Subaru DIT ECU Recall Info

Subaru DIT ECU Recall Info


Subaru has recently issued a recall for select 2015 WRX and 2014-2015 Forester XT vehicles. The recall, titled 'WQW58 2.0 DIT Pre-Ignition Service Program', instructs the Subaru dealer to perform a spark plug inspection and leak-down test of the engine in earlier vehicles. In rare cases, the engine may be replaced. Subaru also updates the car's engine control unit (ECU) with their latest calibration. 
We have added support for Subaru's new ECU type being flashed to cars during this process. This includes new Accessport firmware, Accesstuner software, and off-the-shelf (OTS) maps (v300 or later).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which vehicles are part of Subaru's Pre-Ignition recall?

  • 2014-2015 Forester XT
  • 2015 WRX 6MT
  • 2015 WRX CVT

Only cars within a specific production date range are included in this recall. You can check if your car is part of Subaru's recall by entering your VIN on the following Subaru page:

I've been running an Accessport with one of the above vehicles. Why is Subaru's recall important?

Any factory ECU tuning solution, including the Accessport, uses the factory's calibration and logic as a base and improves upon that. Depending on when and how the map was created, its base ECU may be one that is part of Subaru's current recall. While the modified tune in an Accessport map could potentially negate some or all of the original factory problem, given the potentially damaging effects of pre-ignition, we are recommending that all our customers with the above vehicles upgrade to revised maps outside of the recall range.

I've been running a COBB off-the-shelf (OTS) map with one of the above vehicles. What do I need to do?

If you are running one of our COBB OTS maps with one of these vehicles, we highly recommend that you update your car's ECU to the appropriate v300 or later OTS map, even if your specific vehicle is not subject to Subaru's recall. Some OTS map versions do NOT use a base ECU calibration that is part of Subaru's recall (such as the 2015 WRX 6MT v200 or later or any map versions of the 2015 WRX CVT). Even if you are running one of these maps, you should still update to the v300 or later OTS maps. An "outdated ROM" warning message will appear (on newer Accessport versions) if you attempt to change maps to a version older than v300 for these vehicles (see below).

Where can I find an updated v300 or later OTS maps?

  • Update your Accessport to the latest firmware version (version or later) using the Accessport Manager software. Once on the latest version, all the pre-loaded maps on the Accessport will be updated with the latest maps (v300 or later). If you need any OTS maps that have been deleted previously, you can restore the newest maps using the Tune → Restore OTS Maps option on the Accessport.  
  • If you need additional OTS maps that are not part of the default install list, you can find these at cobbtuning.com.  

I am running a custom tune from a COBB Protuner with one of the above vehicles. What do I need to do?

You will need to contact your Protuner so they can advise you on the map upgrade process for your specific scenario.

I own a 2015 WRX or a 2014-2015 Forester XT but my car is not included in Subaru's recall. Should I still update my Accessport maps and reflash my car?

Yes. Even though you are not part of the recall, you can still be impacted. 

Now that I have an updated map, how do I install it?

  • Update your Accessport to the latest firmware version (version or later) using the Accessport Manager software.
  • With the Accessport connected to the car, use the Tune → Change Map function to install the appropriate upgraded map to your car's ECU. It is absolutely critical that you choose the REFLASH option during this process. The REALTIME option will not upgrade the ECU with the full changes.

I'm receiving an "outdated ROM" message on my Accessport when I go to change maps. What does this mean? 

Newer Accessport firmware will present this message (see full message text below) when attempting to change to a map that is based on Subaru's recall ECU. This is to let you know that you are attempting to flash a map that has not been updated. This error check has no knowledge of the actual calibration contained in the map, so it will pop up even on the v2xx OTS maps for the 2015 WRX 6MT (we are only supporting the new v300+ OTS maps from now on). You will need to use v300 or later OTS maps or have your custom tune updated to avoid this message. You can still click through the message and install the map if you need to (not recommended).

I'm attempting to install an updated map but the map is grayed out when I go to select it. What is causing this?

Short of using the wrong map for your ECU, it is likely that you did not update your Accessport to the latest firmware version. This is required in order for the Accessport to recognize a map created in one of the new ECU revisions.

Is it possible to have the Subaru dealer perform their recall with my Accessport still installed?

No, the dealership will not be able to perform their ECU update when the Accessport is installed, even if you use the latest Accessport map that matches what they install. You will need to fully uninstall the Accessport by connecting to the car and selecting the Uninstall menu option and completing that process. WARNING: Changing maps to a "stage 0" stock mode map (or any other map) will NOT allow the dealership to perform the recall update - you must use the Uninstall option only. Keep in mind the uninstall procedure places an OEM tune on the vehicle. If your car is mechanically modified, you may need to return the car to a mechanically stock configuration to drive safely on the factory tune.

If the Subaru dealer performs the recall on my car, do I still need an updated map when I re-install the Accessport?

Yes, you'll still need to update your Accessport firmware and reflash the car with a v300 or newer map file (or an updated custom tune from your Protuner) to avoid running an old map after the recall.

Doesn't a custom tune override Subaru's stock tune and therefore won't be subject to the pre-ignition issue that Subaru is addressing?

This is a bit of gray area. It depends on the exact changes made in the map and which map was used as a base. To play it safe, you will want to have your Protuner update your custom map(s).

If I install an Accessport map with the fix, do I still need to get the Subaru recall done?

As long as the Accessport remains installed with an updated map, there is not an issue. However, you may still want to get the recall done from Subaru so there is a record that the recall has been performed. Part of Subaru's recall is also to perform a spark plug inspection and leak-down test of the engine to determine its health. Some states also require that all recalls be satisfied before a vehicle's registration can be renewed.

I have a 2016 WRX or 2016 Forester XT. Do I need to do anything with my Accessport maps?

No, the 2016 model year cars are not part of Subaru's recall and do not have the ECU that Subaru considers problematic.

I noticed that there are new OTS maps for the 2016 WRX and 2016 Forester XT that are version 3xx. Does this mean they had to be fixed in some way?

No, the versions were changed on all 2016 models to maintain parity with other Subaru DIT vehicles.

When attempting to load an updated map to the Accessport via the Accessport Manager software, I receive an error message that the map doesn't match the vehicle. What does this mean?

This error (see full message text below) is normal when loading an updated map based on Subaru's recall ECU if you currently have one of the old maps flashed to your ECU. Go ahead and click on Yes and change to the new map as normal. If this new map is grayed out on the Accessport when you attempt to change maps, then you'll want to make sure you are running the latest Accessport firmware. If you are on the latest and it is still grayed out, this means the map is not valid for your vehicle (wrong model, year, or transmission).

What is different in the v301+ maps compared to the original v300 maps released to support the recall ECU?

There was an error in the v300 maps for all DIT vehicles that would prevent real-time and launch control changes. Additionally, for stage 2 maps, the v300 maps could cause a check engine light. The v301 maps addressed all these issues. 

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