ECU Monitor List for Mitsubishi Vehicles

ECU Monitor List for Mitsubishi Vehicles

Engine Control Module (ECM) Data Monitors

Supported Applications:

  • 2008-2015 USDM Evolution X GSR / MR
  • 2008-2015 World Market Evolution X GSR / MR / SST
  • 2009-2015 USDM Lancer Raillart

**Bolded Monitors indicate default data log parameter for Accessport.

  1. Accel Pos. – The actual position of the Accelerator Pedal as measured at your foot. 
  2. Active Map – The current Switchable Map slot in use.
  3. Baro. Pressure – Barometric Pressure.
  4. Battery Voltage – Battery Voltage.
  5. Boost – Relative Manifold Pressure (Absolute pressure less Barometric pressure).
  6. Boost Corr. – Boost Error (Actual Boost less Target Boost).
  7. Calculated Tq. – ECU calculated torque output.
  8. Coarse WGDC – Coarse wastegate duty cycle (Passive). (GSR/MR Only)
  9. Coarse WGDC Rq. – Coarse wastegate duty cycle request (Passive). (GSR/MR Only)
  10. Coolant Temp. – Engine coolant temperature.
  11. Exh. Cam. Adv. – Variable exhaust camshaft retard phasing position (Actual).
  12. Exh. Cam. Targ. – Exhaust cam advance (Target).
  13. Fine WGDC Rq. – Fine wastegate duty cycle request (Reactive).
  14. Gear - Current – Current gear as reported by the TCM. (SST Only) 
  15. Gear - Next – Next gear to be used as reported by the TCM. (SST Only) 
  16. Ign. Advance – This is the final commanded ignition timing after all correction and adjustments.
  17. Inj. Duty Cycle – Duty cycle measurement of fuel injector use.
  18. Inj. Pul. Width – Total open time of fuel injector.
  19. Int. Adv. Targ. – Intake cam advance (Target).
  20. Int. Air Temp. – Measurement of intake air temperature at the MAF location.
  21. Int. Cam. Adv. – Variable intake camshaft advance phasing position (Actual).
  22. Knock Sum – An incremental counter based on knock sensor feedback. A count of three will result in 1° of timing pulled from the ignition map. 
  23. LTFT Cruise – Long Term Fuel Trim during cruising conditions.
  24. LTFT Idle – Long Term Fuel Trim during idle conditions.
  25. LTFT Used – Long Term Fuel Trim currently being used.
  26. Learned Knock – A percentage used to determine crossover points between High/Low octane tables. 
  27. Load – This is the calculated load used to reference various table look-ups.
  28. Load Ref. Calc – A blended version of Calculated Load based on MAF/MAP sensor calculations. 
  29. MAF – Mass air flow sensor output in grams per second of air flow by mass. 
  30. MAF Calcs – Calculated Load based on MAF sensor calculations.
  31. MAF Voltage – Mass air flow sensor output voltage. 
  32. MAP Calcs – Calculated Load based on MAP sensor calculations.
  33. Manifold Temp. – Manifold Air Temperature Sensor output.
  34. RPM – Engine speed in revolutions per minute.
  35. Reported TQ to SST – Torque Reported by the ECU to the TCM for SST actions. (SST Only) 
  36. SST Cal. Tq. Multiplier – Allowed torque percent for SST. Will drop during shifting. (SST Only) 
  37. SST Clutch Status – Displays the clutch/de-clutch status. (SST Only) 
  38. STFT – Short Term Fuel Trim currently being applied.
  39. Speed Ratio – The ratio of engine RPM to wheel speed.
  40. Throttle Angle – The throttle position as determined by the Request Torque tables.
  41. Tip in Transient – A derivative of throttle position during engagement of the accelerator pedal. 
  42. Tip out Transient – A derivative of throttle position during disengagement of the accelerator pedal. 
  43. Vehicle Speed – Speed reported by vehicle speed sensor.
  44. WGDC Corr. – Wastegate duty cycle correction applied.

Transmission Control Module (SST) Data Monitors

Supported Applications:

  • 2008-2015 USDM Evolution X MR
  • 2008-2015 World Market Evolution X MR / SST
  • 2009-2015 USDM Lancer Raillart
  1. SST Clutch Pressure (Even Gears) - Measure of line pressure for the clamping pressure used on even gears.
  2. SST Clutch Pressure (Odd Gears) - Measure of line pressure for the clamping pressure used on odd gears.
  3. SST Clutch Slip Speed (Even Gears) - RPM vs actual speed of transmission rotation for even gear stack.
  4. SST Clutch Slip Speed (Odd Gears) - RPM vs actual speed of transmission rotation for odd gear stack.
  5. SST Clutch Status - Whether clutch is open or closed.
    1. Note: N/A for 2012-2015 JDM Evo SST applications
  6. SST Clutch Temp (Even Gears) - Fluid temperature for clutch pack even gears (Actual)
  7. SST Clutch Temp (Odd Gears) - Fluid temperature for clutch pack odd gears (Actual)
  8. SST Input Shaft Speed (Even Gears) - Input shaft speed for even gears
  9. SST Input Shaft Speed (Odd Gears)  - Input shaft speed for odd gears
  10. SST Transmission Temp - Overall transmission temperature measured in pan.

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