Ford Ecoboost Mustang 2.3l Turbo Blanket

Ford Ecoboost Mustang 2.3l Turbo Blanket

8F2650 Ford 2.3l Turbo Blanket

Ford Ecoboost Mustang 2014 - 2019

Ford Focus RS 2017 - 2018

Congratulations on your purchase of the COBB Tuning Turbo Blanket! The following instructions will assist you through the installation process. Please read them BEFORE beginning the install to familiarize yourself with the steps and tools needed. If you feel you cannot properly perform this installation, we HIGHLY recommend you take the vehicle to a qualified and experienced automotive technician.

While not flammable on their own, if any sort of flammable chemical gets into the fiber of the turbo blanket, it may be possible for a fire to occur.  It is recommended to replace the turbo blanket if ANY flammable chemicals, liquids, or materials get on the blanket.

Table of Contents

Parts List

  • COBB Turbo Blanket
  • (2) Springs
  • Safety wire

Tools Needed



  • 3/8" ratchet

  • 3/8" 12" extension

  • 3/8" 6" extension

  • 3/8" 13mm socket

  • 3/8" 15mm socket
  • 3/8" T25 Torx Bit

Hand Tools

  • Needlenose pliers

Ecoboost Mustang Pereparation

  1. Using a 13mm socket remove the top two turbo mounting bolts holding the top of the heat shield in place.

  2. Remove the 13mm bolt holding the damper on to the engine mount.  While not strictly necessary, it does give you a little bit more room to try and get the lower heat shield bolt out.


  3. Remove the T-25 lower bolt attaching the heat shield in place.  If it stripped like ours, removing the motor mount will allow additional room to get in there and work at getting it off of the car.


  4. Now you can hop down to the next section. here

Turbo Blanket Installation

While we show what we feel is the simplest and most secure way of wrapping the wire and using springs to secure the turbo blanket there are many different possibilities and options that will work.  Take care not to impact the movement of the wastegate or anything else with your routing.

  1. This is how your blanket will sit over the turbo, slide the lower section under the wastegate bracket and up around the back towards the front.

  2. Once it's about in place loop a piece of wire around the lower rivet in order to more easily pull it up around the bottom of the turbo.  Making sure to carefully route it around the downpipe bolts.


  3. Connect the rivet from the rear lower section up to the bottom of the top piece using either a spring or some of the wire.


  4. Now connect the rivet on the rear side around the front of the blanket to the rivet on the left side.

  5. Now tuck the corners under the bolts and you're done!  Alternatively you can also re-install the factory heat shield, but depending on where the fabric is bundled, it may not fit any longer.


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