NexGen Flex Fuel DTC Troubleshooting

NexGen Flex Fuel DTC Troubleshooting

Helpful Datalog Parameters for Diagnosis

  • Ethanol Final

  • Ethanol Raw

  • Ethanol Volts

  • Sns Volts TGV R

  • TGV Volts Left

  • TGV Volts Right

  • zDEBUG GF03

  • zDEBUG GF16


If you get either the COBB1 or COBB2 code, add Ethanol Volts to your datalog list. You can also add it to your gauges screen to view it live. This value will be in the 0.5-4.5 V range during normal operation. COBB1 values are below 0.25 V, and COBB2 values are over 4.75 V.

Depending on the voltage shown on the Ethanol Volts parameter, it may be indicative of a different issue.

0.0V - Power or ground supply fault

With the module showing 0 volts, there is potentially a missed or loose connection. It’s recommended that you start with checking connections all the connections on the harness. The power connections that go to the EBCS, NexGen flex fuel control module itself, as well as the TGV plugs.

For the system to operate properly, everything must be plugged in and seated properly in order for it to function. The control module connector requires firm pressure until there’s a click to lock it in place, due to the weather seal. If the COBB fuel pressure kit is also fitted, make sure the TGV connectors are arranged in the proper sequence. This is TGV Housing → NexGen Flex Fuel Kit → Fuel Pressure Kit → Engine Harness. Keep in mind that the DTC will remain until the ECU is reset via the Accessport, so after you think you’ve resolved the issue or unplugged and replugged the harness, it’s a good idea to clear codes and see if it comes up again. If the issue persists after reset, check fuses. If everything checks out then contact customer support for further assistance with power supply voltage and ground continuity checks if necessary.


0.1V -  Potential connection fault between ethanol sensor and module, or potential ethanol sensor fault.

 Check connections at EBCS and ethanol sensor. Confirm the connectors are secure, then see if Ethanol Volts is in the normal range (0.5-4.5V) on the Accessport. The DTC will remain until the ECU is reset via the Accessport. If the issue persists, contact customer support.

0.15V - Intermittent sensor connection fault

This is usually caused by severe jostling of the vehicle/ethanol sensor and we’ve incorporated multiple systems to prevent this from negatively impacting engine operation as much as possible, but if the NexGen flex fuel module receives persistent sensor data which is in error due to intermittent connection with the ethanol sensor, this can cause the COBB1 DTC, with error voltage 0.15

0.2V - Sensor Error, Internal Fault

Ethanol Sensor may have failed and need to be replaced.



This code comes up if the input voltage is over the DC limit for more than a few samples at a time. If you get either the COBB1 or COBB2 code, add Ethanol Volts to your datalog list. You can also add it to your gauges screen to view it live. This value will be over 4.75v if you are receiving a COBB2.

Depending on the voltage shown on the Ethanol Volts parameter, it may be indicative of a different issue.

COBB2 4.8V - Sensor/Fuel error, compensation out of range

This error is caused by the sensor or contaminated fuel. Remove fuel from the car if possible, flush fuel system with known good fuel, reset ECU, and see if issues returns. If persists, replace the ethanol content sensorsensor.


COBB2 4.9V - Fuel Error (Water Debris)

Remove fuel from the car if possible, flush fuel system with known good fuel. While water in your fuel is the most common cause of this voltage, debris or some fuel additives may prevent ethanol sensors from getting a proper reading if in high enough concentration. Remember to reset ECU after swapping the fuel out, to see if the issue persists.


COBB2 5.0V - Wiring Short

Check wiring for visible damage.


COBB3 (Low Voltage Input) & COBB4 (High Voltage Input)

These codes apply to the fuel pressure system. FIrst off make sure you have your harnesses plugged in to the correct harnesses in the correct order.

TGV Housing → NexGen Flex Fuel Kit → Fuel Pressure Kit → Engine Harness

It’s also a good idea to check all the harness connections to make sure everything is connected securely, and none of the pins have broken or been pushed out.

After that double check that your pressure sensor is the one made for the kit. Our sensors are designed to operate from 0.5-4.5v in order to allow for error checking. Other sensors run the full range of 0-5v and will cause errors when used.

If you are using a sensor that is for a different pressure, the voltage will be at an unexpected range for the calibration and throw an error as well. So in most cases it is important to ensure your pressure sensor is correct for the application and calibration.



COBB6 - NexGen Flex Fuel Module Not Detected

This DTC is caused when the NexGen Flex Fuel Module is not receiving power, ground, or connected to the engine harness properly. Confirm the module is plugged all the way in. The control module connector requires firm pressure until there’s a click to lock it in place, due to the weather seal. Then reset the ECU.

If the code comes back, please clear it and log the requested monitors at the top of this page while driving until the DTC sets so we are able to see the conditions under which it shows up. Then submit it to our customer support team.

When you get this code it’s often accompanied by codes:

P2016 - TGV Position Sensor 1 (RH) Circuit Low
P2021 - TGV Position Sensor 2 (LH) Circuit Low

All these codes will go away when the issue is resolved, then the ECU is reset


COBB7 - NexGen Flex Fuel Module Lost Communications

This DTC is caused when the NexGen Flex Fuel Module loses power, ground, or connection to the engine harness while the ignition is on or the engine is running. Confirm the connectors are all tight and plugged in corectly. The module requires firm pressure to lock it in place.

If the code comes back, please clear it and log the requested monitors at the top of this page while driving until the DTC sets so we are able to see the conditions under which it shows up. Then submit it to our customer support team.

When you get this code it’s often accompanied by codes:

P2016 - TGV Position Sensor 1 (RH) Circuit Low
P2021 - TGV Position Sensor 2 (LH) Circuit Low

All these codes will go away when the issue is resolved, then the ECU is reset


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