Subaru DIT V4.0 CCF (Gen2) Additions
The following is a list of the new monitors related to this system. See the Subaru Custom Monitor List for descriptions of each monitor.
Manifold Abs . Pressure Extended (Boost Control)BOOST CONTROL
Manifold Abs . Pressure Extended (Other)OTHER
- Manifold Abs . Pressure Extended (Raw)RAW
- Manifold Abs . Pressure Extended ( SD )
- Manifold Abs. Pressure Sensor Voltage
- Manifold Rel . Pressure Extended
IPW Limit Increase
In order to facilitate IPW beyond a stock hard coded limit pre-fuel pressure compensation, custom code has enabled a new limit more than 10x the stock one, making it unlikely to ever be exceeded. The old factory limit could be hit at higher loads, causing a lean condition where IPW goes static at about 7.x ms at WOT (post-fuel pressure compensation). We'll spare you further details, just know the hard coded IPW limit is no longer a concern.
- MAF Simple to OEM Airflow Ratio
- Mass Airflow ( Corrected Final)FINAL
- Mass Airflow ( Corrected Simple)SIMPLE
- Mass Airflow ( Corrected OEM )
- Mass Airflow (Table)TABLE
Manifold Pressure Smoothing
Manifold Pressure can be smoothed by separate factors for boost control and for the COBB SD airflow calculation via the following tables (see table descriptions for details):
- Manifold Pressure Smoothing Factor (Boost Control) → found in the "COBB Custom Features" - > "Boost Smoothing" group. This table is real-time tunable.
- Manifold Pressure Smoothing Factor (SD) → found in the "COBB Custom Features" - > "Boost Smoothing" group. This table is also real-time tunable.
Smoothing is a means of filtering out "noise" in a value by considering the change in the current value versus the previous value. It will tend to dampen larger short-term changes. The dampening effect is dependent on the smoothing factor used in the filtered calculation. Higher smoothing factor values result in less smoothing (more responsive to spikes in current sensor data), while lower values result in more smoothing (less responsive to spikes in current sensor data). A smoothing factor of 1.0000 will disable smoothing altogether.
Boost Gauge Wrap
This feature allows the factory boost display to to read up to the factory boost gauge's max of 24.0 psi and then "wrap" to show higher boost levels.
This feature allows using manifold temperature in place of pre-turbo intake temperature for all applicable tables and other functions in the ECU. This feature was originally introduced for the 18-19 WRX and now is available for the 15-17 WRX as well. It can be activated in the tune by setting the Intake Temp. Chosen Source (0 = Pre-Turbo Sensor (MAF), 1 = Manifold Sensor) table to 1 (found in the "COBB Custom Features" → "Intake Temp. Source Selection" folder). The Intake Temperature Pre - Turbo monitor will still allow you to log the actual pre-turbo temperature even when this feature is active.
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