Ford Truck Tuning Guide
Preparing to calibrate the vehicle
Before anything make sure you go over our Pre-Tuning Guide
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- Accesstuner Tutorials: How to set default log save file
- Accesstuner: Map Comparison
- Pre-Tuning Guide
- Saving a map in Accesstuner Pro so anyone can view (Leave a map unlocked)
- How to Calculate Offset and Gradient for Pressure/MAP Sensors
- Accesstuner Bulk Map Operations
- Custom Feature Cruise Control Button Assignments
- Accesstuner Software Bulletins for Ford
- Ford Focus RS - 2016 GRCK2 Accesstuner Definition Upgrade to 2017 GRCK4 Strategy
- Tech Bulletin - Focus/Fiesta ST CCF Gen2 - VE Compensation (VCT) Tables
- Tech Bulletin - Ford Accesstuner - TIP Boost Error Scaling Issue
- Tech Bulletin - Ford Accesstuner - WGDC Compensation Modes
- Tech Bulletin - Octane Adjust Ratio
- Tech Bulletin - Configuring a Base Map for a Big-Turbo Ford EcoBoost
- Engine & Transmission Monitor List for Ford Vehicles
- Knowledge Base Articles for Ford
- Ford Tuning Guide
- Ford Truck Tuning Guide
- EcoBoost Wastegate Strategy Addendum
- COBB Custom ECU Features
- Ford EcoBoost Speed Density Guide
- Ecoboost Mustange TCC Lockup Control
- Ford Traction Control
- Cobb Custom Features: Ford TransBrake Tuning Guide
- F150 - Raptor TCM Tuning Guide
- Focus RS Tuning Guide
- Gen2 Raptor/Ford F150 10-Speed Transmission Tables
Vehicle Specific Questions
Step 1 – What is the mechanical configuration of the vehicle?
The first step in tuning these vehicles is choosing a COBB Tuning Off-The-Shelf (OTS) calibration that most closely matches the mechanical components and modifications of the vehicle to be tuned. Refer to our map notes and apply the map that most closely matches your vehicle's mechanical configuration.
Step 2 – What fuel is the vehicle using?
Please note that COBB Tuning offers select performance calibrations for two different fuels: 93 octane (98 RON), 91 octane (95 RON). ACN91 octane from Arizona, California, or Nevada is compatible with our 91 octane calibrations. All calibrations are made with fuel that contains 10% ethanol. If you are using 94 octane with 0% ethanol we recommend running the 91 octane calibration. If your fuel does not meet the standard of the available COBB maps you will need to adjust the calibration accordingly. Take a moment to compare and contrast timing, boost, and ignition tables from each type of calibration. Higher octane fuels support more ignition timing, higher boost levels, and leaner air to fuel mixtures compared to lower octane. Using a map designed for high-octane with low-octane fuels may result in engine damage.
Step 3 – What type of air intake is on the vehicle?
These vehicles utilize manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensors located pre and post throttle body to measure the mass of air entering the engine. Filter configuration does not necessarily require tuning but heavily contaminated air filters of both OEM and aftermarket construction were found to reduce power output at moderate to high engine speeds. Frequent air filter cleaning and/or replacement is recommended for best performance and engine protection.
Getting Started
Whether you're starting from a stock calibration or a Cobb OTS map, you will want to get a baseline of current engine operation in order to decide your next steps, tuning-wise. The following list will provide you with information on which tables are active under various pedal position and load conditions.
Good Parameters To Log
- Accel. Pedal Pos. (Translated) – Accelerator pedal position after drive mode & Dynamic Pedal Control translations
- Actual AFR (Average) – Wideband front oxygen sensor readings converted from Lambda to AFR, averaged between Bank1 and Bank2.
- Airflow Limit Source – The currently active load/airflow limiting source; reference the monitor guide to understand the translations this monitor and the tables currently in use.
- Boost Pressure – Manifold pressure (relative). This is MAP minus Barometric pressure.
- Charge Air Temp. – (CAT) Charge air temperature as measured post throttle body. It is combined with the MAP sensor on the intake manifold.
- Coolant Temperature – Engine coolant temperature.
- DFI/PFI Split Actual - The proportional split of fuel delivery between the direct fuel injection (DFI) system and the port fuel injection (PFI) system; 0% = all DFI, 100% = all PFI.
- Engine Speed – Engine speed in revolutions per minute (RPM).
- ETC Angle Actual – Electronic throttle control actual angle.
- Fuel Rail Pressure Actual – The fuel pressure as measured in the fuel rail (high pressure system).
- Fuel Source - The currently active fueling mode; reference the monitor guide to understand the translations between this monitor and the tables currently in use.
- HDFX Weight Table 01-15 - The proportional weights of all different HDFX modes; HDFX modes will be referenced by speed density tables, ignition timing tables, and load limiting tables.
- Ignition Timing Corr. Cyl (1-6) – Individual cylinder timing correction in degrees (+/-).
- Ignition Timing Cyl (1-6) – This is the final actual ignition timing after all correction and adjustments in degrees before TDC.
- Knock Octane Modifier - This is the global octane learning system that is used on the Raptor; very similar to OAR, but inverse. +1 indicates maximum timing advance and maximum load limits, -1 indicates minimum timing advance and minimum load limits.
- Load Actual – This is actual calculated engine load value (absolute).
- Load Desired (TQ Control) - This is the current load limit.
- LTFT – Long term fuel trims displayed in percent.
- Power Demand Status - Indicates whether or not the power demand threshold conditions have been met; relates to fueling and load limiting. 0 = not active, 1 = active.
- STFT – Short term fuel trims displayed in percent.
- Spark Source - The currently active spark mode; reference the monitor guide to understand the translations between this monitor and the tables currently in use.
- TIP Actual Absolute - Actual throttle inlet pressure (pre-throttle body), in absolute pressure.
- TIP Desired Absolute - Target throttle inlet pressure (pre-throttle body), in absolute pressure.
- Turbo PID I-Term - The integral component of the PID boost error system. This is added to the feed-forward wastegate position base table values.
- Wastegate Position – This is the final commanded wastegate position for the wastegate actuators after PID system compensations.
HDFX and Cam Phasing
Knock Octane Modifier (KOM)
Knock Octane Modifier (KOM) is a global octane learning system, and operates nearly identically to the Octane Adjustment Ratio (OAR) system that has been present in Ford EcoBoost calibrations for years. Based on input from the knock sensors, KOM can increase or decrease based on inferred fuel quality. KOM, like OAR, will influence load limits and ignition timing compensations to increase or decrease desired engine output as fuel quality permits. While KOM maintains the same possible value output range as OAR (-1 to +1), the inferred octane quality has been inverted. Maximum engine load limits and maximum ignition timing will occur when KOM is +1, whereas OAR would be -1. Similarly, minimum engine load limits and ignition timing will occur when KOM is -1, whereas OAR would be +1. Like OAR, KOM is the best way to quickly estimate how happy the engine is with the calibration. KOM is an available monitor that you can watch/datalog - "Knock Octane Modifier".
We consider it best practice to tune the vehicle at a KOM of +1. If dyno or road tuning is performed at KOM lower than +1, additional engine load or ignition timing could be added in as the engine learns up during normal driving conditions – this could pose a threat should these increases be significant.
KOM Limits
Two tables exist that can limit maximum KOM without the engine actually encountering knock. Maximum KOM vs. ECT will limit KOM at cold and very hot ECT – this can limit maximum available power while the engine is still cold and limit power if overheating. Maximum KOM vs. Engine Speed can limit engine power depending on RPM. Here is the factory calibration data for these tables on a 2018 Raptor:
For example, an engine that has historically operated knock-free will learn to a KOM of +1; however, if coolant temperature is low, KOM will be limited to a lower value until ECT crosses the threshold configured in this table. Similarly, if this engine operates in an RPM range where KOM maximum is lower than the learned KOM value, KOM will be decreased to the maximum value configured in this table. If inadequate time is spent allowing the engine to warm up for a dyno pull, engine power can be significantly limited. OTS maps allow +1 KOM at all engine speeds and decreases the ECT threshold for maximum KOM.
Default KOM
Anytime that the ECU is reflashed, the ECU will also be reset. You may be familiar with the sort of changes an ECU reset can have on other vehicles, like erasing learned long term fuel trims. On the Raptor, an ECU reset will also revert KOM back to its default value. This value is configurable in the table Default KOM (Init/FMEM). Two things to consider:
- What was KOM at when the Raptor came in for a tune? This can help indicate whether or not the inferred fuel quality is low or high, and can give you an idea of what sort of ignition timing changes may be necessary.
- If the truck is happy at a KOM of +1, you will want to set the default KOM to +1 during the tuning process. This way, you do not have to wait for the ECU to learn KOM up to +1 after every flash.
KOM Load Limiting
Current OTS calibrations for Raptor have been designed to use the Low Speed Preigniton tables as the primary maximum load limit. Three tables - LSPI Load Limit (High), LSPI Load Limit (Mid), and LSPI Load Limit (Low) - will interact with KOM. Each table has axis of Charge Air Temperature and RPM, and can be used to limit the maximum engine load permitted. These tables will be familiar if you have tuned other EcoBoost Fords that utilize the OAR strategy. Here is the factory data for a 2018 Raptor:
KOM interacts with these tables to adjust maximum engine load permitted based on inferred fuel quality. If KOM = +1, load limits will be pulled from the LSPI Load Limit (High) table. If KOM = 0, load limits will be pulled from the LSPI Load Limit (Mid) table. If KOM = -1, load limits will be pulled from the LSPI Load Limit (Low) table. KOM values between these three points will interpolate load limits between the respective tables. Relying on these tables can represent a significant engine safety benefit, in that a decrease in KOM will not only globally decrease ignition timing across all cylinders, but also decrease the maximum engine load. If you are tuning for a specific fuel octane, and tune at a KOM of +1, you can copy and paste your LSPI Load Limit (High) table data into (Mid) and (Low) tables, and then decrease each by a percentage you deem appropriate. For example, you could apply a 10% decrease in (Mid) tables and 20% decrease in (Low) tables, relative to (High). Should you choose to use an alternative tuning strategy for optimal-conditions load limiting and do not use LSPI Load Limit (High), you can still configure your (Mid) and/or (Low) tables to decrease maximum engine load and promote engine safety in your calibration. The monitor Airflow Limit Source will return a value of 5 while LSPI load limits are active. Further detail on load and boost control will be found later in the tuning guide.
Borderline Timing Compensation
In the Borderline Timing tables, you will find the table BL Timing Comp. (KOM), pictured below. The values found in this table will be multiplied by the current KOM value and added to the current Borderline Timing commanded. Table values will be positive, so that when KOM is +1, ignition timing will be advanced. When KOM is -1, ignition timing will be retarded by an equal but opposite amount. This timing compensation will only be applied to actual ignition timing when Borderline Timing is active (when Spark Source = 2). Keeping these values large will allow for a greater swing of total ignition timing depending on KOM, lending itself to greater engine safety. Factory tables are configured to allow for a swing between 91 octane and 84 octane; if tuning for a single octane and expecting the customer to only fill with that fuel, values in this table can be made smaller without concern for nerfing this feature. Further detail on ignition control will be found later in the tuning guide.
Fueling Control
The Raptor fueling system operates with full-time closed-loop control, and has one wideband oxygen sensor per cylinder bank. Fuel delivery is split between direct and port injection; the dynamics of that split will be described in greater detail in this section. There appears to be a healthy amount of headroom in total fueling capacity on a stock turbo truck with conventional pump-gas. To run E85 fuel, upgrading the port injectors and in-tank fuel pump may be necessary.
Understanding Fuel Source
Whenever you are tuning the fueling system, it is helpful to datalog the monitor 'Fuel Source'. This monitor outputs a number which correlates to the specific fueling mode that is in current use. Reference the Ford Data Monitor Support document to understand the translations for the 'Fuel Source' values:
Engine & Transmission Monitor List for Ford Vehicles
When tuning WOT fueling, you will become most familiar with a fuel source of 5 - Power Demand Fueling.
Power Demand
The Ford EcoBoost control strategy uses a feature called 'Power Demand' to regulate fueling, cam control, and load limiting. Power Demand is a binary threshold determined by pedal position, and has its drawbacks because of that binary behavior. Careful attention should be paid to the threshold in order to both maintain emissions quality under normal driving conditions as well as fuel economy. Here is the factory data for Power Demand Threshold on a 2018 Raptor:
We have introduced custom code into the power demand threshold system to use APP (Translated) instead of APP. This change was made due to the Dynamic Pedal Control (DPC) feature, where customers can change throttle translation to be more or less sensitive directly from the Accessport. Once APP (Translated) eclipses the value found in this table, power enrichment can begin. Several tables exist to control the transition from stoichiometric operation (Fuel Source = 0) into power demand (Fuel Source = 5), managing delay time and the blending rate of lambda changes. Explore the 'Power Demand' folder in Accesstuner Pro to view the available tables.
It is helpful to consider the power demand threshold as the threshold at which power enrichment is necessary due to component protection. If you are drastically increasing the power output of the engine, re-configuring the Power Demand Threshold to a lower APP value will likely be necessary. We'll use some easy numbers to explore this idea; some concepts have not yet been covered by this point in the tuning guide, but we'll keep it as conceptual as possible. Reading through the boost control section will offer improved understanding of the following.
- Let's assume that in a stock map, the Throttle Requested Torque table linearly increases from 0 ft./lbs. at 0% APP to 500 ft./lbs. at 100% APP.
- With a stock PD Threshold of 90%, the factory has told us that the engine can safely operate at a stoichiometric lambda until 90% of 500 ft./lbs., or 450 ft./lbs.; above this threshold, power enrichment is needed to safely meet power demands.
- Now let's assume that in a performance calibration, the Throttle Requested Torque table linearly increases from 0 ft./lbs. at 0% APP to 600 ft./lbs. at 100% APP.
- With a stock PD Threshold of 90% on this performance calibration, stoichiometric operation would be active until 90% of 600 ft./lbs., or 540 ft./lbs.
- If you change the PD Threshold on this performance calibration to 75%, stoichiometric operation would be active until 75% of 600 ft./lbs., or 450 ft./lbs. - bringing you back to the output level where the factory has indicated that power enrichment is necessary for component protection.
This example is not perfect because it ignores Partial Throttle load limiting - load limits that are active when Power Demand is not active. Further detail on this will be covered in the Boost Control section. You are also able to configure the RPM axis to whatever RPM values that you see fit, should you want to have a different power demand threshold across the rev-range.
Dialing in the Ideal Lambda
Tuning the Power Demand fuel target is fairly straightforward, and is handled by a single table - Desired Lambda (Power Demand), shown below from a stock 2018 Raptor:
Notice that the axes of RPM and ECT are completely independent of load, which could be seen as a shortcoming of the factory logic. If you prefer tuning in Lambda, you can switch to metric units under 'Configure Options' → 'Display'. When logging, you view the measured AFR of the engine with Actual AFR B1 and Actual AFR B2, or the custom monitor Actual AFR (Avg). When considering what kind of AFR you want to run, consider the proportional fuel delivery between the DFI and PFI systems at WOT (more detail below). Conventional wisdom suggests that you can run a leaner AFR at full load on a DI engine than a PI engine; but when over 50% of your fueling is being delivered from the PI system, you need to re-think what a safe target AFR will be. The factory tune runs very rich right at redline, and somewhat lean at lower RPM. We have found that a nice taper from mid-to-high 11's to 11.0 by redline works very well.
It is important to note that changing Desired Lambda can have a significant effect on ignition timing. Further detail on the ignition system will be covered later, but consider the following table - BL Timing Comp. (Open Loop):
The name may be confusing - the engine is not operating in open loop when this table is active. However, when Borderline ignition timing tables are being used, the timing compensation found in this table will be active. You can see in this table how significant some of the changes can be. For example, lowering target AFR from 12.64 at 3000RPM to 11.02 would represent a 3.24* increase in ignition timing advance.
Direct and Port Fuel Injection
The EcoBoost Raptor uses both direct fuel injection and port fuel injection – with one of each injector type per cylinder. The ECU can adjust the proportion of desired fuel mass injected between the direct injectors and the port injectors. At idle, 100% of the fuel mass injected comes from the port injectors. At light load cruise, nearly all of the fuel mass injected comes from the direct injectors. At WOT, the factory calibration approaches a near even split between the two, but slightly favors direct injection. This system has two advantages for performance calibrators and enthusiasts – cleaning of carbon build-up on intake components that can occur on DI-only engines, and a cost-effective means of increasing the total fueling capacity. The stock fueling system appears to be capable of handling low-to-mid levels of ethanol concentration, but further investigation will be needed to estimate the maximum ethanol percentage that can be reliably run.
Direct Injection System:
Those familiar with direct injection tuning tables for other EcoBoost Ford applications will recognize the tables available for Raptor. HPFP controls also carry over from other EcoBoost Ford applications.Port Injection System:
Conventional injector characterization tables are available. Different table names are used in ATP versus some other tuning solutions, so we’ve provided a list below to translate the table names found in FIC’s Ford Injector Characterization table to their equivalents in ATP.- Format:
(FIC Table/Value Name) = (ATP Table Name)
1. Ahisl = Fuel Injector Slope (High)
2. Alosl = Fuel Injector Slope (Low)
3. Fuel_bkpt = Fuel Injector Slope High/Low Breakpoint
4. Minpw = Minimum Injector Pulsewidth
5. FNPW_offset = Fuel Injector Latency
6. Inj. Offset Modif vs. Rail Temp = *WORK IN PROGRESS*
7. FNPW LSCOMP = Fuel Injector Slope Pressure Compensation (Low)
8. FNPW HSCOMP = Fuel Injector Slope Pressure Compensation (High)
9. FNPW BKCOMP = Fuel Injector Slope High/Low Breakpoint Compensation
10. FNPW OFFCOMP = Fuel Injector Latency Compensation
11. Inj. Slope Modif vs. Rail Temp = *WORK IN PROGRESS*
- Format:
- Commanded DFI/PFI Split: As load and airflow increases when tuned, careful attention must be paid to the fueling proportion delivered by the direct injectors – too much, and fuel rail pressure can drop significantly. You can compare Fuel Rail Pressure Error to see how significant the difference is between target and actual. To avoid this, you can increase the proportion of fuel mass delivered through the port injectors. Consider your DFI/PFI split when deciding on your desired AFR for power demand – when over half of your fueling is coming from port injectors, you may not be able to run as lean a target AFR as you might on a pure DI engine. There are three tables that you will need to be aware of when making changes to desired DFI/PFI split: (1) DFI/PFI Commanded Split (Warm), (2) DFI/PFI Commanded Split Maximum (Warm), (3) DFI/PFI Commanded Split Minimum (Warm); each have axis of load and RPM. As you make changes to the commanded split, double check your minimum and maximum tables to avoid running into these upper and lower limits. A value of 0% indicates full DFI fueling, and 100% indicates full PFI fueling. We recommend only editing the highest load range of this table to maintain emissions quality in idle and cruise operation.
Ignition Control
As with all EcoBoost engines, ignition timing is both extremely dynamic and a major contributor to power productions. Run-to-run variances of just 1* of ignition timing on the Raptor can be worth up to 10-15WHP. Understanding how the system works, what compensations are active, and how to compare run-to-run data is key to making consistent power. More importantly, it is a key aspect of understanding how your calibration changes are actually influencing power production. If you increase boost, but the charge air temperature compensation has decreased ignition timing significantly, you may see a decrease in power.
The ECU compares the output data of each different spark source and selects the lowest at that HDFX/Load Actual/Engine Speed. The monitor 'Spark Source' will indicate which family of ignition tables will be in use.
Consider this example, showing stock calibration data from a 2018 Raptor:
Let's assume that the engine has an HDFX Weight Table 01 value of 100%, Load Actual is 2.200%, and Engine Speed is 3000 RPM. The Borderline table would output an ignition advance of 0*, while the MBT table would output an igniton advance of 12.9*. The ECU will compare these, select the lowest (Borderline), and the base ignition timing before compensations would be 0*. Spark Source, covered below, would be 2 to indicate that active ignition timing is being pulled from the Borderline table.
Understanding Spark Source
Whenever you're tuning the ignition system, it is helpful to datalog the monitor 'Spark Source'. This monitor outputs a number which correlates to the specific ignition mode that is currently in use. Reference the Ford Data Monitor Support document to understand the translations for the 'Spark Source' values:
Engine & Transmission Monitor List for Ford Vehicles
When tuning WOT ignition, you will become most familiar with a spark source of 2 - Borderline. You may also encounter spark source 5 (Cylinder Pressure) when running an upgraded intercooler or when using high ethanol content fuels.
Spark Source MBT
This set of timing tables represent the minimum timing for best torque of the engine based upon extensive modeling and testing on an engine dyno. These values are achieved on high octane fuel and should not be used as a reference to adjust timing on standard pump gas. During low load conditions these tables will be used to optimize combustion and fuel efficiency. Typically, you will not need to modify these tables. You can tell that these spark tables are in active use when Spark Source = 1.
Outside of the the HDFX MBT ignition tables, there are two MBT-specific compensations: MBT Timing Comp. (ECT) and MBT Timing Comp. (Lambda). These compensations will be added to the base MBT table values.
Spark Source Borderline
This set of timing tables represent the maximum timing to remain on the border of the knock threshold. These values are the result of extensive modeling and testing on an engine dyno using standard pump 91 octane fuel (95 RON). These tables will most commonly be in use while the engine is under medium to high load, and are the tables that you will need to pay most attention to while tuning WOT ignition. You can tell that these spark tables are in active use when Spark Source = 2.
Like MBT Timing, Borderline Timing is also HDFX-dependent. In order to tune these tables, you will need to know 1) your HDFX Weights, 2) Load Actual, and 3) Engine Speed. The base output of your borderline tables can be monitored using 'Ignition Timing (Borderline)'. This monitor displays Borderline timing before all compensations.
Also like MBT, Borderline Timing also has specific compensations: BL Timing Comp. (KOM) and BL Timing Comp. (Open Loop). These tables are only in use while Spark Source = 2 (Borderline).
- BL Timing Comp. (KOM) is a timing compensation that is multiplied by the current KOM value and added to 'Ignition Timing (Borderline)'. Consider this example, using the table screenshot above: if load is 1.0%, RPM is 1000, and KOM is +1, then the BL Timing Comp. (KOM) would be 4*. If load is 1.0%, RPM is 1000, and KOM is -0.5, then the BL Timing Comp. (KOM) would be -2*. This table is one of the primary reasons why it is important to create your calibration with a KOM of +1; if you tune at a value lower than this, you are not getting maximum ignition timing advance from this specific table. Should you tune the car to its knock threshold at a lower KOM value, and the car learns up during normal operation, you could get dangerously high ignition timing. You can monitor the net output of this table with the monitor 'Ignition Timing Comp. (OAR)'.
- Pro-tip #1: if you're trying to make a quick ignition timing change, this is an easy table to use. If you like the change that you've made, you can apply that change to the appropriate Borderline HDFX table afterwards.
- Pro-tip #2: this table is your key to having octane adaptation within your tune. The higher the value found in the table, the larger of a change in ignition timing will be should KOM drop. Keep this in mind when considering engine safety in your tunes.
- BL Timing Comp. (Open Loop) is a timing compensation that is added to 'Ignition Timing (Borderline)' based on the current measured AFR. This can be a tricky table to work with - anytime that you change target AFR, you will change ignition timing because of this table. You may want to configure the table to have identical timing values within a small range of AFRs that you want to try; that way, ignition timing is as constant as possible while dialing in AFR. You can monitor the net output of this table with the monitor 'Ignition Timing Comp. (Lambda)'.
Spark Source Cylinder Pressure
The table Cylinder Pressure Timing Limit (Ceiling) is used to limit cylinder pressure inside the engine. These values are the result of extensive modeling and testing on an engine dyno using standard pump 91 octane fuel (95 RON). Often times, these values are conservative and can be adjusted in both low and high load conditions. This is a single table that is not HDFX-dependent. If the engine operates in a load/RPM range in which other spark sources create an ignition timing higher than that found in this table, the values found here will be used and Spark Source will be set to 5.
This spark source has a variety of compensations that are applied to it. In general, fine tuning of these compensations is not strictly necessary. You can instead increase the timing ceiling values in the table shown above to clear this limit out of the way of your intended ignition timing. Be careful when making large changes - if you are tuning the truck to operate in Borderline on a hot day where CAT/ECT are high, the engine could run significantly higher ignition timing than what you intended. Tuning this table to be a close ceiling to your intended actual ignition timing is a useful tool to protect the engine against unintended or unforeseen increases in ignition timing.
We've addressed ignition timing compensations that apply to specific spark sources, but now we'll turn our focus to timing compensations that apply universally to all spark sources.
Cylinder Compensations:
these tables allow you to configure individual cylinder timing compensations based on RPM and load. The factory applies a negative compensation on cylinders 1 and 6, perhaps due to cylinder head cooling characteristics. You can use your individual cylinder knock counts and ignition timing correction values to determine the appropriate configuration of these compensations. The individual cylinder tables only have an axis of RPM; but the Timing Comp. Mult. (All Cylinders) has axis of both RPM and load. Consider this example, using stock cal. data from an '18 Raptor:
At 4000RPM and 1.0% load, the Cylinder 1 timing compensation = (1*)(-2) = -2*; at 4000RPM and 0.4% load, the Cylinder 1 timing compensation = (1*)(0) = 0*.
Temperature Compensations:
these tables are some of the most important and most variable timing compensations present in this control strategy. Fine tuning these tables is essential to creating a calibration that is safe across a wide range of environmental conditions, while not unnecessarily sacrificing power. You will be able to log the net output of both tables with the monitor Ignition Timing Comp. (CAT/ECT). This monitor is a great tool to account for pull-to-pull power differences.Charge Air Temperature:
in order to tune the CAT compensation tables, you will need to datalog Charge Air Temperature, Load Actual, Engine Speed, and individual cylinder ignition timing corrections and/or knock counts. If you see that knock events occur more regularly at higher CATs, you can increase the negative compensation applied at that temperature, load, and/or RPM.
Similar to the individual cylinder compensations, you have a base compensation table and a multiplier table. Consider CAT of 150.8*F at 6000RPM and 1.8% load; CAT timing comp. = (-50*)(0.15) = -7.5*. At a CAT of 69.8*F, 6000RPM, and 1.8% load, CAT timing comp. = (15*)(0.15) = +2.25*. So, over 80*F of charge air temperature change, you have an ignition timing change of 9.75*! This will result in a big power difference - something that you will want to be aware of when making changes on the dyno.
Pro-Tip: if you find that CATs are regularly very high during your dyno session, and you don't have the opportunity to test in colder weather, it is advisable that you soften up the positive timing compensations found at lower temperatures. Not only will this avoid unforeseen knock issues at colder temperatures, but it will also help to limit torque to where you see fit; if you're making 600 ft./lbs. at the wheels in 100* weather, a few more degrees of ignition timing at colder temperatures could increase that significantly. 2* of timing increase can easily represent +20-30 ft./lbs. WTQ.
Coolant Temperature:
this timing comp. and multiplier work exactly the same as CAT comps. You can expect coolant temperature to sit between 195-210*F under normal, light load driving conditions. Coolant temperature can increase 15-25*F during a 6th gear pull, possibly more if the fan setup on your dyno is lacking. The coolant temp. gauge on the dash will get very close to the middle of its range by the time coolant temperature reaches 160*F; I haven't seen it budge much farther than the middle, even with CLT up at 235-240*F.
Pro-Tip: make sure that you perform your baselines and tuned runs when the engine is fully up to temperature. If you start your first pull when coolant temperature is around 170*F, you could get a few extra degrees of timing compared to later runs. Increasing the multiplier at high load and high RPM can be helpful to avoid knock during long, multi-gear pulls. You could rely on CAT comps to handle this, but with an aftermarket intercooler and very high speeds, CAT can become a worse predictor than ECT of the necessary timing decrease during a long session of hard driving.
Ignition Timing Corrections, Knock Response, and Knock Intensity
2021-2022 Raptor
- Per cylinder knock control. In previous generations if a single knock event was detected on one cylinder a timing correction would be applied to all cylinders equally. With the Gen3 vehicles Ford moved to pulti-cylinder correction offering more specific control over timing corrections. If you're familiar with Focus, Fiesta or EcoBoost mustang this should operate the same.
- Increased knock sensitivity. Knock-based ignition timing reductions are configured in the table “Knock Sensor Timing Decrement (Retard)”. This table takes inputs of RPM and Knock Intensity to calculate the appropriate timing reduction when knock occurs. Generally, as knock intensity increases, the timing decrement increases. As a substantial change relative to older Raptor/F150, Ford has 1) greatly reduced the minimum amount of knock intensity required to trigger the minimum timing decrement, and has also 2) greatly diminished the required knock intensity to trigger all timing decrements including the maximum. The net effect is an engine that is particularly sensitive to timing advance and knocks with relative frequency even on the factory calibration and high octane fuel. Due to this sensitivity and the significant amount of timing that can be pulled from each minor knock event, extreme caution should be taken when modifying timing.
In addition to the other timing compensations that we've covered, we also have individual cylinder ignition timing compensations that increase and decrease based on knock activity. Careful attention must be paid to these monitors in order to ensure the safety of your tune.
Useful Monitors:
- Knock Count Cyl1-6: if a knock event is detected by the knock sensors in a specific cylinder, the knock count monitor for that cylinder will increment by 1. A value of 0 indicates that no knock has occurred in that cylinder.
- Knock Count Total: this a monitor that shows the cumulative number of knock counts across all cylinders.
- Ignition Timing Corr. Cyl1-6: this shows the actual ignition timing correction being applied to each individual cylinder.
- Ignition Timing Corr. (Lowest): this is a custom monitor that compares all of the individual cylinder corrections and displays the lowest value. This helps to cut down on the number of monitors logged while still reporting "worst case" conditions.
- Knock Intensity Cyl1-6: based on feedback from the knock sensors, intensity of a knock event can be monitored. Sensor feedback is considered a knock event when intensity eclipses 0.
- Knock Intensity (Highest): this is a custom monitor that compares all of the individual cylinder knock intensity measurements and reports the highest value. This helps to cut down on the number of monitors logged while still reporting "worst case" conditions.
Ignition timing corrections be positive and negative. As the engine operates knock free, the correction will increment upwards at a configurable rate and step size. As knock is detected, the correction will decrease at a configurable step size based on the intensity of the knock event. However, just because ignition timing corrections are positive doesn't mean that knock is not occurring. Consider this example, from a modified OTS map on a 2019 Raptor:
In the upper graph, we can see APP and RPM for context. In the lower graph, we can see Ignition Timing Corr. (Lowest) and Knock Count Total. At the beginning of the pull, Ign. Timing Corr. (Lowest) starts at 0 and then begins increasing while no knock activity is measured. At approximately 5200RPM, we can see that Knock Count Total increments from 0 to 1. Before the knock event, Ign. Timing Corr. (Lowest) was at approximately 1.37*, and after the knock event is at 0.37*. So, we have a knock event that still results in a positive timing correction. Knock events are dangerous regardless of what your timing corrections are, so do not allow yourself to think that "timing corrections are positive, so it's running fine..."
Compare the above graph to this pull on the factory calibration:
Consider the shape and amplitude of the Ign. Timing Corr. curve. We can see that at the beginning of the pull, timing is increased in large steps that have long delays between them. In addition, at the location of the vertical line, we can see that the timing correction has reached 3* of additional advance, but has taken nearly half of the pull to do so. This strategy that the factory pursues - slow, large jumps in timing with a high ceiling for advance - has its drawbacks when creating a performance calibration. First, large sudden increases in ignition timing can create a jagged ignition timing curve that, when tuning on the edge of knock, can easily push timing suddenly too far advanced. Second, the long delay time between increments means that it will take a significant amount of time to add in all of this additional timing. Last, needing to wait for this timing to be added in may not be a big issue on a long 6th gear pull, but will simply not have the time to reach the safe amount of timing that the truck can run while in lower gears; if it takes 4 seconds for the ECU to add in the 3* of ignition timing advance you want, and a 1st gear pull from stop to redline takes 3 seconds, then you are not able to reach the final ignition timing that you want. This is just leaving power on the table.
Advance: When configuring the knock-free operating characteristics of ignition timing corrections, you will want to look at these tables:
- This table sets the upper limit of how positive ignition timing corrections can be at a given load and RPM. Notice how much room for positive correction the factory calibration will allow: +6* for a majority of the rev range at high load! Rather than wait for the ECU to gradually increase ignition timing corrections to the upper limit, you can work in this timing advance into your base ignition timing tables for instant power. OTS maps will typically limit maximum positive corrections to 1-2*.
- These tables control the step size of increases made to ignition timing corrections. Fast vs. normal tables are used depending on knock activity - if a knock count has been registered, the Normal table will be used; if no knock has been registered, the Fast table will be used. The changeover between these tables is determined by the knock count defined in the table Advance Rate Change (Max). Configuring these tables to increment in smaller steps can give greater resolution to your correction curve. Smooth changes will yield an ignition timing curve that will be easier to tune to the knock limitations of the engine.
- These tables control the time delay between ign. correction increases. Decreasing the time delay as well as step size can give you a smoother correction curve. As with the Knock Advance Amount tables, the rates are categorized into Fast and Normal in the same way - Fast with no knock detected, Normal when knock is detected.
Retard: Now that we've covered the ignition timing correction advance control tables, we'll take a look at the knock retard components of ignition corrections:
- This table controls the decrement size of ignition timing correction retard when knock events occur, with added resolution for knock intensity. You can see that as knock intensity (y-axis) increases, the decrement size increases. In OTS calibrations, we leave this table untouched for a conservative knock control strategy. However, you could configure the very low-intensity knock corrections to have less ignition timing retard for a tune that will lose less timing when on the cusp on knock.
- This table represents the lower limit for ignition timing correction values. While we always want to limit knock events and negative ignition timing corrections, this lower limit will give you a guide to know when an engine is in severe risk for damage. This concern stems from the fact that the ECU is limited by the values in this table for lowering ignition timing further to avoid knock. If you're at 1.2% load and 5000RPM, and the truck you're tuning is showing timing corrections of -5*, the ECU has no more room to retard ignition timing for additional knock events.
Boost Control
Boost control is likely the most challenging aspect of Ford EcoBoost calibration. The key to navigating the necessary tables is to have 1) a general understanding of the logic workflow, and 2) understanding your limits effectively. The following list of monitors will be helpful when making changes to boost and load:
- Load Desired (TQ Control)
- Load Actual
- TIP Desired
- TIP Actual
- ETC Angle Actual
- Airflow Limit Source
- Charge Air Temperature
- Intake Air Temperature
Simplified Overview of Load/Boost Control/Torque
Here you will find a very generalized overview of how the control system works, more detail can be found in the following sections.
Each of these steps has a series of clips, compares, translations, etc... that all must be taken into account when trying to raise power output. The ECU will always take the lowest value when comparing targets/requests within a subsystem before pushing it onto the next calculation. The general take-away from this diagram is to understand that APP correlates to a load target, which is then translated by the ECU into a TIP (throttle inlet pressure) target. When tuning a stock turbo, stock cam, stock intake manifold truck, there aren't that many tables that need to be touched. But there is great value in being able to characterize the sorts of changes that you are trying to make - if you're not getting the torque you expected, what step in this simplified flow chart is limiting output? Is it a load desired issue, a TIP desired issue, or...?
Raising Torque and Load:
The Raptor ECU is primarily torque, load, and airflow based. It uses a complex lookup routine to crosscheck several variables based on conditions to achieve its target torque. Boost levels will be dynamic based on environmental conditions such as barometric pressure, ambient temperature, charge air temperature, etc...
The Raptor relies heavily on clipping values based on the lowest input. For example when trying to decide what the TTL (Final) will be the ECU will cross check the outputs of different torque tables and choose the lowest value to pass off to be converted into load, that load value will be cross checked with other load values such as LSPI Load Limits or Max Load at WOT and again the lowest will be chosen to be sent off as Load desired which gets converted ultimately into a TIP desired. It is very convoluted but when all the tables are calibrated correctly the torque delivery is very consistent. It is highly recommended to learn the OEM logic. See the flow chart below for a more in depth overview of how the requested torque and load systems feed into one another from APP Input to Load Desired output. This chart is specific to the Focus RS, but is nearly identical for all practical purposes to the logic used by the Raptor ECU. Memorizing these flow charts is not necessary for being able to tune a Raptor; but knowing how to efficiently navigate this system and understand which intermediate monitors to watch will save you time when increasing load targets and fine-tuning boost control.
Torque Request → Load Desired - Flow Chart
Load Desired → Tip Desired - Flow Chart
Airflow Limit Source
Whenever you're tuning the boost control system, it is helpful to datalog the monitor "Airflow Limit Source". This monitor outputs a number which correlates to the specific airflow limit mode that is currently in use. Reference the Ford Data Monitor Support document to understand the translations for the 'Airflow Limit Source' values:
Engine & Transmission Monitor List for Ford Vehicles
When tuning WOT boost control, you will become most familiar with a spark source of 5 (LSPI), 0 (No Clip Applied), 2 (Wastegate/Turbo Clip), and possibly 3 (EFT Clip). OTS calibrations have been configured to operate primarily in an Airflow Limit Src. of 5 while at WOT; at high elevations, an Airflow Limit Src. of 2 is common to see due to the active barometric compensation; Airflow Limit Src. can also be induced by very high intake air temperatures.
Throttle Requested Torque
This is where boost control all begins. The ECU takes in the signal from the accel. pedal position sensor, and uses RPM and this table to output a Throttle Requested Torque. While the table data is represented in ft./lbs., do not expect a perfect 1:1 between the table data and wheel/crank torque. Here is the factory table from an '18 Raptor:
If you reference back to the Torque Request → Load Desired flowchart, you'll see that the output of this table will be compared against table data from your Torque Maximum w/ or w/o Over-boost, and then output as the monitor TTL Final. The table 'Torque Max. Configuration' will identify which torque maximum tables will be used. Here is factory data from an '18 Raptor:
The comparison between these tables is made tricky by background calculations related to modeled parasitic loss of torque. Tune the Throttle Requested Torque and Torque Maximum tables until you reach a TTL Final value that you're happy with. Be sure to smooth in your increases to avoid making a 'jumpy' throttle. Once you make your increases, run the truck again to see whether or not you achieved the output increases that you were hoping for; if not, look at Airflow Limit Src. again to see whether or not you ran into any other limits.
If you're starting from an OTS calibration, you would need to be increasing power pretty significantly in order to need to touch these tables.
Torque to Load/Load to Torque
On the 2021-2022 Raptor the size of the table is increased with greater resolution on the RPM axis for more control however the table functions the same as previous vehicles
The output of your Throttle Requested Torque/Torque Maximum tables will move next into your Torque to Load (TTL) tables. These are HDFX dependent. The monitor TTL Final will represent the data used for the y-axis of your TTL and LTT tables. Here is a factory table from an '18 Raptor:
Notice how the y-axis ends at 626.9 ft./lbs. - if you don't edit the axis on this table to match or exceed the highest TTL Final value you achieve, you won't see any increase in load - the table lookup will just ride the bottom row. Due to this, we rescale the TTL and LTT tables such that their axes are increased well beyond the TTL Final torque values we will make on OTS calibrations. The way this is done is by linearly expanding the modeled translation between torque, load, and RPM, specific to that HDFX mode. It is a time consuming process that shouldn't be necessary when creating a custom tune based on an OTS map, but can be helpful if creating your own tune from scratch. Notice in the tables below (from an OTS map) that the general shape of the graph has not changed vs. the one found above, but that the maximum values for load and TTL Final torque have increased significantly.
You will also want to do a similar expansion of axis data and table data for the Load to Torque (LTT) tables; there is a complex sanity check of values between TTL and LTT - modifying one without the other can cause issues.
The net output of the TTL tables, weighted for HDFX, will give you Load Desired (TTL) which is a datalog-able monitor.
LSPI Load Limits
All Raptor OTS calibrations will use the LSPI Load Limit tables during WOT operation under standard temperature/pressure conditions. When these limits are active, Airflow Limit Src. will be 5. These tables have been selected to use for three primary reasons. First, you can configure different load limits based on KOM and inferred octane, granting you a great safety feature into your calibration. Second, the axes of these tables - RPM and charge air temperature - are great for being able to safely control power output. Last, they are simple, easy to modify tables that will allow you to fine tune the exact maximum amount of load you're trying to make. When KOM = 1, LSPI Load Limit (High) will be used. When KOM = 0, the (Mid) table will be used. When KOM = -1, the (Low) table will be used.
In order to clip your load requests with the LSPI tables, you will need to configure the tables found earlier in the flowchart to produce a load value slightly higher than what is found here. Introducing a nice taper to the load values in this table as charge air temperature increases will be important for limiting knock.
Airflow Limits
In OTS calibrations, this table has been moved out of the way under standard temperatures/pressures. However, this table is extremely important when creating a calibration for a vehicle that will be driven at particularly high elevations and low barometric pressures, due to there being an easily configurable barometric pressure compensation. Using this compensation to decrease the amount of airflow will be key to keeping turbo speed at a reasonable level at elevation. You can tell that this limit is active when Airflow Limit Src. is 2. You may see this if the car has sat for a long time while idling and has very high IATs, even if CAT and baro. are normal.
On 2021-2022 Raptor vehicles the size of the table is larger with greater resolution on the RPM axis offering more control, however the table still functions the same
TIP Desired Max Src.
If you notice in a datalog that Load Actual is undershooting Load Desired (TQ Control), but TIP Desired and TIP Actual are very close to one another, you can assume that a condition has been hit to limit TIP Desired. You can monitor the limit source for this by watching TIP Desired Max Src., and translating the output using this guide:
Wastegate Controls
The Raptor uses electronic wastegates that rely on commanded position, in place of a traditional wastegate duty cycle command for a vacuum operated boost control system. This allows for very precise wastegate control, and very fast response. We have not yet seen the wastegate actuators blow open and have not yet found the exhaust manifold pressure that will. The feed-forward wastegate table has axis of Turbo Turbine Flow Estimated and Turbo MFRACT Desired (Mass Fraction). PID controls are present as in prior Ford EcoBoost platforms. If you plan on installing upgraded turbochargers, be wary of wastegate control options – you will not be able to control a boost control solenoid for vacuum operated wastegate actuators from the factory ECU.
When tuning your wastegate table, there are several monitors that you will want to watch:
- TIP Desired
- TIP Actual
- Wastegate Position
- Turbo PID I-Term
- ETC Angle Actual
- Turbo MFRACT Desired
- Turbo Turbine Flow Estimated
If your wastegate position values are too high, you will get excessive throttle closures (shown in ETC Angle Actual) and a large, negative PID I-term, as the ECU tries to decrease the amount of airflow reaching the intake manifold. In this example, you will also see that TIP Actual will overshoot TIP Desired. Some throttle closures are normal and will not have a significant impact on power, but large throttle closures can cause poor running behavior. You will frequently see throttle closures as the engine approaches redline. Tuning this area of the wastegate table can be difficult as MFRACT and Turbo Turbine Flow do not change all that much at higher RPM. Reconfiguring the axes of this table to add greater resolution to this area will yield positive results.
If your wastegate position values are too low, you will see that the throttle stays wide open throughout the run, and that a large, positive PID I-term will wind up as the ECU tries to increase the amount of airflow reaching the intake manifold. TIP Actual will be below TIP Desired in this situation. Allowing the I-term to wind up in an underboost situation can cause problems. If you undershoot boost targets down low, early in the rev range, the I-term can cause wastegate position to be too high for your high-RPM wastegate position targets. With too much boost at high RPM (4500+ RPM), you can induce misfires.
You can consider the table well tuned when your I-term stays within +/-5% and throttle closures stay within 10% of the maximum at lower RPMs, and within 20% of the maximum at redline. Remember, you are not increasing or decreasing boost with your wastegate table; you are simply providing a useful feed-forward value for the ECU to use when trying to make a certain amount of boost. If you want to change boost pressure, change your load targets and let the ECU select a different operating range of the wastegate table.
Advanced User/Tuner: Raptor Quick-List of Relevant Differences
- Overview
- Knock Octane Modifier (KOM) operates nearly identically to the Octane Adjustment Ratio (OAR) system that has been present in Ford EcoBoost calibrations for years. Based on input from the knock sensors, KOM can increase or decrease based on inferred fuel quality. KOM, like OAR, will influence load limits and ignition timing compensations to increase or decrease desired engine output as fuel quality permits. While KOM maintains the same possible value output range as OAR (-1 to +1), the inferred octane quality has been inverted. Maximum engine load limits and maximum ignition timing will occur when KOM is +1, whereas OAR would be -1. Similarly, minimum engine load limits and ignition timing will occur when KOM is -1, whereas OAR would be -1. Like OAR, KOM is the best way to quickly estimate how happy the engine is with the calibration. We consider it best practice to tune the vehicle at a KOM of +1. If dyno or road tuning is performed at KOM lower than +1, additional engine load or ignition timing could be added in as the engine learns up during normal driving conditions – this could pose a threat should these increases be significant.
- Load Limiting: Current OTS calibrations for Raptor have been designed to use the Low Speed Preigniton tables as the primary maximum load limit. Three identical tables exist under Limiter Tables → Load Limits → Low Speed Preignition: LSPI Load Limit (High), LSPI Load Limit (Mid), and LSPI Load Limit (Low). Each table has axis of Charge Air Temperature and RPM, and can be used to limit the maximum engine load permitted. These tables will be familiar if you have tuned other EcoBoost Fords that utilize the OAR strategy. KOM interacts with these tables to adjust maximum engine load permitted based on inferred fuel quality. If KOM = +1, load limits will be pulled from the LSPI Load Limit (High) table. If KOM = 0, load limits will be pulled from the LSPI Load Limit (Mid) table. If KOM = -1, load limits will be pulled from the LSPI Load Limit (Low) table. KOM Values between these three points will interpolate load limits between the respective tables. Relying on these tables can represent a significant engine safety benefit, in that a decrease in KOM will not only globally decrease ignition timing across all cylinders, but also decrease the maximum engine load. If you are tuning for a specific fuel octane, and tune at a KOM of +1, you can copy and paste your LSPI Load Limit (High) table data into (Mid) and (Low) tables, and then decrease each by a percentage you deem appropriate. For example, you could apply a 10% decrease in (Mid) tables and 20% decrease in (Low) tables, relative to (High). Should you choose to use an alternative tuning strategy for optimal-conditions load limiting and do not use LSPI Load Limit (High), you can still configure your (Mid) and/or (Low) tables to decrease maximum engine load and promote engine safety in your calibration. The monitor Airflow Limit Source will return a value of 5 while LSPI load limits are active.
- Knock Octane Modifier (KOM) operates nearly identically to the Octane Adjustment Ratio (OAR) system that has been present in Ford EcoBoost calibrations for years. Based on input from the knock sensors, KOM can increase or decrease based on inferred fuel quality. KOM, like OAR, will influence load limits and ignition timing compensations to increase or decrease desired engine output as fuel quality permits. While KOM maintains the same possible value output range as OAR (-1 to +1), the inferred octane quality has been inverted. Maximum engine load limits and maximum ignition timing will occur when KOM is +1, whereas OAR would be -1. Similarly, minimum engine load limits and ignition timing will occur when KOM is -1, whereas OAR would be -1. Like OAR, KOM is the best way to quickly estimate how happy the engine is with the calibration. We consider it best practice to tune the vehicle at a KOM of +1. If dyno or road tuning is performed at KOM lower than +1, additional engine load or ignition timing could be added in as the engine learns up during normal driving conditions – this could pose a threat should these increases be significant.
- Relevant Monitors: Knock Octane Modifier, Charge Air Temperature, Engine Speed, Load Limit (LSPI), Load Desired (TQ Control), Load Actual, Airflow Limit Source.
- Borderline Timing Compensation: If you navigate in ATP to Ignition Timing Tables → Borderline Timing → BL Compensations → BL Timing Comp. (KOM), you will find a table with axis of load and RPM, and table values that represent degrees of ignition timing. The values found in this table will be multiplied by the current KOM value and added to the current Borderline Timing commanded. Table values will be positive, so that when KOM is +1, ignition timing will be advanced. When KOM is -1, ignition timing will be retarded by an equal but opposite amount. This timing compensation will only be applied to actual ignition timing when Borderline Timing is active (when Spark Source = 2). Keeping these values large will allow for a greater swing of total ignition timing depending on KOM, lending itself to greater engine safety. Factory tables are configured to allow for a swing between 91 octane and 84 octane; if tuning for a single octane and expecting the customer to only fill with that fuel, values in this table can be made smaller without concern for nerfing this feature.
- Relevant Monitors: HDFX Weight Table 01-15, Load Actual, Engine Speed, Knock Octane Modifier, Ignition Timing Comp. (OAR), Spark Source.
- Listening Range: Tables that control the listening range of the KOM system can be found under Ignition Timing Tables → Knock Octane Modifier → Learning (Octane Modifier). Minimum and maximum ECT, RPM, and Load values can be entered to alter the ranges of engine operation where detected knock activity (or lack thereof) can decrease or increase KOM. The factory calibration disables KOM listening above 1.5 load and 4000 RPM; we increase these listening ranges to a load value/engine speed higher than what OTS calibrations will achieve so that KOM can decrease, if necessary, should knock activity be present at WOT.
- KOM Limits: Two tables exist that can limit maximum KOM without the engine actually encountering knock. These can be found under Ignition Timing Tables → Knock Octane Modifier → Learning (Octane Modifier). Maximum KOM vs. ECT will limit KOM at cold and very hot ECT – this can limit maximum available power while the engine is still cold and limit power if overheating. Maximum KOM vs. Engine Speed can limit engine power depending on RPM. For example, an engine that has historically operated knock-free will learn to a KOM of +1; however, if coolant temperature is low, KOM will be limited to a lower value until ECT crosses the threshold configured in this table. Similarly, if this engine operates in an RPM range where KOM maximum is lower than the learned KOM value, KOM will be decreased to the maximum value configured in this table. If inadequate time is spent allowing the engine to warm up for a dyno pull, engine power can be significantly limited. OTS maps allow +1 KOM at all engine speeds and decreases the ECT threshold for maximum KOM.
- LSPI Max
- In addition to the High, Mid, and Low LSPI Load Limit tables, Ford has introduced another – LSPI Max. This table has limited value and will need to be moved out of the way if you plan on increasing load
- In addition to the High, Mid, and Low LSPI Load Limit tables, Ford has introduced another – LSPI Max. This table has limited value and will need to be moved out of the way if you plan on increasing load
- Electronic Wastegate & Wastegate Position
- The Raptor uses electronic wastegates that rely on commanded position, in place of a traditional wastegate duty cycle command for a vacuum operated boost control system. This allows for very precise wastegate control, and very fast response. We have not yet seen the wastegate actuators blow open and have not yet found the exhaust manifold pressure that will. The feed-forward wastegate table has axis of Turbo Turbine Flow Estimated and Turbo MFRACT Desired (Mass Fraction). PID controls are present as in prior Ford EcoBoost platforms. If you plan on installing upgraded turbochargers, be wary of wastegate control options – you will not be able to control a boost control solenoid for vacuum operated wastegate actuators from the factory ECU.
- The Raptor uses electronic wastegates that rely on commanded position, in place of a traditional wastegate duty cycle command for a vacuum operated boost control system. This allows for very precise wastegate control, and very fast response. We have not yet seen the wastegate actuators blow open and have not yet found the exhaust manifold pressure that will. The feed-forward wastegate table has axis of Turbo Turbine Flow Estimated and Turbo MFRACT Desired (Mass Fraction). PID controls are present as in prior Ford EcoBoost platforms. If you plan on installing upgraded turbochargers, be wary of wastegate control options – you will not be able to control a boost control solenoid for vacuum operated wastegate actuators from the factory ECU.
- Overview: The EcoBoost Raptor uses both direct fuel injection and port fuel injection – with one of each injector type per cylinder. The ECU can adjust the proportion of desired fuel mass injected between the direct injectors and the port injectors. At idle, 100% of the fuel mass injected comes from the port injectors. At light load cruise, nearly all of the fuel mass injected comes from the direct injectors. At WOT, the factory calibration approaches a near even split between the two, but slightly favors direct injection. This system has two advantages for performance calibrators and enthusiasts – cleaning of carbon build-up on intake components that can occur on DI-only engines, and a cost-effective means of increasing the total fueling capacity. The stock fueling system appears to be capable of handling low-to-mid levels of ethanol concentration, but further investigation will be needed to estimate the maximum ethanol percentage that can be reliably run.
- Overview: The EcoBoost Raptor uses both direct fuel injection and port fuel injection – with one of each injector type per cylinder. The ECU can adjust the proportion of desired fuel mass injected between the direct injectors and the port injectors. At idle, 100% of the fuel mass injected comes from the port injectors. At light load cruise, nearly all of the fuel mass injected comes from the direct injectors. At WOT, the factory calibration approaches a near even split between the two, but slightly favors direct injection. This system has two advantages for performance calibrators and enthusiasts – cleaning of carbon build-up on intake components that can occur on DI-only engines, and a cost-effective means of increasing the total fueling capacity. The stock fueling system appears to be capable of handling low-to-mid levels of ethanol concentration, but further investigation will be needed to estimate the maximum ethanol percentage that can be reliably run.
- DFI/HPFP Features: Those familiar with direct injection tuning tables for other EcoBoost Ford applications will recognize the tables available for Raptor. HPFP controls also carry over from other EcoBoost Ford applications.
- PFI/LPFP Features: Conventional injector characterization tables are available. Different table names are used in ATP versus some other tuning solutions, so we’ve provided a list below to translate the table names found in FIC’s Ford Injector Characterization table to their equivalents in ATP.
- DFI/PFI Split: As load and airflow increases when tuned, careful attention must be paid to the fueling proportion delivered by the direct injectors – too much, and fuel rail pressure can drop significantly. You can compare Fuel Rail Pressure Error to see how significant the difference is between target and actual. To avoid this, you can increase the proportion of fuel mass delivered through the port injectors. Also consider your DFI/PFI split when deciding on your desired AFR for power demand – when over half of your fueling is coming from port injectors, you may not be able to run as lean a target AFR as you might on a pure DI engine. There are three tables that you will need to be aware of when making changes to desired DFI/PFI split: (1) DFI/PFI Commanded Split (Warm), (2) DFI/PFI Commanded Split Maximum (Warm), (3) DFI/PFI Commanded Split Minimum (Warm); each have axis of load and RPM. As you make changes to the commanded split, double check your minimum and maximum tables to avoid running into these upper and lower limits. A value of 0% indicates full DFI fueling, and 100% indicates full PFI fueling. We recommend only editing the highest load range of this table to maintain emissions quality in idle and cruise operation.
- Relevant Monitors: Fuel Rail Pressure Actual, Fuel Rail Pressure Desired, Fuel Rail Pressure Error, DFI/PFI Split Actual, Load Actual, Engine Speed, Coolant Temperature
- 10R80 Torque Maximum/Override Switch
- Two tables are present in ATP to address the transmission torque limit, and can be found under Limiter Tables → Torque Limits → Maximum Torque to Transmission (Override), Maximum Torque to Transmission (Override) Enable. One table is an enable switch to allow this logic to be used; "1" enables the override, "0" disables the override. The other table allows you to enter a torque limit; entering a value high enough to avoid this torque limiting control strategy is recommended. These have both been configured as such in OTS maps; if starting with an OTS map as a base, you will not need to worry about changing the values.
- Two tables are present in ATP to address the transmission torque limit, and can be found under Limiter Tables → Torque Limits → Maximum Torque to Transmission (Override), Maximum Torque to Transmission (Override) Enable. One table is an enable switch to allow this logic to be used; "1" enables the override, "0" disables the override. The other table allows you to enter a torque limit; entering a value high enough to avoid this torque limiting control strategy is recommended. These have both been configured as such in OTS maps; if starting with an OTS map as a base, you will not need to worry about changing the values.
- New Monitors Being able to log enough monitors at a high collection rate has always been a challenge when tuning EcoBoost Fords, so we have created a few custom monitors to help.
- HDFX Table Highest/2nd Highest/3rd Highest: these monitors report the top three highest HDFX tables currently in use.
- HDFX Weight Highest/2nd Highest/3rd Highest: these monitors report the respective percentage weights of the top three HDFX tables.
- Ignition Timing Correction Highest/Lowest: these monitors report the highest and lowest individual cylinder ignition timing corrections of each six cylinders.
- Ignition Timing Highest/Lowest: these monitors report the highest and lowest final total individual cylinder ignition timing of each six cylinders.
- Actual AFR (Average): reports the average of AFR between the two banks of cylinders.
- Short Term Fuel Trim (Average): reports the average of STFT between the two banks of cylinders.
- Overboost at Elevation
We discovered on our v100 and v101 OTS calibrations were prone to overboosting at high elevation (5000+ ft., below 12.5PSI barometric pressure), and particularly at cold temperatures. Four primary changes were made to address this issue in v102 maps.- PID I-term Freeze Threshold (MFRACT): We had found on our dyno that lowering this value helped to decrease I-term windup during spool. This table zeroes out the wastegate I-term when Turbo MFRACT Desired exceeds the table value. By keeping the I-term freeze lower, we were able to keep I-term at zero for a greater proportion of spool up time, preventing throttle closures once TIP Actual approached and then overshot TIP Desired. However, an unintended consequence of this was that the I-term was disabled at points during a WOT pull at elevation. Turbo MFRACT Desired will be much higher at elevation than at sea level, given similar load requests, as the turbo will need to work harder to produce the same airflow. As the turbo is worked harder, MFRACT increased to a point beyond the PID I-term freeze threshold, which zeroed the wastegate position I-term. Since that I-term was already negative at that point, wastegate position spiked along with TIP Actual and manifold pressure. ETC closures were typically not enough to counteract the overboost.
- Airflow Limit (Turbo)/(Baro): At higher elevation where barometric pressure is low, we have found that the truck in both stock tune and our OTS maps will typically use and Airflow Limit Source of 2 (Wastegate/Turbo Clip) as the primary load limit. Two tables interact to cause this – Airflow Limit (Turbo) and Airflow Limit (Turbo) Baro. Comp. Values in the first table had been increased too much, particularly at cold intake air temperatures. This caused the ECU to target too high of load targets for what the stock turbos could handle at low barometric pressure, driving Turbo MFRACT Desired far higher than intended. We took our shop Raptor out to the highest public road in Texas – 6700 ft. and approximately 11.9 PSI barometric pressure – and carefully tuned these tables. Comparing load differences vs. estimated turbo speed, we chose to stop at a point above stock power output, but still in a reasonable range for turbo shaft speed.
- Wastegate Position Base: Minor changes were made to the feed forward wastegate table at high Turbo MFRACT Desired and high Turbo Turbine Flow Estimated, a region only hit when at high RPM at high elevation.
- Inferred Exhaust BP Compensation (Downstream Pressure): While we were able to make good progress by addressing the affects of having very high Turbo MFRACT Desired, the most important change we made was to significantly decrease the values found in this table. The axis on this table is barometric pressure, which is then associated with a multiplier value. By decreasing this multiplier value, we were able to significantly decrease the calculated Turbo MFRACT Desired at low barometric pressure using only factory tables. How the ECU works through the calculation of MFRACT Desired is lengthy and outside the scope of this document, but this table that we’ve modified has worked very well with the v102 OTS values.
- Load Limiting at the Drag Strip
The issue that we’re about to address is not the result of new or different ECU logic from other EcoBoost Fords, but is simply more likely to be encountered on a Raptor than any of Ford’s other road-going performance models. The Raptor intake design is constrained in its ability to draw in cold air by off-road concerns like fording depth/water ingress and dirt/dust concerns. For that reason, IATs can get significantly warmer in low speed situations than other vehicles with stock or modified intakes.- When running our shop Raptor at the drag strip, we came away with some interesting data for our load limits. Instead of seeing an Airflow Limit Source of 5 (LSPI) like we had seen on the dyno, we saw a source of 2 (Wastegate/Turbo Clip). While in the staging lanes on a hot Texas night, IATs had reached over 150*F. Since the Airflow Limit (Turbo) table has axis of RPM and IAT, we were running the bottom row of airflow limits, which turned out to be marginally less than our LSPI load limits. With some effort, we were able to replicate the conditions on the dyno and discovered a healthy peak torque gain could be had by increasing these airflow limits at very high IATs. Peak horsepower and torque output at high RPM were negligibly different. With a quality intercooler, these high IAT airflow limits can be increased to broaden the temperature range of performance, so long as due attention is paid to turbo shaft speed.
F150 2.7 Tuning Guide Addendum:
Unlike the Gen2 3.5 and 3.5HO equipped F150s and Raptors, the Gen2 2.7 EcoBoost F150 does not use electronic wastegate actuators. Instead, conventional pressure referenced wastegate actuators are used. This means that the last few steps in the boost control strategy are slightly different compared to the 3.5’s, but will look familiar if you have experience with other COBB supported EcoBoost models that use ‘Canister Pressure’-style wastegate control.
For those unfamiliar with the canister pressure system and seeking an in-depth introduction, reference back to our other Ford tuning guides. For a quick overview, continue reading below.
Canister pressure refers to the amount of pressure delivered to the top of the wastegate actuator diaphragm. Compared to the 3.5-equipped F150s, you can consider the boost control system to be identical all the way up to the point where Turbo MFRACT Desired and Turbo Turbine Flow Estimated are calculated. On the 2.7, these values are used as axes for the Canister Pressure Desired table, which can be considered as your feed-forward WGDC table. The output of the Canister Pressure Desired table is used as a lookup axis for the WGDC Base table. On the 3.5, Turbo MFRACT Des. And Turbo Turbine Flow Est. are used as lookup axes for the Wastegate Position Base table, which is essentially a simplified version of the canister pressure system. COBB OTS maps for 2.7 do not modify the stock table data for WGDC Base, but do significantly modify the Canister Pressure Desired table for improved boost control.
Compared to other canister pressure controlled EcoBoost vehicles, the monitors for WGDC Actual and Turbo PID I-Term will appear significantly different.
- WGDC Actual reports a value that is inverted from what most are familiar with – 0% WGDC is a completely closed wastegate, and 100% is a completely open wastegate.
- Turbo PID I-Term reports a value that is significantly larger in magnitude than previous vehicles. In an EcoBoost Mustang for example, you could generally understand the I-term monitor value as being directly added to the output of the Canister Pressure Desired table, before being referenced by the WGDC Base table. Calibrated limits for the I-term were in the ballpark of +/- 5-7 PSI. In the 2.7, the calibrated limits for min./max. I-term are +/-500. The general operation of the I-term is the same – increasing or decreasing the Canister Pressure input axis to the WGDC Base table – but the values used and reported are significantly larger than before. Approach this monitor pragmatically when addressing boost control errors.
There are some table differences from other canister pressure applications.
- WGDC Base – the factory calibration seemingly does not reference the Y-axis, which is normally compressor outlet pressure. The Y-axis still exists, but has does not have any meaningfully calibrated values like what you might find in other canister pressure vehicles. In effect, this is a 2D table.
- WGDC Max (Closed WG) – this table can limit the maximum amount of WGDC requested, and should be increased from the stock calibration in order to achieve higher than stock load and pressure targets.
- WGDC Min. For Negative Dynamics – this table controls a limit for boost error control when WGDC is high (read: low WGDC values). Decreasing the values found in this table allow for the P, I, and D components of the boost error system to continue operating at elevated WGDC requests. Failing to lower the value found here will result in the P, I, and D components of the boost error system to zero-out. Be sure to watch out for error control component wind-up to avoid boost oscillations.
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