771001 - Mazdaspeed Turbo Inlet Hose

771001 - Mazdaspeed Turbo Inlet Hose

771001 – Mazda Turbo Inlet

Mazda6 MPS 2004 - 2007

Mazdaspeed Atenza 2004 - 2007

Mazdaspeed6 2006 - 2007

Mazdaspeed Axela 2007 - 2012

Mazdaspeed 3 2007 - 2013

Congratulations on your purchase of the COBB Tuning Mazdaspeed Turbo Inlet Hose! The following instructions will assist you through the installation process. Please read them BEFORE beginning the install to familiarize yourself with the steps and tools needed. If you feel you cannot properly perform this installation, we HIGHLY recommend you take the vehicle to a qualified and experienced automotive technician.

IMPORTANT! Installing this kit will require custom tuning or utilizing an appropriate Stage Power Package map if you have a matching mechanical configuration. Please consult with COBB or an authorized ProTuner in your area if you have any questions!

Table of Contents

Parts List

  • COBB Turbo Inlet Pipe

Tools Needed

  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • 3/8" ratchet

  • 3/8" 10mm socket

  • 3/8" 12" extension

  • 3/8" 6" extension

  • Needlenose pliers

Stock Intake Removal

  1.  Park your car in a flat level area.

  2. Using a 10mm socket remove the negative battery terminal.

  3. Press in the release tab of the MAF connector and unplug the MAF sensor.

  4. Undo the two clips from the airbox.


  5. Using a 10mm socket loosen the intake clamp and remove the airbox lid from the car.

  6. Pull firmly upwards on the lower airbox in order to pop it free form the rubber grommets it sits in.

  7. Remove the PCV hose from the intake tube.  You can either do this by removing the spring clamp with your pliers or squeezing the blue clip to release the tube.


  8. With the 10mm remove the clamp holding the intake to the turbo inlet and pull the intake tube free from the car.


Battery and ECU Removal

  1. Remove the positive terminal using a 10mm.

  2. Still using the 10mm remove the battery bracket.


  3. Remove the battery from the battery box.

  4. Pull gently up on the ECU Cover in order to expose the connectors.

  5. Push in on the lowest (barely exposed) tab on the electrical connector and pull up on the white arm to release the plug from the ECU.


  6. Using a pair of needlenose pliers gently squeeze the grey tabs and release the wiring harness from the battery box.

  7. Remove the three 10mm bolts from the bottom of the battery tray and remove the battery tray and ECU from the car in one piece.

  8. Remove the entire battery box and ECU assembly from the car.

Stock Inlet Removal

  1. Undo the wire clip attaching to the inlet tube.

  2. Using your pliers, remove the spring clamp holding the BPV tube onto the lower portion of the turbo inlet then pull the tube free.


  3. Remove the 10mm bolt holding the inlet to the engine.

  4. Remove the spring clamp and electronic boost control solenoid line.

  5. Carefully undo the hard to get to clamp on the inlet where it hooks up to the turbo.  Then remove the inlet tube from the car.

COBB Turbo Inlet

  1. Insert the provided barbed fitting into the small port of the turbo inlet.  This may require a light spray of silicon lubricant to get it installed properly.

  2. Check the metal inserts on the ends, make sure they're about 50/50 exposed vs inside the silicon.  Once you're happy with their placement, tighten them down the provided hose clamps.

  3. Place your remaining clamp over the turbo side of the inlet.  Typically I prefer having the screw fitting facing up on what will be the firewall side, as it tends to allow you to reach in and tighten it more easily.

  4. Fit the turbo inlet in place and tighten down the hose clamp.

  5. Reinstall the electronic boost control solenoid hose using the stock spring clamp.

  6. At this time you can reinstall the rest of the components using the factory hardware in the reverse order of removal.

  7. Flash an appropriate map that supports your modifications.

  8. You're all done!  Go out and enjoy!

CARB Sticker Installation (On CARB Certified Applications)

This product is covered under multiple CARB EO letters.  For additional information on CARB EO options for your Mazda, check out our page CARB EO numbers for COBB Mazda Products

  1. Install the supplied CARB sticker on an easily viewable space that won't be susceptible to large amounts of heat.  We recommend on the radiator core support, or the underside of the hood.


COBB Product Install Instructions for Mazda Vehicles

Main Installation Instruction Repository for Mazda Parts

Map Notes for Mazdaspeed3

Map Notes for Mazdaspeed6

Link to Mazda Map Notes to see what map you should be on given the parts you've added

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Email: support@cobbtuning.com

Phone support available 9am to 6pm Monday-Thursday. 9am to 4pm Friday (CST)


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