Examples will be given for each on how to break down the full length ROM ID for N54/N55 cars to distinguish Hardware type, ROM Family, and the specific calibration ID.
BMW DME/ECU ROM Identification and Break Down
BMW DME/ECU ROM Identification and Break Down
BMW DME/ECU ROM Identification and Break Down
Applicable Vehicle:
- WM 2007-2011 335i
- WM 2007-2011 335xi
- WM 2010-2013 335is
- WM 2008-2011 135i
- WM 2008-2010 535i
- WM 2008-2010 535xi
- WM 2011-2012 BMW 1M
ex 0044CC0IJE0SIFA2S
ex 0044CC0IJE0SIFA2S
0044CC0 - The first 7 digits are the hardware ID. They tell you what DME is in the car. (0044CC for MSD81, 0044DC for MSD80)
IJE0S - ROM family. Basically, the operating system (Windows 7 vs 8.1 vs 10, etc) for the DME/ECU. This is the main thing you need to look at for support questions.
IFA2S - Calibration ID. This is the actual tuning revision/changes for a ROM within a ROM family. We can easily add support for new Calibration IDs (less than 1 day normally).
Note: 2007 models had a MSD80 and start with 0044DC0, 2008+ N54s had an MSD81 and start 0044CC0
ex 008798098G0BQED2S
0087980 - The first 7 digits are the hardware ID. They tell you what DME is in the car. (0044CC for MSD81, 0044DC for MSD80)
98G0B - ROM family. Basically, the operating system (Windows 7 vs 8.1 vs 10, etc) for the DME/ECU. This is the main thing you need to look at for support questions.
QED2S - Calibration ID. This is the actual tuning revision/changes for a ROM within a ROM family. We can easily add support for new Calibration IDs (less than 1 day normally).
Note: Everything we can support (N55) will start with 0087980. The new DME (one we don't support) starts with 00879S0.
Note 2: N55 ROM revisions 96A0B and 9780B are NOT supported as they can cause the DME to become unresponsive during the flashing process and render the vehicle inoperable.
Related Links:
How to Determine if the Accessport Works on Your 2012 N55 BMW - Only EARLY 2012 models are supported. This will show you how to determine if you have an early 2012 model ECU.
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