 (Idle) Limit (Max) -> This value is the maximum limit for A/F Learning #1 Idle 1 and 2 long-term fuel trims.

A/F Learning #1 (Idle) Limit (Min) -> This value is the minimum limit for A/F Learning #1 Idle 1 and 2 long-term fuel trims.

A/F Learning #1 (Non-Idle) Limit (Max) -> This value is the maximum limit for A/F Learning #1 (Non-Idle).

A/F Learning #1 (Non-Idle) Limit (Min) -> This value is the minimum limit for A/F Learning #1 (Non-Idle).

A/F Learning #1 Limits (Min/Max) -> These values are the minimum and maximum limits for A/F Learning #1. A/F Learning #1 is the long-term correction applied to fueling based on feedback from the front oxygen sensor.

A/F Learning #1 Limits (Min/Max)(Individual Range Store) -> These values are the minimum and maximum limits for A/F Learning #1 when stored in the respective airflow range. This is different than the "A/F Learning #1 Limits (Min/Max)" table which applies its limits to the final applied A/F Learning #1 value.

A/F Learning #1 Modify Abs. Load Delta (Max) -> This is the max. absolute load delta for active changes to "A/F Learning #1".

A/F Learning #1 Modify Airflow Limit (Max) -> This is the max. airflow limit for active changes to "A/F Learning #1".

A/F Learning #1 Modify Airflow Limit (Min) -> This is the min. airflow limit for active changes to "A/F Learning #1".

A/F Learning #1 Modify Coolant Temp Thresholds (Min/Max) -> This is the min. and max. coolant temperature threshold for active changes to "A/F Learning #1".

A/F Learning #1 Modify Short-Term Fuel Trim Threshold (Negative) -> When minimum conditions allow for a potential change to A/F Learning #1 to take place, smoothed A/F Correction #1 must be less than this threshold (or greater than the Positive threshold) over a continuous period of time before a change to A/F Learning #1 is made.

A/F Learning #1 Modify Short-Term Fuel Trim Threshold (Positive) -> When minimum conditions allow for a potential change to A/F Learning #1 to take place, smoothed A/F Correction #1 must be greater than this threshold (or less than the Negative threshold) over a continuous period of time before a change to A/F Learning #1 is made.

A/F Learning #1 Modify Step Value -> When conditions dictate a change to A/F Learning #1 is to take place, this step value is added or subtracted from the current airflow range's A/F Learning #1 value.

A/F Learning #1 Range Smoothing Activation (Min. Abs. Change) -> When A/F Learning #1 changes between airflow ranges, if the absolute difference of A/F Learning #1 between the previous range and the current range is greater than this table's value, the ECU will employ smoothing of the old value and new.

A/F Learning #1 Range Smoothing Factor -> This value is used as the smoothing factor that determines the current A/F Learning #1 based on the previous A/F Learning #1 value and the new A/F Learning #1 value when changing between airflow ranges. A minimum absolute change must also be met in order for this smoothing to occur. The final A/F Learning #1 when smoothing is active is determined as follows: previous smoothed A/F Learning #1 + (smoothing factor * (current A/F Learning #1 - previous smoothed A/F Learning #1)). Increasing the smoothing factor will put greater emphasis on the new A/F Learning #1 value (therefore speeding transition).

A/F Learning #3 Limit (Max) -> This is the maximum limit for A/F Learning #3, a rear oxygen sensor based long-term fueling correction.

A/F Learning #3 Limit (Min) -> This is the minimum limit for A/F Learning #3, a rear oxygen sensor based long-term fueling correction.

A/F Learning #3 Limits (Max/Min) -> These values are the minimum and maximum limits for A/F Learning #3, a rear oxygen sensor based long-term fueling correction.

Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Commanded (Target Throttle < Threshold) -> When the final target throttle position is less than this table's value with the "Pre-Conditions" state active (see applicable table help descriptions), the bypass valve will be moved from a closed to open commanded state.

Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions (Arbitrary Switching Value Determine) -> This table determines the "Arbitrary Switching Value" that is checked against the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Set (Arbitrary Switching Value >= Threshold)" table (see that table's help description for details). Note: the arbitrary switching value is not used outside of air bypass control.

Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Exit (Pre-Conditions Time Without Transition >= Threshold) -> When the time period the "Pre-Conditions" state is active (without a bypass valve transition) exceeds this value, the "Pre-Conditions" state will become inactive and conditions will have to be met again (see applicable table help descriptions) in order for a potential closed to open bypass valve commanded state to occur.

Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Exit (Requested Torque Delta > Threshold) -> When the requested torque delta (current - previous) exceeds this value, the "Pre-Conditions" state will become inactive and conditions will have to be met again (see applicable table help descriptions) in order for a potential closed to open bypass valve commanded state to occur.

Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Set (Arbitrary Switching Value >= Threshold) -> When the arbitrary switching value, as determined by the "Air Bypass Valve Commanded State (Arbitrary Switching Value)" table, exceeds this value and the requested torque delta is below the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Set (Requested Torque Delta <= Threshold)" table, the "Pre-Conditions" state for the bypass valve is set. With the pre-conditions state active, the bypass valve will be commanded from a closed to an open state when the target throttle is less than the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Commanded (Target Throttle < Threshold)" table. Once set, the pre-conditions state will remain active until this point or until the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Exit (Pre-Conditions Time Without Transition >= Threshold)" table is exceeded or the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Exit (Requested Torque Delta > Threshold)" table is exceeded.

Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Set (Requested Torque Delta <= Threshold) -> When the requested torque delta (current - previous) is lower than this value and the arbitrary switching value exceeds the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Set (Arbitrary Switching Value >= Threshold)" table, the "Pre-Conditions" state for the bypass valve is set. With the pre-conditions state active, the bypass valve will be commanded from a closed to an open state when the target throttle is less than the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Commanded (Target Throttle < Threshold)" table. Once set, the pre-conditions state will remain active until this point or until the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Exit (Pre-Conditions Time Without Transition >= Threshold)" table is exceeded or the "Air Bypass Valve (Closed to Open) Pre-Conditions Exit (Requested Torque Delta > Threshold)" table is exceeded.

Air Bypass Valve (Open to Closed) Commanded (Max. Open Time) -> When the time period that the bypass valve remains in a commanded open state exceeds this table's value, the bypass valve commanded state will move to closed regardless of other thresholds. Increasing this value will increase the maximum allowed time that the bypass valve can remain open, while decreasing it has the opposite effect.

Air Bypass Valve (Open to Closed) Commanded (Target Throttle > Threshold) -> The bypass valve commanded state will move from open to closed if the final target throttle position exceeds this table's value.

AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier) -> This is a multiplier that determines how two AVCS tables (Barometric Multiplier High tables and Barometric Multiplier Low tables) are blended to determine the final table value. The final table value will be determined as follows: (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)). For example, if the Barometric Multiplier is 1.0, then only the Barometric Multiplier High Table will be used. If the multiplier is zero, then only the Barometric Multiplier Low Table will be used. If the multiplier is between 0 and 1, then a blend of both tables will be used.

AVCS Control Activation (Min. Engine Run Time) -> This is the minimum engine run time before active AVCS control can take place. Note: the post-reflash/reset idle activation test must complete before AVCS control can be active. The "AVCS Intake Activation Post Reset Flag" and "AVCS Exhaust Activation Post Reset Flag" monitors will show 1 when this occurs.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation -> This is compensation to the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)" table based on coolant temperature. This has the effect of determining the level (if any) of the adder that is applied to the target. An output value of -100% for this table effectively disables the adder.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Closed) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are closed.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Closed)(Alternate) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are closed and other conditions dictate an alternate value is used.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are closed and the Barometric Multiplier is high. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are closed and the Barometric Multiplier is low. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Closed)(Idle) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS in idle mode when the TGVs are closed. Idle mode is active when requested torque is zero even if the vehicle is moving. Note: under certain idle conditions where vehicle is stationary and other conditions, the AVCS targets are set to 0, bypassing the idle target value.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are open.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open) A -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are open and an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open and an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active."Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target (TGVs Open)(Idle) -> This is the exhaust cam retard target for AVCS in idle mode when the TGVs are open. Idle mode is active when requested torque is zero even if the vehicle is moving. Note: under certain idle conditions where vehicle is stationary and other conditions, the AVCS targets are set to 0, bypassing the idle target value.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation -> This is compensation to the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)" table based on coolant temperature. This has the effect of determining the level (if any) of the adder that is applied to the target. An output value of -100% for this table effectively disables the adder.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the TGVs are closed and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the TGVs are closed and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low) Activation -> This is compensation to the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low)" table based on coolant temperature. This has the effect of determining the level (if any) of the adder that is applied to the table. An output value of -100% for this table effectively disables the adder.

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the exhaust cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Exhaust Cam Retard Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Closed) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are closed.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are closed and the Barometric Multiplier is high. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are closed and the Barometric Multiplier is low. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier))..

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Closed)(Idle) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS in idle mode when the TGVs are closed. Idle mode is active when requested torque is zero even if the vehicle is moving. Note: under certain idle conditions where vehicle is stationary and other conditions, the AVCS targets are set to 0, bypassing the idle target value.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open) A -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open and an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open and an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target (TGVs Open)(Idle) -> This is the intake cam advance target for AVCS in idle mode when the TGVs are open. Idle mode is active when requested torque is zero even if the vehicle is moving. Note: under certain idle conditions where vehicle is stationary and other conditions, the AVCS targets are set to 0, bypassing the idle target value.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation -> This is compensation to the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)" table based on coolant temperature. This has the effect of determining the level (if any) of the adder that is applied to the target. An output value of -100% for this table effectively disables the adder.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the TGVs are closed and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the TGVs are closed and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low) Activation -> This is compensation to the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Closed)(Barometric Multiplier Low)" table based on coolant temperature. This has the effect of determining the level (if any) of the adder that is applied to the table. An output value of -100% for this table effectively disables the adder.

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) A (Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start" state is NOT active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier High) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is high. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related)(TGVs Open) B (Aggressive Start 1)(Barometric Multiplier Low) -> This is an adder to the intake cam AVCS target when the TGVs are open, an "Aggressive Start 1" state is active and when the Barometric Multiplier is low. "Aggressive Start" conditions occur when a high and/or rapid accelerator input is used (with other conditions) and will generally persist through the run until accelerator position is no longer high. You can track when "Aggressive Start 1" is active (which corresponds to this table's switching) via the "Aggressive Start 1 Active" monitor. The final adder is determined after applying the "AVCS Intake Cam Advance Target Adder (Coolant Temp Related) Activation" table. The Barometric Multiplier is determined by the "AVCS Cam Target Map Ratio (Barometric Multiplier)" table and applied as follows to determine the final table value (Barometric Multiplier High Table * Barometric Multiplier) + (Barometric Multiplier Low Table * (1.0 - Barometric Multiplier)).

AVCS Post-Reflash/Reset Idle Activation (Max. RPM) A -> After an ECU reset (including a map reflash), the ECU disables AVCS control and requires certain conditions to be hit at idle before AVCS becomes activated. This table governs one of those conditions. When RPM at idle is less than the first threshold (over a short period), AVCS will potentially be moved to an active state. When RPM at idle is higher than the second threshold, AVCS will not be moved to an active state. Other conditions that must be met include coolant temp generally greater than 122F (50C), vehicle stationary, engine run time exceeding the "AVCS Post-Reflash/Reset Idle Activation (Min. Engine Run Time)" table, AVCS position near a learned "neutral" state, and others.

Note: the "AVCS Intake Activation Post Reset Flag" and "AVCS Exhaust Activation Post Reset Flag" monitors will show 1 when the post-reflash/reset idle activation test is complete.

AVCS Post-Reflash/Reset Idle Activation (Max. RPM) B -> After an ECU reset (including a map reflash), the ECU disables AVCS control and requires certain conditions to be hit at idle before AVCS becomes activated. This table governs one of those conditions. When RPM at idle is less than the first threshold (over a short period), AVCS will potentially be moved to an active state. When RPM at idle is higher than the second threshold, AVCS will not be moved to an active state. Other conditions that must be met include coolant temp generally greater than 122F (50C), vehicle stationary, engine run time exceeding the "AVCS Post-Reflash/Reset Idle Activation (Min. Engine Run Time)" table, AVCS position near a learned "neutral" state, and others.

Note: the "AVCS Intake Activation Post Reset Flag" and "AVCS Exhaust Activation Post Reset Flag" monitors will show 1 when the post-reflash/reset idle activation test is complete.

AVCS Post-Reflash/Reset Idle Activation (Min. Engine Run Time) -> After an ECU reset (including a map reflash), the ECU disables AVCS control and requires certain conditions to be hit at idle before AVCS becomes activated. This table governs one of those conditions. When the engine run time is greater than this table's threshold, AVCS will potentially be moved to an active state. Other conditions that must be met include coolant temp generally greater than 122F (50C), vehicle stationary, RPM less than the "AVCS Post-Reflash/Reset Idle Activation (Max. RPM)..." tables, AVCS position near a learned "neutral" state, and others.

Note: the "AVCS Intake Activation Post Reset Flag" and "AVCS Exhaust Activation Post Reset Flag" monitors will show 1 when the post-reflash/reset idle activation test is complete.

Background Noise Base Smoothing Factor -> This value is used as the smoothing factor for the smoothed component of background noise. The smoothed component is added to the background noise interval to determine the final background noise. The smoothing is determined as follows: previous smoothed value + (smoothing factor * (new corrected knock sensor output - previous smoothed value). Increasing the smoothing factor will give short-term changes to the corrected knock sensor output more emphasis in determining the smoothed component of background noise.

Background Noise Base Smoothing Factor (High RPM Delta) -> When the immediate RPM delta or the short-term RPM delta exceeds the corresponding high thresholds, this value is used as the smoothing factor for the smoothed component of background noise. The smoothed component is added to the background noise interval to determine the final background noise. The smoothing is determined as follows: previous smoothed value + (smoothing factor * (new corrected knock sensor output - previous smoothed value). Increasing the smoothing factor will give short-term changes to the corrected knock sensor output more emphasis in determining the smoothed component of background noise.

Background Noise Base Smoothing Factor (Low RPM Delta) -> When the immediate RPM delta and the short-term RPM delta are less than or equal to the corresponding low thresholds, this value is used as the smoothing factor for the smoothed component of background noise. The smoothed component is added to the background noise interval to determine the final background noise. The smoothing is determined as follows: previous smoothed value + (smoothing factor * (new corrected knock sensor output - previous smoothed value). Increasing the smoothing factor will give short-term changes to the corrected knock sensor output more weight in determining the smoothed component of background noise.

Background Noise Delta Smoothing/Weighting Factor RPM Delta Threshold (Immediate) -> If the immediate RPM delta (current RPM - previous RPM) is greater than this threshold, the "Background Noise Delta Weighting Factor (High RPM Delta)" and "Background Noise Base Smoothing Factor (High RPM Delta)" tables will be used. If the immediate RPM delta is less than or equal to this threshold, the "Background Noise Delta Smoothing/Weighting Factor RPM Delta Threshold (Short-Term)" will be checked.

Background Noise Delta Smoothing/Weighting Factor RPM Delta Threshold (Short-Term) -> If the short-term RPM delta (current RPM - recent RPM) is less than or equal to this threshold and the immediate RPM delta is less than or equal to the "Background Noise Delta Smoothing/Weighting Factor RPM Delta Threshold (Immediate)" threshold, then the "Background Noise Delta Weighting Factor (Low RPM Delta)" and "Background Noise Base Smoothing Factor (Low RPM Delta)" tables will be used, otherwise the High tables will be used.

Background Noise Delta Weighting Factor -> This value is used as the weighting factor for the background noise delta. The background noise delta makes up the background noise interval which determines how quickly the background noise calculation reacts to changes in corrected knock sensor noise output. Increasing this table's value will cause the background noise calculation to potentially react faster (fixed minimum and maximum limits keep this to a relatively narrow range).

Background Noise Delta Weighting Factor (High RPM Delta) -> When the immediate RPM delta or the short-term RPM delta exceeds the corresponding high thresholds, this value is used as the weighting factor for the background noise delta. The background noise delta makes up the background noise interval which determines how quickly the background noise calculation reacts to changes in corrected knock sensor noise output. Increasing this table's value will cause the background noise calculation to potentially react faster. Note: There are fixed minimum and maximum limits for the background interval that can limit the impact.

Background Noise Delta Weighting Factor (Low RPM Delta) -> When the immediate RPM delta and the short-term RPM delta are less than or equal to the corresponding low thresholds, this value is used as the weighting factor for the background noise delta. The background noise delta makes up the background noise interval which determines how quickly the background noise calculation reacts to changes in corrected knock sensor noise output. Increasing this table's value will cause the background noise calculation to potentially react faster (fixed minimum and maximum limits keep this to a relatively narrow range).

Baro. Pressure Sensor Calibration (Offset/Multiplier) -> This is the multiplier (2nd value) and offset (1st value) that is applied to the current barometric pressure sensor voltage to determine the current barometric pressure. Barometric pressure = (baro. pressure sensor volts * multiplier) + offset.

Baro. Pressure Sensor Calibration (Offset/Multiplier) A -> This is the multiplier (2nd value) and offset (1st value) that is applied to the current barometric pressure sensor voltage to determine the current barometric pressure. Barometric pressure = (baro. pressure sensor volts * multiplier) + offset.

Baro. Pressure Sensor Calibration (Offset/Multiplier) B -> This is the multiplier (2nd value) and offset (1st value) that is applied to the current barometric pressure sensor voltage to determine the current barometric pressure. Barometric pressure = (baro. pressure sensor volts * multiplier) + offset.

Boost Control Activation Min. Requested Torque -> This determines the minimum requested torque necessary for boost control activation (i.e. where ECU actively changes wastegate position to hit boost target). The corresponding compensation tables are applied to determine the final minimum requested torque threshold.

Boost Control Activation Min. Requested Torque Compensation (Barometric) -> This is the compensation to the "Boost Control Activation Min. Requested Torque" table based on current barometric pressure and engine speed. The other compensation table (intake temp) is also applied to determine the final minimum requested torque threshold for boost control activation.

Boost Control Activation Min. Requested Torque Compensation (Intake Temp) -> This is the compensation to the "Boost Control Activation Min. Requested Torque" table based on current intake temperature and engine speed. The other compensation table (barometric) is also applied to determine the final minimum requested torque threshold for boost control activation.

Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Disable/Re-Enable) -> Boost control is disabled (Wastegate Duty Cycle fixed at zero) when the Dynamic Advance Multiplier (DAM) drops below the first value and the current fine knock learning is less than the threshold determined by the "Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Max. Fine Knock Learning)" table. Boost control is re-enabled when the DAM rises to or exceeds the second value.

Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Max. Fine Knock Learning) -> Boost control is disabled (Wastegate Duty Cycle fixed at zero) when the current fine knock learning correction is less than the value in this table for the counter period determined by the "Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Max. Fine Knock Learning) Delay" table and when the DAM drops below the first value in the "Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Disable/Re-Enable)" table.

Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Max. Fine Knock Learning) Delay -> When the current fine knock learning correction is continuously below the threshold in the "Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Max. Fine Knock Learning)" table, a counter is incremented, otherwise this counter is reset. This value is the counter threshold that must be exceeded before boost control can be disabled (along with the DAM dropping below the threshold determined by the "Boost Control Disable (DAM)(Disable/Re-Enable)" table).

Boost Control Disable (Fuel Cut Active)(Min. Boost) -> When the fuel cut is active and boost control is disabled (as governed by these tables) and boost drops to or below this value, boost control will be re-enabled. When fuel cut is active and boost is greater than this value and the related load and RPM thresholds are also met, boost control will be disabled.

Boost Control Disable (Fuel Cut Active)(Min. Load) -> When fuel cut is active and load is greater than this value and the related thresholds for boost and RPM are also met, boost control will be disabled. When the boost threshold is exceeded and this load value is not, no change will occur.

Boost Control Disable (Fuel Cut Active)(Min. RPM) -> When fuel cut is active and RPM is greater than this value and the related thresholds for boost and load are also met, boost control will be disabled. When the boost threshold is exceeded and this RPM value is not, no change will occur.

Boost Error Overboost Limit (P0234) -> A P0234 DTC will be activated when boost error is less than this value (i.e. more negative = higher overboost) continuously over the delay period (determined by the "Boost Error Overboost Limit (P0234) Delay" table) when boost control is active.

Boost Error Overboost Limit (P0234) Delay -> This is the delay period over which the limit condition determined by the "Boost Error Overboost Limit (P0234)" table must be continuously met in order to potentially activate a P0234 DTC.

Boost Error Underboost Limit (P0299) -> A P0299 DTC will be activated when boost error is greater than this value (i.e. higher underboost) continuously over the delay period (determined by the "Boost Error Underboost Limit (P0299) Delay" table) when the "Boost Error Underboost Limit (P0299) Min. Target Boost" table is exceeded and boost control is also active.

Boost Error Underboost Limit (P0299) Delay -> This is the delay period over which the limit condition determined by the "Boost Error Underboost Limit (P0299)" table must be continuously met in order to potentially activate a P0299 DTC.

Boost Error Underboost Limit (P0299) Min. Target Boost -> This is the minimum current boost target required in order to potentially run the P0299 DTC check.

Boost Limits (DTC) -> A diagnostic trouble code (DTC) will be set when the actual boost exceeds the threshold in this table for the counter period determined by the "Boost Limits (DTC) Delay". Note: This table is shown in sea level relative pressure. To calculate the actual relative pressure boost limit at lower barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost limit calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example, if this table is 18 psi and the current barometric pressure is 12 psi, then the final relative boost limit would be: (18 psi + 14.7 psi) - 12 psi = 20.7 psi relative.

Boost Limits (DTC) Delay -> This is the counter threshold in which boost must continuously exceed the "Boost Limits (DTC)" threshold in order to activate the wastegate solenoid DTC. The higher this table's value, the longer actual boost will have to continuously exceed the threshold in order to set a DTC.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) -> Fuel cut will be activated when the actual boost exceeds the threshold in this table for the counter period determined by the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) Delay". Note: This table is shown in sea level relative pressure. To calculate the actual relative pressure boost limit at lower barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost limit calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example, if this table is 18 psi and the current barometric pressure is 12 psi, then the final relative boost limit would be: (18 psi + 14.7 psi) - 12 psi = 20.7 psi relative.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) Base -> This table is used as a base for the boost limit threshold. When this Base table (with "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation..." tables applied) + "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) Base Adder" is exceeded continuously over the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) Delay" period, a fuel cut will be activated.

An example final boost limit calculation:
boost limits base table = 15.3 psi relative (sea level)
boost limit adder table = 4 psi
(Note: compensation types below can vary by ECU):
boost targets compensation "1st Gear" table = 20 %
boost targets compensation "Barometric" table = -15 %
boost targets compensation "Intake Temp" table = -10 %

boost limits base table psi absolute = 15.3 psi + 14.7 psi (sea level pressure) = 30 psi absolute
"1st Gear" compensation multiplier = 1 + (20 % * 0.01) = 1.2 multiplier
"Barometric" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-15 % * 0.01) = 0.85 multiplier
"Intake Temp" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-10 % * 0.01) = 0.9 multiplier

boost limit base absolute with compensations = 30 psi absolute * 1.2 * 0.85 * 0.9 = 27.54 psi absolute.
boost limit base relative (sea level) with compensations = 27.54 psi absolute - 14.7 psi = 12.84 psi relative (sea level).
FINAL boost limit relative (sea level) = 12.84 psi relative (sea level) + 4 psi (adder) = 16.84 psi relative sea level.

Note: relative "sea level" is only valid at a barometric pressure of 14.7 psi (1.0135 bar). To calculate the actual relative pressure boost limit at different barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost limit calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example:
FINAL boost limit relative with compensations = 16.84 psi relative sea level + 14.7 psi - 12 psi barometric pressure = 19.54 psi relative.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) Base Adder -> This is added to the "Boost Limits Base" table value (after boost compensations are applied) to determine a boost threshold above which fuel will be cut when the Delay period is continuously satisfied.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) Delay -> This is the counter threshold in which boost must continuously exceed the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)" threshold in order to activate the fuel cut. The higher this table's value, the longer actual boost will have to continuously exceed the threshold in order to activate the fuel cut.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut) Hysteresis -> When current boost drops to less than or equal to the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)" threshold less this table's value, fueling will be re-enabled (if previously disabled as a result of the boost limit fuel cut).

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) -> Fuel cut will be activated and a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) will be set when the actual boost exceeds the threshold in this table for the counter period determined by the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) Delay". Note: This table is shown in sea level relative pressure. To calculate the actual relative pressure boost limit at lower barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost limit calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example, if this table is 18 psi and the current barometric pressure is 12 psi, then the final relative boost limit would be: (18 psi + 14.7 psi) - 12 psi = 20.7 psi relative.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) Base -> This table is used as a base for the boost limit threshold. When this Base table (with "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation..." tables applied) + "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) Base Adder" is exceeded continuously over the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) Delay" period, a fuel cut and DTC will be activated.

An example final boost limit calculation:
boost limits base table = 15.3 psi relative (sea level)
boost limit adder table = 4 psi
(Note: compensation types below can vary by ECU):
boost targets compensation "1st Gear" table = 20 %
boost targets compensation "Barometric" table = -15 %
boost targets compensation "Intake Temp" table = -10 %

boost limits base table psi absolute = 15.3 psi + 14.7 psi (sea level pressure) = 30 psi absolute
"1st Gear" compensation multiplier = 1 + (20 % * 0.01) = 1.2 multiplier
"Barometric" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-15 % * 0.01) = 0.85 multiplier
"Intake Temp" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-10 % * 0.01) = 0.9 multiplier

boost limit base absolute with compensations = 30 psi absolute * 1.2 * 0.85 * 0.9 = 27.54 psi absolute.
boost limit base relative (sea level) with compensations = 27.54 psi absolute - 14.7 psi = 12.84 psi relative (sea level).
FINAL boost limit relative (sea level) = 12.84 psi relative (sea level) + 4 psi (adder) = 16.84 psi relative sea level.

Note: relative "sea level" is only valid at a barometric pressure of 14.7 psi (1.0135 bar). To calculate the actual relative pressure boost limit at different barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost limit calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example:
FINAL boost limit relative with compensations = 16.84 psi relative sea level + 14.7 psi - 12 psi barometric pressure = 19.54 psi relative.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) Base Adder -> This is added to the "Boost Limits Base" table value (after boost compensations are applied) to determine a boost threshold above which fuel will be cut and diagnostic trouble code (DTC) set when the Delay period is continuously satisfied.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) Delay -> This is the counter threshold in which boost must continuously exceed the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC)" threshold in order to activate the fuel cut and wastegate solenoid DTC. The higher this table's value, the longer actual boost will have to continuously exceed the threshold in order to activate the fuel cut and set a DTC.

Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC) Hysteresis -> When current boost drops to less than or equal to the "Boost Limits (Fuel Cut)(DTC)" threshold less this table's value, fueling will be re-enabled (if previously disabled as a result of the boost limit fuel cut).

Boost Limits (P226B) Base -> This is used as a base for the boost limit thresholds. When the Base table (with "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation..." tables applied) + "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On)" is exceeded, the Mode On state is active and a throttle cut will potentially be initiated with the level of throttle cut determined by the "Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On Throttle Cut..." thresholds and the "Target Throttle Limit (Max) Rev/Boost Limits Mode On..." tables (only exposed on certain ECU types). This Mode On state will persist until boost drops below (final Mode On threshold - "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On) Hysteresis").

When this Base table (with "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation..." tables applied) + "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Fuel Cut)...") is exceeded (continuously over the "Boost Limits (P226B) Delay (Fuel Cut)..." period), a fuel cut will be activated and a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) will be set. Additionally, the fuel cut requires that the Mode On state is active (as described above).

An example final boost limit calculation:
boost limits base table = 15.3 psi relative (sea level)
boost limit adder table = 4 psi (Mode On or Fuel Cut)
(Note: compensation types below can vary by ECU):
boost targets compensation "1st Gear" table = 20 %
boost targets compensation "Barometric" table = -15 %
boost targets compensation "Intake Temp" table = -10 %

boost limits base table psi absolute = 15.3 psi + 14.7 psi (sea level pressure) = 30 psi absolute
"1st Gear" compensation multiplier = 1 + (20 % * 0.01) = 1.2 multiplier
"Barometric" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-15 % * 0.01) = 0.85 multiplier
"Intake Temp" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-10 % * 0.01) = 0.9 multiplier

boost limit base absolute with compensations = 30 psi absolute * 1.2 * 0.85 * 0.9 = 27.54 psi absolute.
boost limit base relative (sea level) with compensations = 27.54 psi absolute - 14.7 psi = 12.84 psi relative (sea level).
FINAL boost limit relative (sea level) = 12.84 psi relative (sea level) + 4 psi (adder) = 16.84 psi relative sea level.

Note: relative "sea level" is only valid at a barometric pressure of 14.7 psi (1.0135 bar). To calculate the actual relative pressure boost limit at different barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost limit calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example:
FINAL boost limit relative with compensations = 16.84 psi relative sea level + 14.7 psi - 12 psi barometric pressure = 19.54 psi relative.

Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Fuel Cut)(DTC) -> This is added to the "Boost Limits (P226B) Base" table value (after boost compensations are applied) to determine a boost threshold above which fuel will be cut and diagnostic trouble code (DTC) set when the Delay period is continuously satisfied.

Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On) -> This is added to the "Boost Limits (P226B) Base" table value (after boost compensations are applied) to determine a boost threshold above which the Mode On state will become active and a throttle cut will potentially be initiated with the level of throttle cut determined by the "Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On Throttle Cut..." thresholds and the "Target Throttle Limit (Max) Rev/Boost Limits Mode On..." tables (only exposed on certain ECU types). Exceeding this Mode On threshold is also required before a boost limits fuel cut can be active (as determined by the "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Fuel Cut)..." table). When boost limits Mode On becomes active, boost must drop below the Mode On threshold by the "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On) Hysteresis" value before the Mode On state and throttle cut are de-activated.

Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On) Hysteresis -> When Mode On is active (see "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On)" table description), boost must drop below the Mode On threshold by this table's value before the Mode On state and throttle cut is de-activated.

Boost Limits (P226B) Compensation (1st Gear) -> This is the compensation to the boost limits (P226B) in 1st gear when vehicle speed is below the "Boost Limits (P226B) Compensation (1st Gear) Activation (Max. Veh. Speed)" threshold. The compensation is applied to the boost limits in absolute pressure ("Boost Limits" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure). For CVT models, 1st gear is the approximation of 1st gear manual mode when vehicle is moving regardless of whether in manual mode or not.

Boost Limits (P226B) Compensation (1st Gear) Activation (Max. Veh. Speed) -> This is the vehicle speed above which the "Boost Limits (P226B) Compensation (1st Gear)" table is disabled.

Boost Limits (P226B) Compensation (Barometric) -> This is the compensation to the boost limits (P226B) based on the current barometric pressure. The compensation is applied to the boost limits in absolute pressure ("Boost Limits" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Limits (P226B) Compensation (Intake Temp) -> This is the compensation to the boost limits (P226B) based on the current intake temperature. The compensation is applied to the boost limits in absolute pressure ("Boost Limits" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Limits (P226B) Delay (Fuel Cut)(DTC) -> This is the time period (delay) in which boost must continuously exceed the ("Boost Limits (P226B) Base" with boost comps + "...Base Adder (Fuel Cut)") in order to activate the fuel cut and P226B DTC. The higher this table's value, the longer actual boost will have to continuously exceed the threshold in order to activate the fuel cut and set a DTC.

Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On (Throttle Cut) High On -> When boost exceeds this table's value and boost limit mode is active ("Boost Limits (P226B) Base" with boost comps + "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On)" is exceeded), target throttle will be limited to a "Throttle Cut High" maximum. This "Throttle Cut High" mode will then only exit when boost limit mode is no longer active or, if still active, move to "Moderate" or "Default - Low" limits (depending on other tables) when boost drops below the "Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate On" table. Note: setting the "High On" boost threshold to its maximum will prevent the "Throttle Cut High" limit from being active but one of the other limits will still be in play when boost limit Mode is active (the "Default - Low" limit if both the "High On" and "Moderate On" boost thresholds are set to maximum).

Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate Off (Default - Low On Below) -> When boost drops below this table's value when the "Throttle Cut Moderate" mode is active (see "Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate On" table description), the target throttle limit will move to the "Throttle Cut Default - Low" mode.

Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate On -> When boost exceeds this table's value (but not the "High On" table) and boost limit mode is active ("Boost Limits (P226B) Base" + "Boost Limits (P226B) Base Adder (Mode On)" is exceeded), target throttle will be limited to a "Throttle Cut Moderate" maximum. This "Throttle Cut Moderate" mode will then only exit when boost limit Mode is no longer active or, if still active, move to the "Default - Low" limits when boost drops below the "Boost Limits (P226B) Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate Off (Default - Low On Below)" table. Note: setting the "Moderate On" boost threshold to its maximum will prevent the "Throttle Cut Moderate" limit from being active but one of the other limits will still be in play when boost limit Mode is active (the "Default - Low" limit if the "High On" boost threshold is also set to maximum).

Boost Limits Base -> This is used as a base for the boost limit thresholds. When the Base table (with "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation..." tables applied) + "Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On)" is exceeded, the Mode On state is active and a throttle cut will potentially be initiated with the level of throttle cut determined by the "Boost Limits Mode On Throttle Cut..." thresholds and the "Target Throttle Limit (Max) Rev/Boost Limits Mode On..." tables (only exposed on certain ECU types). This Mode On state will persist until boost drops below (final Mode On threshold - "Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On) Hysteresis").

When this Base table (with "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation..." tables applied) + "Boost Limits Base Adder (Fuel Cut)...") is exceeded (continuously over the "Boost Limits Delay (Fuel Cut)..." period), a fuel cut will be activated and a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) will be set. Additionally, the fuel cut requires that the Mode On state is active (as described above).

An example final boost limit calculation:
boost limits base table = 15.3 psi relative (sea level)
boost limit adder table = 4 psi (Mode On or Fuel Cut)
(Note: compensation types below can vary by ECU):
boost targets compensation "1st Gear" table = 20 %
boost targets compensation "Barometric" table = -15 %
boost targets compensation "Intake Temp" table = -10 %

boost limits base table psi absolute = 15.3 psi + 14.7 psi (sea level pressure) = 30 psi absolute
"1st Gear" compensation multiplier = 1 + (20 % * 0.01) = 1.2 multiplier
"Barometric" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-15 % * 0.01) = 0.85 multiplier
"Intake Temp" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-10 % * 0.01) = 0.9 multiplier

boost limit base absolute with compensations = 30 psi absolute * 1.2 * 0.85 * 0.9 = 27.54 psi absolute.
boost limit base relative (sea level) with compensations = 27.54 psi absolute - 14.7 psi = 12.84 psi relative (sea level).
FINAL boost limit relative (sea level) = 12.84 psi relative (sea level) + 4 psi (adder) = 16.84 psi relative sea level.

Note: relative "sea level" is only valid at a barometric pressure of 14.7 psi (1.0135 bar). To calculate the actual relative pressure boost limit at different barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost limit calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example:
FINAL boost limit relative with compensations = 16.84 psi relative sea level + 14.7 psi - 12 psi barometric pressure = 19.54 psi relative.

Boost Limits Base Adder (Fuel Cut)(DTC) -> This is added to the "Boost Limits Base" table value (after boost compensations are applied) to determine a boost threshold above which fuel will be cut and diagnostic trouble code (DTC) set when the Delay period is continuously satisfied.

Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On) -> This is added to the "Boost Limits Base" table value (after boost compensations are applied) to determine a boost threshold above which the Mode On state will become active and a throttle cut will potentially be initiated with the level of throttle cut determined by the "Boost Limits Mode On Throttle Cut..." thresholds and the "Target Throttle Limit (Max) Rev/Boost Limits Mode On..." tables (only exposed on certain ECU types). Exceeding this Mode On threshold is also required before a boost limits fuel cut can be active (as determined by the "Boost Limits Base Adder (Fuel Cut)..." table). When boost limits Mode On becomes active, boost must drop below the Mode On threshold by the "Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On) Hysteresis" value before the Mode On state and throttle cut are de-activated.

Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On) Hysteresis -> When Mode On is active (see "Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On)" table description), boost must drop below the Mode On threshold by this table's value before the Mode On state and throttle cut is de-activated.

Boost Limits Delay (Fuel Cut)(DTC) -> This is the time period (delay) in which boost must continuously exceed the ("Boost Limits Base" with boost comps + "...Base Adder (Fuel Cut)") in order to activate the fuel cut and wastegate solenoid DTC. The higher this table's value, the longer actual boost will have to continuously exceed the threshold in order to activate the fuel cut and set a DTC.

Boost Limits Mode On (Throttle Cut) High On -> When boost exceeds this table's value and boost limit mode is active ("Boost Limits Base" with boost comps + "Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On)" is exceeded), target throttle will be limited to a "Throttle Cut High" maximum. This "Throttle Cut High" mode will then only exit when boost limit mode is no longer active or, if still active, move to "Moderate" or "Default - Low" limits (depending on other tables) when boost drops below the "Boost Limits Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate On" table. Note: setting the "High On" boost threshold to its maximum will prevent the "Throttle Cut High" limit from being active but one of the other limits will still be in play when boost limit Mode is active (the "Default - Low" limit if both the "High On" and "Moderate On" boost thresholds are set to maximum).

Boost Limits Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate Off (Default - Low On Below) -> When boost drops below this table's value when the "Throttle Cut Moderate" mode is active (see "Boost Limits Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate On" table description), the target throttle limit will move to the "Throttle Cut Default - Low" mode.

Boost Limits Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate On -> When boost exceeds this table's value (but not the "High On" table) and boost limit mode is active ("Boost Limits Base" + "Boost Limits Base Adder (Mode On)" is exceeded), target throttle will be limited to a "Throttle Cut Moderate" maximum. This "Throttle Cut Moderate" mode will then only exit when boost limit Mode is no longer active or, if still active, move to the "Default - Low" limits when boost drops below the "Boost Limits Mode On (Throttle Cut) Moderate Off (Default - Low On Below)" table. Note: setting the "Moderate On" boost threshold to its maximum will prevent the "Throttle Cut Moderate" limit from being active but one of the other limits will still be in play when boost limit Mode is active (the "Default - Low" limit if the "High On" boost threshold is also set to maximum).

Boost Targets -> This is the desired boost targets. The final boost target is determined with the Boost Targets Compensation tables applied (at absolute pressure). For example:
"Boost Targets" table = 20.3 psi relative (sea level)
(Note: compensation types below can vary by ECU):
boost targets compensation "1st Gear" table = 20 %
boost targets compensation "Barometric" table = -15 %
boost targets compensation "Intake Temp" table = -10 %

"Boost Targets" table psi absolute = 20.3 psi + 14.7 psi (sea level pressure) = 35 psi absolute
"1st Gear" compensation multiplier = 1 + (20 % * 0.01) = 1.2 multiplier
"Barometric" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-15 % * 0.01) = 0.85 multiplier
"Intake Temp" compensation multiplier = 1 + (-10 % * 0.01) = 0.9 multiplier

Final boost targets absolute with compensations = 35 psi absolute * 1.2 * 0.85 * 0.9 = 32.13 psi absolute.
Final boost target relative (sea level) with compensations = 32.13 psi absolute - 14.7 psi = 17.43 psi relative sea level.

Note: relative "sea level" is only valid at a barometric pressure of 14.7 psi (1.0135 bar). To calculate the actual relative pressure boost target at different barometric pressures, add 1 atmosphere of pressure to your final boost target calculation and subtract actual barometric pressure. For example:
Final boost target relative with compensations = 17.43 psi relative sea level + 14.7 psi - 12 psi barometric pressure = 20.13 psi relative.

Boost Targets Compensation (1st Gear) -> This is the compensation to the boost targets in 1st gear when vehicle speed is below the "Boost Targets Compensation (1st Gear) Activation (Max. Veh. Speed)" threshold. The compensation is applied to the boost targets in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Targets Compensation (1st Gear) Activation (Max. Veh. Speed) -> This is the vehicle speed above which the "Boost Targets Compensation (1st Gear)" is disabled.

Boost Targets Compensation (Barometric) -> This is the compensation to the boost targets based on the current barometric pressure. The compensation is applied to the boost targets in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Targets Compensation (Barometric) Multiplier -> This table is used in determining compensation to the boost targets based on barometric pressure. This table's value is a multiplier that applied to the current barometric pressure and the "Boost Targets Compensation (Barometric) Offset" is added to the product. The result is limited to a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1 and this multiplier is then applied to the boost targets in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Targets Compensation (Barometric) Offset -> This table is used in determining compensation to the boost targets based on barometric pressure. This table is added to ("Boost Targets Compensation (Barometric) Multiplier" table * current barometric pressure). This result is limited to a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1 and this multiplier is then applied to the boost targets in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Targets Compensation (Coolant Temp) -> This is the compensation to the boost targets based on the current coolant temperature. The compensation is applied to the boost targets in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Targets Compensation (Intake Temp) -> This is the compensation to the boost targets based on the current intake temperature. The compensation is applied to the boost targets in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Targets Max. Limit -> The "Boost Targets" table (after compensations applied) will be limited to this maximum value as used in boost control.

Boost Targets/Limits Compensation (1st Gear) -> This is the compensation to the boost targets and boost limits in 1st gear when vehicle speed is below the "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation (1st Gear) Activation (Max. Veh. Speed)" threshold. The compensation is applied to the boost targets in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure). For CVT models, 1st gear is the approximation of 1st gear manual mode when vehicle is moving regardless of whether in manual mode or not.

Boost Targets/Limits Compensation (1st Gear) Activation (Max. Veh. Speed) -> This is the vehicle speed above which the "Boost Targets/Limits Compensation (1st Gear)" table is disabled.

Boost Targets/Limits Compensation (Barometric) -> This is the compensation to the boost targets and boost limits based on the current barometric pressure. The compensation is applied to the boost targets and boost limits in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Targets/Limits Compensation (Intake Temp) -> This is the compensation to the boost targets and boost limits based on the current intake temperature. The compensation is applied to the boost targets and boost limits in absolute pressure ("Boost Targets" table value + 1 atmosphere of pressure).

Boost Torque Limit (Load) -> When calculated load is greater than the first value, or less than or equal to the second value, the boost torque limit will be disabled. If calculated load is less than or equal to the first value and greater than the second value, the boost torque limit will potentially be enabled (if all other conditions, some undefined, are also met). The boost torque limit causes WGDC to ramp slower and independent of normal boost control causing boost to be limited when it is enabled. Note: This value also impacts the activation of "Ignition Timing Compensation (Intake Temp) B" and potentially the max. lambda closed loop fueling target.

Boost Torque Limit (RPM) -> When RPM is greater than the second value, or less than or equal to the first value, the boost torque limit will be disabled. If RPM is less than or equal to the second value and greater than the first value, the boost torque limit will potentially be enabled (if all other conditions, some undefined, are also met). The boost torque limit causes WGDC to ramp slower and independent of normal boost control causing boost to be limited when it is enabled. Note: This value also impacts the activation of "Ignition Timing Compensation (Intake Temp) B" and potentially the max. lambda closed loop fueling target.

Closed Loop Delay Max. EGT -> This is the maximum exhaust gas temperature (EGT) to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the EGT is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the EGT drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. EGT (MT/AT) -> This is the maximum exhaust gas temperature (EGT) to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the EGT is greater than or equal to the second/fourth (depending on DAM) value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the EGT drops below the first/third (depending on DAM) value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Intake Temp. -> This is the maximum intake temperature to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If intake temperature is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When intake temperature drops below this value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load -> This is the maximum calculated load to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If calculated load is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When calculated load drops below this value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load (Min. Intake Temp Requirement) -> This is the maximum calculated load to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. The minimum intake temp activation threshold must be met before this table has any potential effect. If the activation threshold is met and calculated load is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When calculated load drops below the first value (or activation threshold not met), this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load (Min. Intake Temp Requirement) Activation -> This is the minimum intake temperature for activation of the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load (Min. Intake Temp Requirement)" table.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load (RPM) -> This is the maximum calculated load to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If calculated load is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero and the "Primary Open Loop Fueling Compensation (Closed Loop Delay Max. Load Not Exceeded)..." tables will not come into play. When calculated load drops below this value (with hysteresis), this table will have no effect on the delay and the "Primary Open Loop Fueling Compensation (Closed Loop Delay Max. Load Not Exceeded)..." tables will be active.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load (RPM) Hysteresis -> If calculated load drops below the Max. Load threshold less this value, the Max. Load table will have no effect on the delay and the "Primary Open Loop Fueling Compensation (Closed Loop Delay Max. Load Not Exceeded)..." tables will be active.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load Counter Threshold -> When the current calculated load is continuously above the threshold in the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load" table, a counter is incremented, otherwise this counter is reset. This value is the counter threshold that must be exceeded before the closed to open delays can be set to zero.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Determine (Alternate) -> This an alternate table that may be active in place of the "...(Primary Fuel Min. Activation NOT Met)" or "...(Primary Fuel Min. Activation Met)" load vs. rpm component determine tables. Its output is split into two separate values (each with unique variable smoothing applied) that are separately compared against the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Threshold (Smoothing Factor 1)" and "...(Smoothing Factor 2)" tables to determine if a delay is allowed (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If either smoothed value exceeds its corresponding threshold, the current delay will be set to zero, otherwise this component will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Determine (Primary Fuel Min. Activation Met) -> This table is active when the primary open loop fueling is richer than the min. activation threshold. Its output is split into two separate values (each with unique variable smoothing applied) that are separately compared against the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Threshold (Smoothing Factor 1)" and "...(Smoothing Factor 2)" tables to determine if a delay is allowed (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If either smoothed value exceeds its corresponding threshold, the current delay will be set to zero, otherwise this component will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Determine (Primary Fuel Min. Activation NOT Met) -> This table is active when the primary open loop fueling is leaner than the min. activation threshold. Its output is split into two separate values (each with unique variable smoothing applied) that are separately compared against the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Threshold (Smoothing Factor 1)" and "...(Smoothing Factor 2)" tables to determine if a delay is allowed (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If either smoothed value exceeds its corresponding threshold, the current delay will be set to zero, otherwise this component will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Threshold (Smoothing Factor 1) -> This is the maximum Load vs. RPM component value to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. The Load vs. RPM component value is determined by applying smoothing (with potentially variable smoothing factor unique to this table's threshold) to the value determined by the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Determine..." tables (not exposed for some ECUs - value is generally higher with higher load/rpm). If this smoothed Load vs. RPM component value exceeds the table's threshold, the current delay will be set to zero, otherwise the table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Threshold (Smoothing Factor 2) -> This is the maximum Load vs. RPM component value to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. The Load vs. RPM component value is determined by applying smoothing (with potentially variable smoothing factor unique to this table's threshold) to the value determined by the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Determine..." tables (not exposed for some ECUs - value is generally higher with higher load/rpm). If this smoothed Load vs. RPM component value exceeds the table's threshold, the current delay will be set to zero, otherwise the table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Threshold (Smoothing Factor 3) -> This is the maximum Load vs. RPM component value to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. The Load vs. RPM component value is determined by applying smoothing (with potentially variable smoothing factor unique to this table's threshold) to the value determined by the "Closed Loop Delay Max. Load vs. RPM Component Determine..." tables (not exposed for some ECUs - value is generally higher with higher load/rpm). If this smoothed Load vs. RPM component value exceeds the table's threshold, the current delay will be set to zero, otherwise the table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM -> This is the maximum RPM to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. For tables with two values: If RPM is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero and when RPM drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay. For tables with one value: If RPM is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero and when RPM drops below this value (with hysteresis), this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Counter Based) -> When RPM is continuously held above this table's value for the period defined by the "Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Counter Based) Threshold" table, the current closed to open Loop delay value will be set to zero. If RPM drops below this table's value or has not been held continuously above it for the specified period, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Counter Based) Threshold -> When the counter threshold of this table has been satisfied by RPM being continuously held above the "Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Counter Based)" table value over this period, the current closed to open Loop delay value will be set to zero.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Neutral) -> This is the maximum RPM (when the ECU is not estimating the current gear, such as in neutral) to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If RPM is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero. When RPM drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Per Gear) -> This is the maximum RPM by current gear to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If RPM is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When RPM drops below this value (with hysteresis), this table will have no effect on the delay. For CVT ECUs, gear position is an arbitrary value that is calculated the same for the auto and manual modes, does not always match the indicated gear selection in manual mode, and is limited to a max of 6 even if the vehicle support higher "gear" modes. Gear position can be logged via the "Gear Position (estimated)" monitor.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Per Gear) Hysteresis -> If RPM drops below the Max. RPM (Per Gear) threshold less this value, the Max. RPM (Per Gear) table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM (Per Gear)(1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th/6th) -> This is the maximum RPM (by estimated gear) to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If RPM is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero. When RPM drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. RPM Hysteresis -> If RPM drops below the Max. RPM threshold less this value, the Max. RPM table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS -> This is the maximum throttle position to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the throttle position is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the throttle position drops below this value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (High Baro. Pressure) -> This is the maximum throttle position to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the throttle position is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the throttle position drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (High Baro. Pressure)(AT) -> This is the maximum throttle position to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the throttle position is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the throttle position drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (Low Baro. Pressure) -> This is the maximum throttle position to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the throttle position is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the throttle position drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (Low Baro. Pressure)(AT) -> This is the maximum throttle position to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the throttle position is greater than or equal to the second value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the throttle position drops below the first value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (MT) -> This is the maximum throttle position to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If the throttle position is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When the throttle position drops below this value, this table will have no effect on the delay. If multiple values are shown for this table, one of these values will be chosen as the threshold based on the time since engine start, shown in order from earliest to latest.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS Table Switch (AT) and CL Delay Value Select (MT/AT)(Baro. Pressure)(High/Low) -> This is the barometric pressure thresholds to determine whether the "Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (High Baro. Pressure)..." or "Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (Low Baro. Pressure)..." will be used. If barometric pressure is greater than or equal to the first value, the high baro. pressure table will be used. If barometric pressure is less than the second value, the low baro. pressure table will be used. Additionally, this High and Low Baro. determination is used in determining some of the switching between values in the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS Table Switch Baro. Pressure (High/Low)(AT) -> This is the barometric pressure thresholds to determine whether the "Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (High Baro. Pressure)..." or "Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (Low Baro. Pressure)..." will be used. If barometric pressure is greater than or equal to the first value, the high baro. pressure table will be used. If barometric pressure is less than the second value, the low baro. pressure table will be used.

Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS Table Switch Baro. Pressure (Low/High)(AT) -> This is the barometric pressure thresholds to determine whether the "Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (High Baro. Pressure)..." or "Closed Loop Delay Max. TPS (Low Baro. Pressure)..." will be used. If barometric pressure is greater than or equal to the second value, the high baro. pressure table will be used. If barometric pressure is less than the first value, the low baro. pressure table will be used.

Closed Loop Delay Max. Veh. Speed -> This is the maximum vehicle speed to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If vehicle speed is greater than or equal to this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When vehicle speed drops below this value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Delay Min. Coolant Temp. -> This is the minimum coolant temperature to allow for a delay (if one is called for by the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" table) when the decision to switch from closed loop to open loop fueling is made. If coolant temperature is less than this value, the current delay will be set to zero. When coolant temperature is greater than or equal to this value, this table will have no effect on the delay.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base -> This value is the closed loop base fueling target before any compensations are applied.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Alternate) A (Cat Efficiency Test Conditions Met)(TGV Close Output)(Higher EGR) -> This is the alternate base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in a closed state, with higher EGR, AND when specific conditions are met where data collection for the catalyst efficiency test may be run. Some initial compensations applied to the "Main" tables are not applied this this "Alternate" table. However, other compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Alternate) B (Cat Efficiency Test Conditions Met)(TGV Close Output)(Lower EGR) -> This is the alternate base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in a closed state, with lower EGR, AND when specific conditions are met where data collection for the catalyst efficiency test may be run. Some initial compensations applied to the "Main" tables are not applied this this "Alternate" table. However, other compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Alternate) C (Cat Efficiency Test Conditions Met)(TGV Open Output)(Higher EGR) -> This is the alternate base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in an open state, with higher EGR, AND when specific conditions are met where data collection for the catalyst efficiency test may be run. Some initial compensations applied to the "Main" tables are not applied this this "Alternate" table. However, other compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Alternate) D (Cat Efficiency Test Conditions Met)(TGV Open Output)(Lower EGR) -> This is the alternate base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in an open state, with lower EGR, AND when specific conditions are met where data collection for the catalyst efficiency test may be run. Some initial compensations applied to the "Main" tables are not applied this this "Alternate" table. However, other compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Alternate)(Cat Efficiency Test Conditions Met) -> This is the alternate base closed loop fueling target that is used when specific conditions are met where data collection for the catalyst efficiency test may be run. Some initial compensations applied to the "Main" tables are not applied this this "Alternate" table. However, other compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) A (TGV Close Output)(Higher EGR) -> This is the main base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in a closed state and with higher EGR. The TGV output is in a closed state when the TGVs are closed or are in the process of closing. This target is limited by the coolant temp lean limit table. Compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Adder (DAM) -> This value, with the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Adder (DAM) Correction" table applied, is added to the currently referenced "Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main)..." table to determine the closed loop fueling target (along with other potential compensations). It is also applied to the "Primary Open Loop Fueling Min. Enrichment (Final)" table to determine the final primary open loop minimum.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Adder (DAM) Correction -> This multiplier is applied to the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Adder (DAM)" table to determine the final DAM-based adder value for the closed loop fueling target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) B (TGV Close Output)(Lower EGR) -> This is the main base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in a closed state and with lower EGR. The TGV output is in a closed state when the TGVs are closed or are in the process of closing. This target is limited by the coolant temp lean limit table. Compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) C (TGV Open Output)(Higher EGR) -> This is the main base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in an open state and with higher EGR. The TGV output is in an open state when the TGVs are open or are in the process of opening. This target is limited by the coolant temp lean limit table. Compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) D (TGV Open Output)(Lower EGR) -> This is the main base closed loop fueling target when the TGV output is in an open state and with lower EGR. The TGV output is in an open state when the TGVs are open or are in the process of opening. This target is limited by the coolant temp lean limit table. Compensations may also come into play to determine the final closed loop fueling target including those based on rear o2 sensor feedback.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Lean Limit and CFF Transfer Modify A (Coolant Temp) -> This modifies how the final closed loop fuel target is applied to the commanded fuel final (the final target used in the IPW calculation) and can also have an effect of limiting the closed loop fueling target (on the lean side). As an example, if the closed loop fuel target, from the "Closed Loop Fuel Target Base (Main)" tables and other compensations, is 12:1 AFR and this table is 2.000 (AFR adder), then the commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop will be (12 + 2.000 = 14:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). The final closed loop target would still be 12:1 AFR in this case. Furthermore, this table can also limit the final closed loop target on the lean side. This lean limit is calculated as 14.7:1 AFR - AFR adder (or 1 lambda - lambda adder for non-standard units). As another example, if this table is 3.000 (AFR adder), the lean limit will be (14.7 - 3.000 = 11.7:1 AFR). If the closed loop fuel target (from "Base (Main)" table and other compensations) is 12:1 AFR, the final closed loop fuel target would be 11.7:1 AFR (because the lean limit is in effect). The commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop would be (11.7 + 3.000 = 14.7:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). WARNING: The modification of the transfer of the final closed loop fuel target to the commanded fuel final target by this table can cause more positive fuel trims (i.e. lean condition) in closed loop when this table is greater than zero (or more negative fuel trims when the table is less than zero). Care should be taken when tuning this table, especially where it would be active at higher loads in closed loop.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Lean Limit and CFF Transfer Modify B (Coolant Temp) -> This modifies how the final closed loop fuel target is applied to the commanded fuel final (the final target used in the IPW calculation) and can also have an effect of limiting the closed loop fueling target (on the lean side). As an example, if the closed loop fuel target, from the "Closed Loop Fuel Target Base (Main)" tables and other compensations, is 12:1 AFR and this table is 2.000 (AFR adder), then the commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop will be (12 + 2.000 = 14:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). The final closed loop target would still be 12:1 AFR in this case. Furthermore, this table can also limit the final closed loop target on the lean side. This lean limit is calculated as 14.7:1 AFR - AFR adder (or 1 lambda - lambda adder for non-standard units). As another example, if this table is 3.000 (AFR adder), the lean limit will be (14.7 - 3.000 = 11.7:1 AFR). If the closed loop fuel target (from "Base (Main)" table and other compensations) is 12:1 AFR, the final closed loop fuel target would be 11.7:1 AFR (because the lean limit is in effect). The commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop would be (11.7 + 3.000 = 14.7:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). WARNING: The modification of the transfer of the final closed loop fuel target to the commanded fuel final target by this table can cause more positive fuel trims (i.e. lean condition) in closed loop when this table is greater than zero (or more negative fuel trims when the table is less than zero). Care should be taken when tuning this table, especially where it would be active at higher loads in closed loop.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Lean Limit and CFF Transfer Modify C (Coolant Temp) -> This modifies how the final closed loop fuel target is applied to the commanded fuel final (the final target used in the IPW calculation) and can also have an effect of limiting the closed loop fueling target (on the lean side). As an example, if the closed loop fuel target, from the "Closed Loop Fuel Target Base (Main)" tables and other compensations, is 12:1 AFR and this table is 2.000 (AFR adder), then the commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop will be (12 + 2.000 = 14:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). The final closed loop target would still be 12:1 AFR in this case. Furthermore, this table can also limit the final closed loop target on the lean side. This lean limit is calculated as 14.7:1 AFR - AFR adder (or 1 lambda - lambda adder for non-standard units). As another example, if this table is 3.000 (AFR adder), the lean limit will be (14.7 - 3.000 = 11.7:1 AFR). If the closed loop fuel target (from "Base (Main)" table and other compensations) is 12:1 AFR, the final closed loop fuel target would be 11.7:1 AFR (because the lean limit is in effect). The commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop would be (11.7 + 3.000 = 14.7:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). WARNING: The modification of the transfer of the final closed loop fuel target to the commanded fuel final target by this table can cause more positive fuel trims (i.e. lean condition) in closed loop when this table is greater than zero (or more negative fuel trims when the table is less than zero). Care should be taken when tuning this table, especially where it would be active at higher loads in closed loop.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Base (Main) Lean Limit and CFF Transfer Modify D (Coolant Temp) -> This modifies how the final closed loop fuel target is applied to the commanded fuel final (the final target used in the IPW calculation) and can also have an effect of limiting the closed loop fueling target (on the lean side). As an example, if the closed loop fuel target, from the "Closed Loop Fuel Target Base (Main)" tables and other compensations, is 12:1 AFR and this table is 2.000 (AFR adder), then the commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop will be (12 + 2.000 = 14:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). The final closed loop target would still be 12:1 AFR in this case. Furthermore, this table can also limit the final closed loop target on the lean side. This lean limit is calculated as 14.7:1 AFR - AFR adder (or 1 lambda - lambda adder for non-standard units). As another example, if this table is 3.000 (AFR adder), the lean limit will be (14.7 - 3.000 = 11.7:1 AFR). If the closed loop fuel target (from "Base (Main)" table and other compensations) is 12:1 AFR, the final closed loop fuel target would be 11.7:1 AFR (because the lean limit is in effect). The commanded fuel final (CFF) in closed loop would be (11.7 + 3.000 = 14.7:1 AFR, assuming no other CFF compensations). WARNING: The modification of the transfer of the final closed loop fuel target to the commanded fuel final target by this table can cause more positive fuel trims (i.e. lean condition) in closed loop when this table is greater than zero (or more negative fuel trims when the table is less than zero). Care should be taken when tuning this table, especially where it would be active at higher loads in closed loop.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on coolant temperature. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp) A -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on coolant temperature. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp) B -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on coolant temperature. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp) Disable -> When coolant temperature is greater than or equal to this value, the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp)" is disabled.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp)(AT) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on coolant temperature. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp)(MT) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on coolant temperature. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp)(TGV Close Switch) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on coolant temperature and calculated load when the TGV close switch is on. The TGV close switch is on when the TGVs are closed or are in the process of closing. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Coolant Temp)(TGV Open Switch) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on coolant temperature and calculated load when the TGV open switch is on. The TGV open switch is on when the TGVs are open or are in the process of opening. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load and Rear O2) Commanded Fuel Final (Rich Limit) -> The load and rear o2 elements of the closed loop fueling target compensations is limited (on rich side) by this table's value when calculating the commanded fuel final in closed loop (will not impact the closed loop fueling target calculation). That is, the closed loop target load + rear o2 adders, as used in part of the commanded fuel final calculation will be capped so they cannot be less than (i.e. richer than) this table's value. For example, if this table's value is -0.700 (AFR adder) and the closed loop target load comp was -0.6 and rear o2 comp was -0.2, then the correction of -0.8 would be limited to -0.7 when being applied to commanded fuel final.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load and Rear O2) Force Open Loop (Rich Limit) Primary -> When a closed loop fueling target, considering only target compensations for load and rear O2, is richer than this table's threshold, the ECU may force open loop fueling where closed loop fueling would normally be active (depending on conditions). To disable this behavior, set this table to an extreme rich threshold.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load and Rear O2) Force Open Loop (Rich Limit) Secondary -> When a closed loop fueling target, considering only target compensations for load and rear O2, is richer than this table's threshold, the ECU may force open loop fueling where closed loop fueling would normally be active (depending on conditions). To disable this behavior, set this table to an extreme rich threshold.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on calculated load and RPM. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target. Note: Positive compensations (i.e. leaner impact) in this table will potentially force open loop fueling during closed loop for some ECUs.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load) A -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on calculated load and RPM. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target. Note: Positive compensations (i.e. leaner impact) in this table will potentially force open loop fueling during closed loop for some ECUs.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load) B -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on calculated load and RPM. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target. Note: Positive compensations (i.e. leaner impact) in this table will potentially force open loop fueling during closed loop for some ECUs.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load) Force Open Loop (Lean Limit) -> When a closed loop fueling target, considering only the target compensation for load, is leaner than this table's threshold, the ECU may force open loop fueling where closed loop fueling would normally be active (depending on conditions). To disable this behavior, set this table to an extreme lean threshold. Note: The ECU uses a hard-coded limits to prevent a closed loop fueling target leaner than 1 lambda when called for by the closed loop target load compensation.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load) Force Open Loop (Rich Limit) -> When a closed loop fueling target, considering only the target compensation for load, is richer than this table's threshold, the ECU may force open loop fueling where closed loop fueling would normally be active (depending on conditions). To disable this behavior, set this table to an extreme rich threshold.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load)(AT) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on calculated load and RPM. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target. Note: Positive compensations (i.e. leaner impact) in this table will potentially force open loop fueling during closed loop for some ECUs.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load)(MT) -> This is the compensation to the closed loop fueling target based on calculated load and RPM. This table's value is added to the target, along with other compensations, to determine the final target. Note: Positive compensations (i.e. leaner impact) in this table will potentially force open loop fueling during closed loop for some ECUs.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Rear O2) Limits (Max) -> This is the maximum limit for a rear oxygen sensor based compensation to the closed loop fueling target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Rear O2) Limits (Min) -> This is the minimum limit for a rear oxygen sensor based compensation to the closed loop fueling target.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Dynamic Lean Limit Floor -> This table is the floor to a dynamic lean limit of the closed loop fueling target. That is, this dynamic lean limit cannot be richer than this table's value. Changing this table to a leaner value will allow for leaner closed loop fueling targets if called for in the calibration (not leaner than stoichiometric however) when the dynamic lean limit is active.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare) -> This is an alternate final closed loop fueling target that overrides the normal final closed loop fueling target during an entire high throttle run (ex. WOT pull in a particular gear) when that run was started with aggressive accelerator pedal movement (i.e. throttle mash) and when the target called for by this table is richer than what would be dictated by the primary open loop map target. WARNING: In open loop, if the primary open loop fueling target (as dictated by the Primary Open Loop Fueling tables) is leaner than this table's value (and aggressive start 2 conditions for run are met), the ECU will set the final primary open loop map target to 14.7:1 AFR and only the "Primary Open Loop Fueling Min. Enrichment (Final)" table will come into play. To avoid this, you can 1. Set the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare)" table to always be leaner than what would be dictated by the primary OL fuel map target (especially in open loop) or 2. Set the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare) Activation (Min. Coolant Temp)" table to its maximum value (ex. 248 deg. F) or set the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare) Activation (Max. Coolant Temp)" table to its minimum value (ex. -40 deg.) which will disable the switching all together (in both open and closed loop).

Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare) Activation (Max. Coolant Temp) -> Coolant temperature must be less than or equal to this threshold in order for the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare)" to potentially be active (other conditions also apply).

Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare) Activation (Min. Coolant Temp) -> Coolant temperature must be greater than this threshold in order for the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Final (Alternate)(Aggressive Start 2)(Primary OL Fuel Compare)" to potentially be active (other conditions also apply).

Closed Loop Fueling Target Final Rich Threshold (Switch to OL) -> When the final closed loop fueling target is richer than this table's threshold, the ECU will automatically switch to open loop fueling if all other final decision conditions are met.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Force Open Loop Exit (Lean Limit) -> When the final closed loop fueling target (without rear o2-based correction applied), is leaner than this table's threshold, the ECU will not allow exiting from a forced open loop state even if conditions no longer dictate forcing open loop. Forced open loop occurs when certain conditions are met such as those dictated by the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load and Rear O2) Force Open Loop (Rich Limit) Primary" and "Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load and Rear O2) Force Open Loop (Rich Limit) Secondary" tables.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Force Open Loop Exit (Rich Limit) -> When the final closed loop fueling target (without rear o2-based correction applied), is richer than this table's threshold, the ECU will not allow exiting from a forced open loop state even if conditions no longer dictate forcing open loop. Forced open loop occurs when certain conditions are met such as those dictated by the "Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load and Rear O2) Force Open Loop (Rich Limit) Primary" and "Closed Loop Fueling Target Compensation (Load and Rear O2) Force Open Loop (Rich Limit) Secondary" tables.

Closed Loop Fueling Target Limits (Rich/Lean) -> This table's values represent the minimum and maximum limits for the closed loop fueling target after all compensations have been applied.

Closed to Open Loop Delay -> These are the individual values that represent a time period over which specific thresholds must be continuously exceeded before the closed loop to open loop transition can potentially occur. For non-DIT ECUs, the threshold is determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS)" or "...Base Pulse Width" tables. For DIT ECUs, the threshold is determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Load)" table. Other factors, such as the final primary open loop fueling value, impact the final decision to switch to open loop.

Closed to Open Loop Delay/Switch (Intelligent) -> This value is the delay counter thresholds that determine the delay during the closed loop to open loop transition when the current SI-DRIVE mode is intelligent and this value is non-zero. The delay is the period over which the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS)" or "...Base Pulse Width" table values must be continuously exceeded to potentially switch to open loop fueling. Other factors, such as the primary open loop fueling table, impact the final decision to switch to open loop.

Closed to Open Loop Delays -> These are the individual values that represent a time period over which specific thresholds must be continuously exceeded before the closed loop to open loop transition can potentially occur. For non-DIT ECUs, the threshold is determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS)" or "...Base Pulse Width" tables. For DIT ECUs, the threshold is determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Load)" table. Other factors, such as the final primary open loop fueling value, impact the final decision to switch to open loop.

Closed to Open Loop Delays (Barometric) -> This is the delay value that represent a time period over which a specific threshold must be continuously exceeded before the closed loop to open loop transition can potentially occur. The threshold is determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width" table. Other factors, such as the final primary open loop fueling value, impact the final decision to switch to open loop.

Closed to Open Loop Transition Final Decision Rich Threshold (Closed Loop Fueling Target) -> When conditions dictate a commanded switch from closed to open loop fueling (via CL OL tables with active Primary Open Loop fueling OR when Alternate Transition Threshold is exceeded), the final closed loop fuel target (with rear o2 correction removed) must be richer than this table's threshold in order for the transition from closed loop to open loop to occur. When this final target is leaner this threshold in open loop (or effectively the "Commanded Fuel Primary OL Map" value), the ECU will transition from open loop to closed loop again. Note: the final closed loop target here is different than the "Closed Loop Fuel Target" monitor in that it does NOT include rear o2 corrections and in open loop, will generally mirror the "Commanded Fuel Primary OL Map" value instead of the expected closed loop fueling table value (as is the case with the "Closed Loop Fuel Target" monitor). Additionally, both the final closed loop target used here and the "Closed Loop Fuel Target" monitor have a minimum enrichment of the "Commanded Fuel Primary OL Map" value applied (cannot go leaner than this value) in closed loop (but this minimum enrichment will not be shown in the "Closed Loop Fuel Target" monitor in open loop). The "Commanded Fuel Primary OL Map" value can potentially be richer than 14.7:1 AFR in closed loop as its activation is dictated by most of the tables in the "Closed/Open Loop Transition (Primary Fuel Activate)" group and the "Primary Open Loop Fueling Min. Activation" table and not specifically this "Final Decision" threshold.

Closed/Open Loop Transition Counter Increment (MAF) -> This value is the step value for the counter which is incremented when either the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width)" or "...TPS" threshold is continuously exceeded. This counter is compared to the current delay value to potentially determine the switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. Larger values in this table will decrease the time for a potential transition.

Closed/Open Loop Transition Main (Closed Loop Fueling Target)(Beta) -> When the closed loop fuel target is richer than this value, the ECU will switch to open loop operation. The other CL/OL tables will dictate when primary open loop fueling is active (i.e. not a stoichiometric target) but not the switching from closed loop to open loop (or vice versa). When primary open loop fueling is active, it will be directly transferred to the closed loop target during closed loop operation or used as the primary target in open loop as normal.

Closed/Open Loop Transition Main (Closed Loop Fueling Target)(Closed Loop Switch Lean Threshold) -> This is the threshold that is involved in determining the switching from closed to open loop fueling operation and back again. When the closed loop fuel target is leaner than this threshold, the ECU will switch to closed loop operation. When the closed loop fuel target is richer than (this threshold + "...Open Loop Switch Rich Adder"), the ECU will switch to open loop operation. The other CL/OL tables will dictate when primary open loop fueling is active (i.e. not a stoichiometric target) but not the switching from closed loop to open loop (or vice versa). When primary open loop fueling is active, it will be directly transferred to the closed loop target during closed loop operation or used as the primary target in open loop as normal.

Closed/Open Loop Transition Main (Closed Loop Fueling Target)(Open Loop Switch Rich Adder) -> When the closed loop fuel target is richer than the "Closed/Open Loop Transition Main (Closed Loop Fueling Target)(Closed Loop Switch Lean Threshold)" table + this adder, the ECU will switch to open loop operation. The other CL/OL tables will dictate when primary open loop fueling is active (i.e. not a stoichiometric target) but not the switching from closed loop to open loop (or vice versa). When primary open loop fueling is active, it will be directly transferred to the closed loop target during closed loop operation or used as the primary target in open loop as normal.

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) -> This is the base pulse width (fuel injector scale * 0.001 * calculated load) threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When base pulse width drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the throttle position must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) A -> This is the base pulse width (fuel injector scale * 0.001 * calculated load) threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When base pulse width drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the throttle position must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) B -> This is the base pulse width (fuel injector scale * 0.001 * calculated load) threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When base pulse width drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the throttle position must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) C -> This is the base pulse width (fuel injector scale * 0.001 * calculated load) threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When base pulse width drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the throttle position must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) Hysteresis -> The base pulse width must drop below the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width)" threshold by this table's value to potentially switch from open loop to closed loop fueling.

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width)(AT) -> This is the base pulse width (fuel injector scale * 0.001 * calculated load) threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When base pulse width drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the throttle position must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width)(MT) -> This is the base pulse width (fuel injector scale * 0.001 * calculated load) threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When base pulse width drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Base Pulse Width) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the throttle position must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. Load) -> This is the calculated load threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling.

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) -> This is the throttle position threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When throttle position drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the base pulse width must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) A -> This is the throttle position threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When throttle position drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the base pulse width must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) B -> This is the throttle position threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When throttle position drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the base pulse width must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) C -> This is the throttle position threshold that must be continuously exceeded over the "Closed to Open Loop Delays" period, in order to potentially switch from closed loop to open loop fueling. When throttle position drops below this threshold by the value determined by the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) Hysteresis" table, the potential switch from open loop to closed loop fueling will begin (the base pulse width must also drop below its corresponding threshold).

Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS) Hysteresis -> Throttle position must drop below the "Closed/Open Loop Transition with Delay (Min. TPS)" threshold by this table's value to potentially switch from open loop to closed loop fueling.

Commanded Fuel Final (Base) -> This is the initial (base) value for the "Commanded Fuel Final" (aka CFF). This initial value is further compensated by the closed/open loop target, post-start/warm-up enrichment, and other adders/limits to determine the final CFF which is the fuel target used in determining the injector pulse-width. A value of 1.000 (eq ratio) in this table means this table will not have any effect on CFF. A value less than 1.000 (eq ratio) will result in a leaner CFF than would be otherwise calculated. A value greater than 1.000 (eq ratio) will result in a richer CFF than would be otherwise calculated.

Coolant Temp. Sensor Calibration -> This table determines the sensor calibration for the coolant temperature sensor.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) A -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) B -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) C -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) D -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) E -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) F -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) G -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 1) H -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) A -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) B -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) C -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) D -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) E -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) F -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) G -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base (Group 2) H -> This is the base injector pulse width (pre-fuel pressure corrected) based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Cranking compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width. Actual final injector pulse width will vary due to fuel rail pressure compensation and other factors.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base A -> This is the base injector pulse width based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base B -> This is the base injector pulse width based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base C -> This is the base injector pulse width based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base D -> This is the base injector pulse width based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base E -> This is the base injector pulse width based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Base F -> This is the base injector pulse width based on coolant temperature when cranking the engine. Compensation tables may also impact the final cranking pulse width.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Accelerator) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on accelerator pedal position.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Accelerator) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on accelerator pedal position.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Accelerator) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on accelerator pedal position.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Barometric) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on barometric pressure.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 1) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 1) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 1) C -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 1) D -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 2) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 2) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 2) C -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Coolant Temp)(Group 2) D -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on coolant temperature. This compensation is not always active.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Intake Temp) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on intake temperature.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (Manifold Pressure) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on manifold pressure.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(AT) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(MT) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGV Close Switch) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGV close switch is on. The TGV close switch is on when the TGVs are closed or are in the process of closing.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGV Open Switch) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGV open switch is on. The TGV open switch is on when the TGVs are open or are in the process of opening.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Closed)(Group 1) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are closed.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Closed)(Group 1) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are closed.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Closed)(Group 1) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are closed.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Closed)(Group 2) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are closed.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Closed)(Group 2) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are closed.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Closed)(Group 2) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are closed.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Open)(Group 1) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are open.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Open)(Group 1) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are open.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Open)(Group 1) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are open.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Open)(Group 2) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are open.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Open)(Group 2) A -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are open.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (RPM)(TGVs Open)(Group 2) B -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on RPM and coolant temperature when the TGVs are open.

Cranking Fuel Injector Pulse Width Compensation (TPS) -> This is the compensation to the base cranking injector pulse width based on throttle position.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max) -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max) A -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max) B -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max) C -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max) D -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max) E -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max)(Unknown Input) A -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max)(Unknown Input) B -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Max)(Unknown Input) C -> This is the maximum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min) -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min) A -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min) B -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min) C -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min) D -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min) E -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min)(Unknown Input) A -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min)(Unknown Input) B -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

Cruise Control Speed Limit (Min)(Unknown Input) C -> This is the minimum vehicle speed that cruise control can target.

DAM Advance Delay -> This value is the counter period over which the knock signal must be continuously clear before the current dynamic advance multiplier can be incremented. This counter is incremented when the knock signal is clear and the counter is cleared when the knock signal is set.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Delay -> This value is the counter period over which the knock signal must be continuously clear before the current DAM or fine knock learning can be incremented by the value in the respective increment table. This counter is incremented when the knock signal is clear and the counter is cleared when the knock signal is set.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag -> This flag determines whether moving the current DAM or current fine knock learning in a positive direction is disabled (value = 1) or not (value = 0). If not (0), other conditions must be met before increases to the DAM or fine knock learning are allowed. The value applied from this table is based on an index position which is determined by the current calculated load and RPM relative to the "DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag RPM Index Ranges" and "...Load Index Ranges".

For example, if the "DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag Load Index Ranges" table values are 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, and 2.50, then the load ranges (x-axis) of this table will be:
0 to <1.00
1.00 to <1.50
1.50 to <2.00
2.00 to <2.50

If the "DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag RPM Index Ranges" table values are 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500, then the RPM ranges (y-axis) of this table will be:
0 to <1500
1500 to <2500
2500 to <3500
3500 to <4500
4500 to <5500
5500 to <6500

From the above example, if we arrange these into the table and number the cells starting at 0, it would look like the following (copy and paste this into a spreadsheet to more clearly see the table):
            0 to <1.00        1.00 to <1.50   1.50 to <2.00   2.00 to <2.50   2.50+
0 to <1500       0          1          2          3          4
1500 to <2500 5          6          7          8          9
2500 to <3500 10        11        12        13        14
3500 to <4500 15        16        17        18        19
4500 to <5500 20        21        22        23        24
5500 to <6500 25        26        27        28        29
6500+  30        31        32        33        34

The arrangement of these cells corresponds to the activation values in the table. So, given the above example, if load is 1.6 and RPM is 1600, then the activation value (0 or 1) used would be in the 7th position of the table. Note: be sure to substitute your actual load and RPM ranges from the "DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag...Index Ranges..." tables in your current tune - these are examples only.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag (Index Positions) -> This is the translation from the normal "DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag" table index position to the actual index position that is used by the same table (please see that table's help text for additional details). Note: it is highly recommended that you do NOT modify this table.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag Load Index Ranges -> These are the calculated load breakpoints that, along with the corresponding RPM breakpoints, determine the index position used as an input to the "DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag" table. For example, if the values in this table are: 1.42, 1.68, 1.94, and 2.20, then there will be 5 load ranges as follows: 0-1.42 (index 0), 1.42-1.68 (index 1), 1.68-1.94 (index 2), 1.94-2.20 (index 3), and 2.20+ (index 4). Add this index to the RPM index product (see help text for that table) to determine the final index.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag RPM Index Ranges -> These are the RPM breakpoints that, along with the corresponding calculated load breakpoints, determine the index position used as an input to the "DAM and Fine Knock Learning Advance Disable Flag" table. For example, if the values in this table are: 2100, 3000, 3400, 3800, 4300, 8000, then there will be 7 RPM ranges as follows: 0-2100 (index 0), 2100-3000 (index 1), 3000-3400 (index 2), 3400-3800 (index 3), 3800-4300 (index 4), 4300-8000 (index 5), and 8000+ (index 6). Multiply this index by the number of calculated load ranges and add to the load index (see help text for that table) to determine the final index. For example, if there are 4 cells in the calculated load columns table (5 ranges), calculate the final index as (rpm index * 5) + load index.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Modify (Max. Load) -> This is the maximum calculated load in which potential changes to the dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) or fine knock learning can be made. The Min. and Max. RPM thresholds must also be met as well as other conditions. Some corrections may still be allowed outside of this range when specific conditions are met.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Modify (Max. RPM) -> This is the maximum RPM in which potential changes to the dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) or fine knock learning can be made. The Min. and Max. Load thresholds must also be met as well as other conditions. Some corrections may still be allowed outside of this range when specific conditions are met.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Modify (Min. Dyn. Adv. Map Base + Adder Value) -> This is the minimum dynamic advance map value (base + adder) before potential changes to the dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) or fine knock learning can be made. Some corrections to fine knock learning may be allowed with specific conditions below this value.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Modify (Min. Dyn. Adv. Map Value) -> This is the minimum dynamic advance map value before potential changes to the dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) or fine knock learning can be made. Some corrections to fine knock learning may be allowed with specific conditions below this value.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Modify (Min. Load) -> This is the minimum calculated load in which potential changes to the dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) or fine knock learning can be made. The Min. and Max. RPM thresholds must also be met as well as other conditions. Some corrections may still be allowed outside of this range when specific conditions are met.

DAM and Fine Knock Learning Modify (Min. RPM) -> This is the minimum RPM in which potential changes to the dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) or fine knock learning can be made. The Min. and Max. Load thresholds must also be met as well as other conditions. Some corrections may still be allowed outside of this range when specific conditions are met.

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Abs) -> This is the absolute threshold of fine knock learning for potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). When the absolute fine knock learning is greater than or equal to this value and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Abs) Dyn. Adv. Ratio -> This multiplier determines a comparison value based on the current dynamic advance map value that must be met by the absolute fine knock learning before potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). The comparison value is determined as follows: dynamic advance map value * multiplier. When the current absolute fine knock learning is greater than or equal to the comparison value and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Neg) -> This is the negative threshold of fine knock learning for potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). When fine knock learning is less than or equal to this value and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Neg) Dyn. Adv. Ratio -> This multiplier determines a comparison value based on the current dynamic advance map value that must be met by fine knock learning before potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). The comparison value is determined as follows: dynamic advance map value * multiplier. When the current fine knock learning is less than or equal to the comparison value and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Pos) -> This is the positive threshold of fine knock learning for potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). When fine knock learning is greater than this value and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Pos) Alt. -> This is an alternate positive threshold of fine knock learning for potential DAM mode activation when a positive change to fine knock learning occurs within a specific DAM range (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). When fine knock learning is greater than this value over the delay period and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Pos) Alt. (Max. DAM) -> This is the maximum dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) to potentially allow for the alternate positive fine knock learning threshold to be used in potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met).

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Pos) Alt. (Min. DAM) -> This is the minimum dynamic advance multiplier (DAM) to potentially allow for the alternate positive fine knock learning threshold to be used in potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met).

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Pos) Alt. Delay -> This is the minimum period over which the alternate positive threshold of fine knock learning must be continuously exceeded for potential DAM mode activation when a positive change to fine knock learning occurs within a specific DAM range (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met).

DAM Mode Fine Learning Threshold (Pos) Dyn. Adv. Ratio -> This multiplier determines a comparison value based on the current dynamic advance map value that must be met by fine knock learning before potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). The comparison value is determined as follows: dynamic advance map value * multiplier. When the current fine knock learning is greater than the comparison value and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Min. Dyn. Adv. Map Value -> This is the minimum dynamic advance map value before potential DAM mode activation (all other conditions and thresholds must also be met). The comparison value is determined as follows: dynamic advance map value * multiplier. When the current dynamic advance map value is greater than this value and all other thresholds and conditions are met, DAM learning mode will be active, allowing for potential changes to the DAM.

DAM Mode Neg. Inhibit Failsafe Off (Min. DAM) -&g