How To: Enable Porsche Dyno Mode

Applicable Part Number:

  • AP3-POR-007
  • AP3-POR-010
  • AP3-POR-011
  • AP3-POR-012

Steps to Use:

  1. With the vehicle on and the Accessport Connected, select "Troubleshooting" from the main menu.

  2. On this menu select "Toggle Dyno Mode"

  3. A long hold of the center select button will bring up this long description of what it does.


  4. A short press will begin the process to put the car into dyno mode.  Keep in mind this is not safe for street use, and is only used while on a dyno.

  5. During the process do not turn the car on or off or disconnect the accessport.  If it was successful you will see the following message.

    The cluster will show one of these two messages.


  6. If something caused the process to fail, double-check that this feature is supported on your vehicle and that your car was on.

Exiting Dyno Mode

  1. There are two options to disable dyno mode.  You can either key cycle the car on and off.  If that isn't possible you can do it by running through the same procedure you did to enable it on the Accessport.  You will only get the following message if you do it via the AP not key-cycling the vehicle.

Do not use this system on the street, it is only designed for use when the vehicle is on a dyno / rolling road.

When And Why To Adjust:

Most vehicles are sensitive to any differences in wheel speed, this means that even on many linked dynos the cars can have issues.  This feature enables those stability features to be temporarily disabled allowing you to safely dyno the car without issue.

Things To Look Out For:

This is for off-road dyno use only and unsafe to have active while driving the vehicle on the street.
