Engine Monitor List for Volkswagen & Audi MQB Vehicles
Volkswagen MK7 / MK7.5 GTI / Golf R, A7 GLI, 8V A3 / S3 Monitor Descriptions For Accesstuner And Accessport
Golf R MK7
A7 Jetta GLI
Audi S3 (8V)
Audi A3 (8V)
What is MQB?
MQB refers to a platform shared amoung many of the Volkswagen Auto Group (VAG) companies.
Modularer Querbaukasten (Modular Transverse Matrix)
The Transverse mounted front-wheel-drive or All-wheel-drive platform upon which multiple cars have been driven. Among which COBB Offers support for:
- MK7 Golf R
- MK7.5 GTI
- A7 Jetta GLI
- Audi 8V S3
- Audi 8V A3
This document provides descriptions of each of the data monitors available to view and log in the current Accesstuner software and Accessport firmware for the Volkswagen/Audi vehicles listed below. Not all monitors are available for all vehicles due to differences in vehicle hardware and/or engine control unit (ECU) capabilities.
Applicable Volkswagen Models
The following USDM Volkswagen models are applicable to this document:
- USDM Volkswagen MK7 GTI (MT & DSG)
- WM Volkswagen MK7 GTI (MT & DSG)
- USDM Volkswagen MK7.5 GTI (MT & DSG)
- USDM Volkswagen MK7 Golf R (MT & DSG)
- USDM Volkswagen A7 Jetta GLI
- USDM Audi 8V A3
- USDM Audi 8V S3
Default Log Lists
Typically the most important or indicative of vehicle performance and safety. While there are other monitors that may be important, this typically gives a good picture of how the vehicle is running.
MK7 GTI, A7 GLI, 8V A3 Default Log List
•AFR Set Point
•Accel Pedal Position
•Air Mass Intake Manifold Per Stroke
•Air Mass Intake Manifold Set Point
•Air Mass Per Stroke Set Point
•Charge Air Temperature
•Boost Pressure
•Current Gear
•COBB Spark Reduction
•Driver Requested Torque
•Engine Speed
•Exhaust Cam Position
•FFS State
•HPFP Effective Pump Volume
•Ignition Timing Final
•Intake Cam Position
•Injection Time Primary Pulse Average
•Intake Flap Set Point
•Knock Retard Cylinder 1
•Knock Retard Cylinder 2
•Knock Retard Cylinder 3
•Knock Retard Cylinder 4
•LC State
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 1
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 2
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 3
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 4
•Maximum Torque at Clutch
•Maximum Turbo Speed Set Point
•PUT Set Point
•Pressure Upstream Throttle
•Rail Pressure
•Rail Pressure Set Point
•Torque Actual
•Torque Limitation Source
•Torque Maximum Clutch
•Torque Maximum Engine
•Torque Value for Air Mass Set Point
•Turbine Actuator Final Value
•Turbo Shaft Speed
•Valve Lift State
•Wastegate Mass Flow Set Point
MK7 Golf R, 8V S3 Default Log List
•AFR Set Point
•Accel Pedal Position
•Air Mass Intake Manifold Per Stroke
•Air Mass Intake Manifold Set Point
•Air Mass Per Stroke Set Point
•Charge Air Temperature
•Boost Pressure
•Current Gear
•COBB Spark Reduction
•Driver Requested Torque
•Engine Speed
•Exhaust Cam Position
•FFS State
•HPFP Effective Pump Volume
•Intake Manifold Pressure Set Point
•Ignition Timing Final
•Intake Cam Position
•Injection Time Primary Pulse Average
•Intake Flap Set Point
•Knock Retard Cylinder 1
•Knock Retard Cylinder 2
•Knock Retard Cylinder 3
•Knock Retard Cylinder 4
•LC State
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 1
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 2
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 3
•Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 4
•Maximum Torque at Clutch
•Maximum Turbo Speed Set Point
•PUT Set Point
•Pressure Upstream Throttle
•Rail Pressure
•Rail Pressure Set Point
•Torque Actual
•Torque Limitation Source
•Torque Maximum Clutch
•Torque Maximum Engine
•Torque Value for Air Mass Set Point
•Turbine Actuator Final Value
•Turbo Shaft Speed
•Valve Lift State
•Wastegate Mass Flow Set Point
Available Monitors With Descriptions:
Monitors in Red denote monitors only used on vehicles with Multi Port Injection in addition to the Direct Injection
- Accelerator Pedal Position Accelerator pedal opening angle percentage as determined by the accelerator position sensor.
- AFR Air/fuel ratio based on the front oxygen sensor.
- AFR Set Point Target Air/Fuel Ratio
- Air Mass Intake Manifold kgh Calculated air mass in KG/H.
- Air Mass Intake Manifold Per Stroke Current load value achieved by the ECU used as an axis reference.
- Air Mass Intake Manifold Set Point Mass air lower limit set point
- Air Mass Limit Per Stroke Turbo Turbo protection air mass limit.
- Airflow Set Point for CHRG Funcs Current load value achieved by the ECU used as an axis reference .
- Air Mass Per Stroke Set Point Reference set point for maximum air mass request per stroke.
- Ambient Air Temp. Ambient temperature reading.
- Ambient Pressure Ambient pressure reading used for altitude calculation and compensations.
- Basic Boost Ambient Pressure Factor Adjustment to basic boost target based on ambient pressure (Atmospheric)
- Basic Boost Ambient Temp. Factor Adjustment to basic boost target based on ambient (environmental) temperature
- Basic Boost Final Adjustment Factor Combination of the ambient pressure and temperature factors.
- Basic Boost Final WG Set Point Final wastegate set point determined by the Basic Boost system after compensations
- Basic Boost PUT Limit Put limit target set by Basic Boost system
- Basic Boost WG Set Point Basic Boost Wastegate Set Point before compensations.
- Battery Volts Current battery/charging system voltage.
- Boost Pressure Gauge Pressure readings from MAP sensor. (This monitor only displays pressure values. See: Intake Manifold Pressure for related vacuum readings)
- Brake Switch Current state of the brake pedal.
- Catalyst Temperature Temperature of catalyst
- Charge Air Temperature Modeled Charge air temperature.
- Clutch Switch Current state of the clutch position.
- COBB Spark Reduction Total timing reduction from COBB custom features. (Launch Control, traction control)
- Combustion Mode Current ECU combustion state.
- Compressor Inlet Press. Modeled turbo compressor inlet pressure.
- Coolant Temp. for Torque Limiting ECU's current calculated limit value used for torque limiting.
- Coolant Temp. Engine coolant temperature. This value can vary from the value displayed on the cluster as there are filters in place from the factory altering the values to appear more consistent, thus keeping a middle range of values at a steady value bu
- Current Gear Current calculated gear.
- Current Gear Predicted This is the next requested gear from the transmission (DSG Only).
- Cylinder 1 - 4 SOI Primary Pulse Primary start of injection pulse per cylinder.
- Cylinder 1 - 4 SOI Secondary Pulse Secondary start of injection pulse per cylinder.
- Cylinder 1 - 4 EOI Limit End of injection limit timing per cylinder.
- Cylinder 1 - 4 Injector End Angle Primary Pulse Primary end of injection angle timing per cylinder.
- Cylinder 1 - 4 Injector End Angle Secondary Pulse Secondary end of injection angle timing per cylinder.
- Cyl 4 Inj Time MPI Pulse - Injection Time at Cylinder 4 for Secondary Injector
- Cyl 3 Inj Time MPI Pulse - Injection Time at Cylinder 3 for Secondary Injector
- Cyl 2 Inj Time MPI Pulse - Injection Time at Cylinder 2 for Secondary Injector
- Cyl 1 Inj Time MPI Pulse - Injection Time at Cylinder 1 for Secondary Injector
- Decel PU Active In decel mode switch
- Driver Mode Switch Current status of driver performance switch (1= Normal/Individual 8= Sport )
- Driver Requested Torque Current calculated driver requested torque from maximum torque tables.
- Driver Requested Torque Scalar Calculated torque scalar from driver interpretation maps.
- Effective Volume Correction MAF
- Effective Volume Correction Total
- Dwell Time
- Dwell Time Factor
- Dwell Time High Energy Mode
- EGT Upstream Turbo Modeled exhaust gas temperature in the manifold.
- ESC/ASR Switched Off
- Effective Volume Air Mass Set Point
- Effective Volume Offset
- Effective Volume Slope
- Engine Speed Limit Current limit from ECU limits tables.
- Engine Oil Temp. Engine oil temperature. This value can vary from the value displayed on the cluster as there are filters in place from the factory altering the values to appear more consistent, thus keeping a middle range of values at a steady value but when it approaches either extreme cold or hot it will change more drastically(i.e. they don't want to scare people so they just tell them everything is fine except for when it is definitely not)
- Engine Speed Engine speed in crankshaft revolutions per minute based on the crankshaft position sensor.
- Engine/Vehicle Speed Ratio Calculated ratio used in traction and diagnostic systems.
- Ethanol Content Read from Sensor Raw ethanol content from the sensor
- Ethanol Content Used Ethanol content the flex fuel system is currently using
- Exhaust Cam Position Current exhaust cam position.
- Exhaust Gas Pressure Set Point Modeled Airflow mass set point.
- Exhaust Pressure Flow Factor Calculated exhaust pressure used in turbo modeling system. This is the Y axis input for the Wastegate Actuator Set Point tables.
- Exhaust flap 1 Exhaust Flap 1 Position (Golf R only)
- Exhaust flap 2 Exhaust Flap 2 Position (Golf R only)
- Exhaust flap index 1 Exhaust Flap 1 index used for identifying current referenced table. (Golf R only)
- Exhaust flap index 2 Exhaust Flap 2 index used for identifying current referenced table. (Golf R only)
- Factory TC Active State of factory traction control system.
- FFS Rev Limit Current flat foot shift rev limit.
FFS State - Current flat foot state. Monitor s a sum of any applicable functions below How to Read Compound Monitors
FFS Disabled 2 Vehicle Speed Ready 4 Accel. Pedal Ready 8 Clutch Pedal Ready 16 Not Used 32 Not Used 64 Real Time Override 128 FFS Active - Factory Launch Control Enabled
- Factory TC Active
- Flex Add AFR Target Adjustment to target air fuel ratio based on current ethanol content used
- Flex Add Ignition Target Adjustment to target ignition timing based on current ethanol content used
- Flex Add Torque Target Adjustment to target torque based on current ethanol content used
- Flex Boost Cut Set value for a boost cut when running flex fuel
- Flex Manifold Pressure Max Current Flex Fuel Maximum Intake Manifold Pressure Setpoint
- Flex PUT Adder Current value added to Pressure Upstream Throttle from the Flex Fuel system.
- Flex Percent Add AFR Target What percentage of the target AFR adder is being used based on your current ethanol content used
- Flex Percent Add Ignition Target What percentage of the target Ignition adder is being used based on your current ethanol content used
- Flex Percent Add Torque Target What percentage of the target Torque adder is being used based on your current ethanol content used
- Flex Percent Manifold Pressure Max What percentage of the target Intake Manifold Setpoint adder is being used based on your current ethanol content used
- Flex Percent PUT Adder What percentage of the target PUT adder is being used based on your current ethanol content used
- Flex Percent PUT Setpoint Current percent of the flex fuel PUT setpoint being used.
- Fuel Injection Type Current injection mode
- Fuel Injection System Split - Current Split between HPDI and MPI injection System
- Fuel Pressure Differential MPI - This is the differential fuel pressure at the tip of the injector. (Low pressure fuel system rail pressure - Manifold Pressure)
- Fuel Mass Delivered to Rail Effective modeled fuel mass delivered by the HPFP to the fuel rail.
- Fuel Pressure Set Point Index
- Fuel Temperature Fuel temp in the low pressure system
- Gear Lever Position Current actual gear lever position.
- Gearbox Oil Temp Transmission temperature.
- HPFP Controller Output Current ECU commanded state for the HPFP system.
- HPFP Control Proportional Proportional value of the HPFP PI(
D) control system. - HPFP Control Integral Integral value of the HPFP PI(
D) control system. - HPFP Effective Pump Volume Modeled HPFP volume.
- HPFP Fuel Temperature Modeled fuel temperature at the HPFP
- High Low Flag for Ignition Dwell Switch to enable high energy mode
- IAT Intake air temperature.
- Ignition Correction from Cmb Mode Corrected basic ignition angle for current combustion mode per intake cylinder.
- Ignition Correction from Temperature Calculated correction due to temperature compensations (coolant and air temperature).
- Ignition Table Output Direct output from current blended table.
- Ignition Timing Average Average ignition after compensations.
- Ignition Timing Cylinder 1 Current cylinder 1 ignition timing.
- Ignition Timing Cylinder 2 Current cylinder 2 ignition timing.
- Ignition Timing Cylinder 3 Current cylinder 3 ignition timing.
- Ignition Timing Cylinder 4 Current cylinder 4 ignition timing.
- Ignition Timing Final Final ignition after compensations.
- Ignition Timing Max Vlft High Maximum calculated ignition angle depending on cam position
- Ignition Timing Max Vlft Low Maximum calculated ignition angle depending on cam position
- Ignition Torque SP Efficiency Vlft High Setpoint ignition efficiency (VVL position dependant)
- Ignition Torque SP Efficiency Vlft Low Setpoint ignition efficiency (VVL position dependant)
- Impulse Combustion Temp Flag Flag to disable impulse combustion due to temp.
- Impulse Combustion Active Current state of impulse combustion.
- Impulse Combustion Active Time 1
- Impulse Combustion Active Time 2
- Impulse Combustion Post Activation Timer Time after impulse combustion has been active.
- Impulse Combustion Active Gear Shift State during gear shift.
- Impulse Combustion Active Decel PU State during decel.
- Injection Mode Index Current state of injection system.
- Injection Pressure Mode Index Injection pressure mode state.
- Injection System Status Current injection mode.
- Injection Time Cylinder 1 - 4 Primary Pulse Primary pulse-width per cylinder.
- Injection Time Cylinder 1 - 4 Secondary Pulse Secondary pulse-width per cylinder.
- Injection Time Primary Pulse Average Average of cylinder 1-4 injection time.
- Injection Time Secondary Pulse Average Average of cylinder 1-4 injection time, secondary pulse.
- Injection Time Window Exceeded Maximum calculated injection time exceeded
- Injector Off Time 1
- Injector Off Time 2
- Intake Cam Position Current intake cam position.
- Intake Flap Set Point Commanded intake runner valve position.
- Intake Manifold Pressure Delta from Modeled Calculated deviation pressure from model.
- Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor (Raw) Raw value from the MAP sensor
- Intake Manifold Pressure Set Point Calculated intake manifold pressure used in the boost control system.
- Intake Manifold Pressure Intake manifold pressure used in the boost control system.
- Intake Pressure Flow Factor Intake manifold pressure flow factor used in the boost control system. This is the x axis input for the Wastegate Actuator Set Point tables.
- Knock Dataset Selection Dataset selection for filtering frequency, depending on injection mode different filter can be selected dynamically.
- Knock Retard Cylinder 1 Knock Retard for cylinder 1
- Knock Retard Cylinder 2 Knock Retard for cylinder 2
- Knock Retard Cylinder 3 Knock Retard for cylinder 3
- Knock Retard Cylinder 4 Knock Retard for cylinder 4
- Knock Retard Average Total average of knock correction across all cylinders.
- Knock Retard Average Adapted Total average of knock correction across all cylinders plus the adaption values.
- Knock Window State Active state of the knock system.
- Lambda Overheat Protection Mode
- LC Active Launch control active / inactive (0 = Inactive / 1 = Active)
- LC Active Time Launch control active time maximum from table data. The Launch Control Timeout defines the maximum time Launch Control can be active.
- LC Activation Delay Time Current launch control activation delay from table data.
- LC Burnout Switch Current state of drivers input for Launch control burn-out mode.
- LC Engine Load Target Load target while in launch control from Load Target table.
- LC ETC Target ETC target while in launch control.
- LC Rev Limit Engine RPM target while in launch control from Rev Limit (LC)table.
LC State Current launch control state. Monitor is a sum of any applicable options below How to Read Compound Monitors
Launch Disabled 2 Oil Temperature Disable 4 Coolant Temperature Disable 8 EGT Disable 16 Launch Timeout Disable 32 Transmission Oil Temperature (MK7 only) 64 Steering Wheel Angle Disable 128 Not Used 256 Clutch/Brake Ready 512 Accel. Pedal Ready 1024 Vehicle Speed Ready 2048 Launch Delay Complete 4096 Burnout Mode Level 1 8192 Burnout Mode Level 2 16384 Not Used 32768 Launch Active
- Load Set Point Fast limited torque request for fast path. The torque requests for slow and fast path are limited by torque monitoring in case of detected failures.
- Load Set Point Slow limited torque request for slow path. The torque requests for slow and fast path are limited by torque monitoring in case of detected failures.
- LPFP Actual Duty Cycle Duty cycle of LPFP system.
- LTFT Long term fuel trims stored by ecu. ( Value of 1 = 0% correction | Value of 1.1 = 10% fuel added | Value of 90 = -10% fuel removed)
- LPFP Actual Duty Cycle Final low pressure fuel pump duty cycle output.
- LPFP Final Pressure Set Point
- LPFP Requested Duty Cycle ECU's low pressure fuel pump duty cycle request.
- MAF Correction Map Interpolation Interpolation values for MAF correction table.
- LPFP Pressure Actual - Actual fuel pressure in low pressure rail (Some vehicles this is called Rail Pressure MPI)
- LPFP Pressure Delta - Difference in the actual pressure in the low pressure rail versus the set point
- LPFP Pressure Set Point - Low pressure set point for rail pressure
- LPFP Prop Feedback - Proportional feedback to LPFP controller. (Enable LPFP Closed Loop Feedback must be enabled for this to work)
- LPFP Int Feedback - Integral feedback to LPFP controller. (Enable LPFP Closed Loop Feedback must be enabled for this to work)
- Lateral Acceleration
- Longitudinal Acceleration
- Learned Knock
- Learned Knock Cyl 1
- Learned Knock Cyl 2
- Learned Knock Cyl 3
- Learned Knock Cyl 4
- Manifold Air Temp. Sensor (Raw)
- Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 1 Current calculated mass air flow limit from load tables for torque limit intervention.
- Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 2 Current calculated mass air flow limit from load tables for torque limit intervention.
- Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 3 Current calculated mass air flow limit from load tables for torque limit intervention.
- Mass Flow Limit for Torque Intervention 4 Current calculated mass air flow limit from load tables for torque limit intervention.
- Mass Fuel Flow Reference Delta - Difference between the mapped reference mass fuel flow and fuel flow calculated from the level 2 monitoring system
- Mass Flow Through Catalyst Modeled airflow through catalyst used for system protection functions.
- Mass Fuel Flow Set Point Calculated mass fuel set point for fueling system modeling.
- Mass Fuel Flow Set Point MPI
- Max PUT from Turbo Protection Maximum pressure upstream throttle request from the ECU for turbo protection, from turbo protection folder.
- Maximum Dwell Time
- Maximum Possible PUT
- Maximum Torque at Clutch Maximum torque request at clutch from the maximum torque tables.
- Maximum Torque Overheating Protection Maximum torque request modeled for overheat protection.
- Maximum Turbo Speed Set Point Maximum turbo speed modeled for turbo protection.
- Minimum Dwell Time
- Muffler Temperature Modeled temperature of the muffler used for impulse combustion.
- Oil Pressure Set Point
- Pressure Ratio at Compressor Set Point Current calculated set point pressure ratio.
- Pressure Ratio at Compressor Current calculated pressure ratio.
- Pressure Ratio vs Ambient Current calculated pressure ratio to ambient for boost control system.
- Pressure Upstream Throttle Calculated pressure upstream throttle for boost control system.
- Put Additive Correction Compensation to PUT for atmospheric conditions.
- PUT Modeled Modeled pressure request from ECU.
- PUT Sensor (Raw) Raw voltage from the upstream throttle pressure (PUT) sensor
- PUT Set Point Final pressure request after compensations.
- Rail Pressure Fuel rail pressure.
- Rail Pressure MPI Fuel rail pressure for port injectors (if equipped) in some cases called LPFP Pressure Actual
- Rail Pressure Set Point Actual fuel pressure request.
- Rail Pressure Set Point Delta Deviation from the fuel pressure setpoint and measured fuel pressure.
- Recirculation Actuator Position
- Recirculation Actuator Position (Modelled)
- Recirculation Actuator Setpoint
- Reduced Volume Flow Pre Turbo
- Ref Exhaust Cam Position
- Ref Exhaust Cam Position Set Point
- Ref Intake Cam Position
- Ref Intake Cam Position Set Point
- Relative Engine Load Relative engine load value calculated by airflow.
- Relative Load Current engine load for full load detection.
- Relative Manifold Pressure
- Sport Mode Enabled
- Start of Injection Limit End of start of injection window.
- Steering Angle Steering wheel angle from center.
- STFT Current fuel trim stored and calculated by the ECU.
- Throttle Pressure Ratio Set Point Throttle pressure ratio set point used in WGDC and load calculations.
- Throttle Pressure Ratio Throttle pressure ratio used in WGDC and load calculations.
- Time at Full Load Timer for full load operation.
- Torque Actual Calculated current torque output.
- Torque at Clutch Modeled torque at the clutches.
- Torque Indicated Basic Modeled base torque calculation.
- Torque Limit Turbo Overheat Protection Torque limit for turbo overheat protection from protection tables.
- Torque Limit Turbo Protection Torque limit for turbo protection from torque protection tables.
- Torque Limitation Source Current source for ECU requested torque limitation: (See below for states) How to Read Compound Monitors
16384 = Permanent torque limitation because of too high exhaust gas temperature
8192 = Permanent torque limitation because of boost pressure actuator related error
2048 = Permanent torque limitation because of too high charger speed
1024 = Permanent torque limitation because of error via FARM
512 = Permanent torque limitation because of too high intake air temperature
256 = Temporary torque limitation because of high charger speed
128 = Temporary torque limitation because of operation at maximum charge pressure ratio
64 = Temporary torque limitation because of operation at maximum absolute charge air pressure setpoint
32 = Temporary torque limitation because of high intake air temperature
0 = None
- Torque Maximum Clutch Calculated maximum torque derived from torque tables.
- Torque Maximum Engine Calculated maximum torque derived from torque tables.
- Torque Maximum Indicated Calculated maximum torque modeled.
- Torque Reference Maximum Calculated maximum torque.
- Torque Reference Calculated modeled torque.
- Torque Value for Air Mass Set Point Torque value modeled from current calculated air mass.
- TPS Set Point Throttle position set point.
- TPS Throttle position sensor data.
- Trac Gear Change Recognition Delay This is a timer which starts when Trac Shift Occurring is active.
- Trac SWA Comp Steering Wheel Angle compensation multiplier based on current Steering Wheel Angle.
- Trac Shift Occurring This is active when Current Gear and Current Gear Predicted are not equal, or if the clutch pedal has been depressed. See 'Traction Control During Gear Changes' description for further details.
- Trac Slip Percent Wheel slip calculated before filtering and compensations.
- Trac Slip Percent Filtered Filtered and compensated (Trac SWA Comp), this is what is used as the final slip calculation for torque reduction.
- Trac Slip Target Current target wheel slip from the Slip Target table.
- Trac Slip Target Mult. Mode Selector User selected multiplier for target slip (from Slip Target Multiplier Table).
- Trac Slip iState Total of P and I correction.
- Trac Spark Reduction Total spark timing reduction applied to reduce torque based on Trac Slip Target and Trac Torque Reduction Percent.
- Trac Torque Red. Integral Comp. I-Term singled out from traction system for fine tuning.
- Trac Torque Red. Proportional Comp. P-Term singled out from traction system for fine tuning.
- Trac Torque Reduction Percent Calculated torque reduction percent used in Torque Reduction from Spark.
- Turbine Actuator Base Value Actuator set point value pre-compensation. Comparing this data to the Turbine Actuator Final Value will show deviation between base and final allowing for targeted adjustment.
- Turbine Actuator Closed Loop Mod Compensation factor for turbine actuator.
- Turbine Actuator Final Value WGDC actuator position result after PID correction
- Turbine Actuator Integral Current calculated waste gate duty cycle integral factor.
- Turbine Actuator Proportional Current calculated waste gate actuator position proportional factor.
- Turbine Actuator Raw Output Raw value for turbine actuator position request.
- Turbine Actuator Set Point Regular Mode
- Turbine Actuator Voltage
- Turbine Power Factor Reference Delta
- Turbine Power Factor Set Point Current turbine control factor.
- Turbo Protection Active State value for turbo protection.
- Turbo Shaft Speed Modeled turbo shaft speed from lookup tables.
- Turbo Speed Max differential The turbocharger speed delta to maximum turbocharger speed setpoint to aid protection.
- Turbo Speed Set Point Turbo speed set point from turbo modeling tables.
- Valve Lift Set Point Valve lift set point request from base tables.
- Valve Lift State Valve High lift position (1= High lift 0= Normal)
- Vehicle Speed Current Vehicle Speed
- Wastegate Mass Flow Set Point Mass air flow set point for turbine actuator position calculation.
- Wheel Speed FL Wheel speed sensor signal - Left front
- Wheel Speed FR Wheel speed sensor signal - Right front
- Wheel Speed RL Wheel speed sensor signal - Left rear
- Wheel Speed RR Wheel speed sensor signal - Right rear
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